14th Sept 2014 - Clapham

The A walk, led by Ken and Pauline, will be a circular from Clapham. The walk starts with the ascent of Ingleborough via Ingleborough Cave; Trow Gill; and Gaping Gill. From the summit, the path descends eastwards towards Sulber Nick, but on reaching Sulber Gate, turns south to continue across the edge of Moughton Scars. Tracks and lanes are then followed to Wharfe village finishing with the long Thwaite Lane into Clapham. Approx 12½ miles with 2500 feet of ascent.

The B walk, led by Pam and Gerry P. will be following a circular route from Clapham. Reccies have so far been inconclusive so precise details are not to hand but, given the reputations of the leaders, it will be a fine walk of approx 9/10 miles.

The C walk, led by Bill, will also have a circular walk from Clapham, taking in Ingleborough Cave, Trow Gill, and Gaping Gill. At Gaping Gill, Fell Beck disappears down a shaft descending from moor level to a floor of a large chamber 350 feet below, twice the drop of Niagara Falls. I’ll have some washing line with me so if anyone would like to..........! After this bit of excitement, the remaining party sets back to Clapham across Clapham Bottoms and down Long Lane. Approx 6 miles.