10th May 2015 - Malham

'A’ party, led by Len and Yvonne, will follow a circular route from Malham taking in Janet’s Foss, Gordale Scar (scramble), Middle House Farm, Great Scar Hill?, Knowe Fell, Capon Hall, Gorbeck, Ing Scar and Malham Cove.

14+ miles with 2000ft. ascent.

‘B’ party, led by Brendan and Sharon, will follow a circular walk of 9 miles taking in Janet’s Foss, Gordale Scar, Weets Top, Calton, Airton, Hanlith and back to Malham. There is a steady climb of 700 feet up to Weets Top, rewarded with a beautiful downhill moorland descent over 3 miles.

‘C’ party, led by Thelma and Kirsteen, will follow a 6 mile undulating circular walk from Malham which is set in some of the most dramatic scenery of the Dales.