Nov 25th 2012 - White Coppice (by car)

We will meet up at White Coppice car park at 9.45 for a 10am start.

(You get to White Coppice off the M61 jctn 8 onto the A674 heading NE (towards Blackburn). Just after the dual carriage way going up the hill turn right to Heapey and follow the road right then left to White Coppice).

The route shown on this map is 11 miles with 1650' of ascent (GPX download) but this can be shortened by 2 miles and 500' of ascent by omitting the excursion to Slipper Lowe and Cartridge Hill by taking the lower path to Pimms which follows the River Riddlesworth.

The gpx route can be viewed on Google Maps online by uploading to GPS Visualizer or on a 1:50k OS map with