I have had no luck hiding the photoshop files that keep windows 11 from loading using the command prompt. Could you tell me where in explorer you found those files? I browsed the Adobe files and didn't spot them. Thank you so much.

You create and manipulate your documents and files using various elements, such as panels, bars, and windows. Any arrangement of these elements is called a workspace. (The workspaces of different Adobe creative applications share similar appearances so that you can move between the applications easily.) You can adapt Photoshop to the way you work by selecting from several preset workspaces or by creating one of your own.

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You now have the power to snap the app windows in the Photoshop desktop app. This feature adopts the new visual style for app windows that can be easily customized for dynamically snapping application windows to pre-configured display regions. This will help ease the management of multiple applications running side by side.

I will definitely admit that I am still learning the ways of Photoshop as I try not to manipulate photos more than just basic editing using camera RAW, with some lighting and color corrections. That being said, I was very surprised when I dragged one of my post edits of a photo (JPEG version) over to photoshop and the color was a lot different than it looked in both in the RAW version and the Windows Photos viewer. Any help with figuring out why this is? I'm worried going forward that if I ever shoot in JPEG and not RAW, my colors will not be correct in post edits, even though it might appear correct in photoshop. Thank you for the help in advance.

Photoshop still thinks the window is active - in the window menu, it shows as the curretn window, but in order to get it to show, I either have to move all other windows, or click to one other open window, then click back to the window I was using.

I've noticed when I toggle bewteen screens (Control+Tab), when I come back to my Photoshop desktop, all my tools & windows are gone and my work is on a blank background. I can get them back, but it's really annoying to have to do that every time. Any workarounds?

I'm glad it's not just me! Unfortunately, I still haven't found a solution to this. Tried reinstalling photoshop, upgrading OS, nothing seems to change. I'm sure it must be something specific to some settings I have, because surely it can't be a widespread issue, but I really can't figure out what it is...

I cant give you a solution but I can give cold comfort as I am having a similar problem for the last year, when I accidentally deleted Photoshop 2019 which had no issues at all and updated to the latest 24.4 Photoshop release. Unfortunatly I couldnt cant get the older version back, I had so I'm stuck with a lemon. Now as soon as I grab the top edge of the photoshop window and try to move it it suddnley goes to the background revealing all other application windows its so annoying. Photoshop is now so buggy its driving me nuts. I'm learning Affinity now because the latest Photoshop is turning into a nightmare with bugs and crashes. However there are things photoshop can do that Affinity cant so I end up having to go between both programs to avoid Photoshop crashes. I have lost count how many times hours of work has gone down the drain since I updated a year ago. Ive been using photoshop since it first appeared decades ago. I'm finding the recent updates are the worst. To their credit I was on the phone with them for a long time trying to fix the problem but in the end I had to get on with work so just put up with the bugs for now.

If you swap your platform you will get a media for free from adobe for future references. You can switch to Mac anytime you want but you won't be able to switch it back and you have to deactivate the product from windows first. Your product should not be OEM, second hand or volume license because adobe dosen't allow swap in these cases. Hope i helped you out a bit...

I've done this, and have 2 windows open, one zoomed in close and the other zoomed out.

When I'm working on the zoomed-in window and I press Z and drag my pen or mouse to make a small adjustment to the zoom level the other window also zooms in/out but seemingly at a proportionally larger rate. My zoomed out image, which I'd like to remain constant, fluctuates wildly. Is there a way to have scrubby zoom only affect one window?

I've noticed that zooming in our out with the mouse wheel only affects the selected window, not both.

I have a AdobeRGB pictures from my Sony A6300 in jpeg Format. When I visually compare (same monitor) this jpeg with the standard windows 10 photo viewer and photoshop the colors are slightly different (the standard windows 10 photo viewer is a bit more saturated). I opened that file with the embedded color profile (AdobeRGB 1998) and Colorproof ist OFF. I also tried to switch the photoshop color profiles but no profile looks the same than the windows 10 photo viewer.

I have a same problem. Open JPG with windows photos application or using a JPG picture as a desktop image has a different saturation. That is ok. But how can I process a picture in Photoshop or Lightroom to looks correct in windows photos or at the windows background? Do I have to set picture undersaturated at PS? Thank you for your advice. (I have tested the sRGB & adobe profiles also. But did not help)

The windows handling the pictures in a different way. That is ok. But how to prepare a picture to looks correct for example as a windows background? If I share the picture most of the user are using windows built in photos for it.

When I initially installed Photoshop Elements, it just sat there upon startup and nothing would show up. I could see Photoshop Elements and a licensing program run in the Task Manager, but no windows were showing up. Tried all the "standard" advice on other forum posts (compatibility mode / run as admin / etc etc etc), nothing.

my photoshop 5.0.2 was working perfectly on my computer when i had windows 8.1. then i install windows 10 and poof no longer working. i tried to reinstall it but all i get is the autorun screen from the disk and then when i click photoshop nothing happens. i am really annoyed at this...there has to be a patch or something to get this to work. PLEASE HELP!

The reason for the confusion on your version, is a lot of people incorrectly call photoshop cs5/cs5.1 either photoshop 5 or photoshop 5.5, not realizing there actually were a photoshop 5 and 5.5, so people on the forum just want to make sure of the

In the past, I've been able to keep windows for files with layers I want to access, open and in place, out of the way a bit... and that was great. But now, after updating CC the last few updates, the windows seem to have a mind of their own and constantly re-appear in the center of the screen, covering work I am working on which is a nuisance. I have to constantly drag windows I want open but kept out of the way and in a place off to the side a bit... I can no longer do this as every time I go back to the Photoshop work area from another app, like Lightroom, the window or windows I want out of the way have moved again, on their own, back into the center area of the screen. What settings am I getting wrong? or, is this the new inherent behavior I must live with now?

Thank You, I have not tried this yet, but you seem to know exactly what I'm wrestling with, and it is a selectable control as you have pointed out. I thought so as the windows used to stay separated and I could keep that one working 'layers image' in place at the bottom of the screen and out of the way... from what you are saying then, I should be able to return to that behavior for these image windows.

Oops, I unchecked Window>Application Frame but now I get a transparent background so everything visible shows through... that is not going to help as I need the uncluttered dark background to the screen to work with... is it possible to bring that back, I do remember having that with the behavior of the windows not 'uniting' together when I opened the new file... is that possible?

I have the same problem, and the solutions have nothing to do with solving it. I don't use docking or tabs, as I have a large monitor. Over time, my windows all drift to the bottom-left of the screen. This has happened for a few years, and it never happens when I am watching, so it might be related to viewing the desktop or when photoshop is in the background.

There are 2 things you can try.

Open the folder "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5", or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5" if you have a 64-bit installation of windows.

Inside there, you should see a program named photoshop.exe. Right click it, point to Send to, and click Send the desktop (create shortcut).

If it still doesn't work, or if you cannot find the above, uninstall then reinstall Photoshop and your problem should fix itself.

I know this is a bit old but I had the same problem and I managed to fix it much easier. I right clicked on the premiere pro (or photoshop or whatever, it happened with premiere with me), click properties, then icon change (or something like this, my computer isnt in english idk what its called in english but basically the butt with which you change the icon), chose a random icon, click use and then ok, then go back to properties and change icon and change it to the original icon, for me it was the first icon, and there were other similar adobe icons provided by adobe by default. Its important to click ok and close the window before otherwise it wont work.

In photoshop you can alter the dpi value and choose to resize the actual pixles, or just alter the dpi value without resizing the actual image. If you just alter the dpi value you will see that the width and heigh values in inches (mm or pt depending on your setup) are automatically adjusted accordingly. 0852c4b9a8

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