Aug 28th 2011 - Clapham

Both A and B routes start near Settle and finish at the car park at Clapham. The routes start from a layby on the A65 and head for Giggleswick Scar then Feizor, Wharfe, Crummack and Long Scar. The B route (in red on the map) then heads to Clapham via Long Lane (about 10 miles) while the A route heads to Ingleborough, to return via Gaping Gill and Long Lane to Clapham (about 15 miles with 3100' of ascent).

Map GPX download

Gaping Gill will be open for descents (weather permitting) but as you will be relatively late getting there (about 10.30 - 11am) it will be the afternoon before it's your turn. If it's later than 3pm it would be too late.