31st Aug 2014 - Malham

From Malham, the A walk of around 12 miles follows the Pennine Way S to Airton, then heads NE across Calton Moor to reach Mastiles Lane. This is followed W to near Water Sinks before turning S to return to Malham via the Cove.

A route map S A route gpx download

The B walk of around 9 miles walks via New Laithe and Janet's Foss to Goredale continuing E along Hawthorne Lane. For a short cut head N along Smearbottoms Lane to Middle Laithe, continuing to Mastiles Lane. Otherwise continue E to Park House, NE to Bordley Hall, N to Bordley and NW to Mastiles Lane. Follow the A route from Mastiles Lane back to Malham.

A route map N & B route map B route gpx download