I assumed this was a WIndows 11 thing, and was just about to send off a negative missive to MS, but Edge has a much wider scroll bar, as does Chrome, so it must be a Firefox thing, or Fiefox thing under Windows 11. Is the width of the vertical Scroll Bar on a Firefox Window customisable, becuase I find it far too thin at the moment (not all firefox users are under 65), and a real pain to use, so much so that if it stays the same I'll have to reluctantly change to using Chrome or Edge, just for the usablility and ergonomics. Thanks.

I am using a specific firefox profile and had not updated my selenium rc jar. I thought that perhaps the latest build of firefox may have been the problem but I reverted back to firefox 2 and the windows still stay open.

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In Selenium RC you have the file "grid_configuration.yml" where you have the list of browsers and their respective identifier, for instance "*firefox".Depending of your environment when you execute "firefox" you'll be probably calling a wrapper, an alias or a symbolic link of the firefox executable file.When Selenium is launched, it creates some fork process for the browser and depending if you are calling the firefox executable file directly or a wrapper, the creation of these process is different and when it tries to kill the process in the tearDown() it actually kills the child process and keep the father alive, so the tearDown() doesn't close the browser.

I have noticed that the browser windows do not shut down until the Selenium server is stopped. So, in my case, if there are 100 selenium tests, I would have 200 Firefox windows open before they are eventually closed when the Selenium server exits.

This worked with the problem I kept having but it may be the case that I have to wrap all my TestMethods with try/finally's as well. This is far from ideal, but I no longer seem to have windows left open when I do this.

2) I found that selenium was calling my Set Up method in a base class twice. Counter- intuitively (at least for me) it seems selenium calls the set up method in a parent class automatically. If you try to call it in a set up of a child class (ie with something like base.setup() ) it will run twice, and open up Firefox windows it can't close. I removed the calls to base.setup() and all my extra window problems were resolved.

In the screenshot you can see the tabs in firefox are in the title bar, that means it is drawing the window decorations and does not care about the theme.

If you can find a switch to disable that you may get the standard decorations.

There may be a "Tabs in titlebar" checkbox or so at the bottom of "Customize Toolbar" in firefox. I cannot be sure since my firefox does not do that, I'd guess the devs did not enable that feature for i3 

You could also try to find a firefox theme that matches better, but I guess you might have to live with the buttons or try to build gtk3-classic from the AUR.

On specifically Ubuntu, even if you used apt to install, THEY LINKED THAT TO THEIR SNAP WITHOUT LETTING THE USER KNOW!

I do not know if they still are, but the point is, do not use firefox snap (not sure if flatpak has the same problems, cant find much about it).


I don't know why but suddenly im unable to enter my model driven application in firefox.

I am able to go to make.powerapps.com and press the play button for the model driven app.

When the window opens up i see the app layout for a split second and then it says this: "Some components of this app require you to sign in to continue.".

I tried to press the sign in button but nothing happens, I even logged out of my Microsoft account and back in but none of it worked...

@Mick282 oh wow, that's the first time I heard of the fact that firefox had windows Single sign on.

That indeed seems to have solved the issue, although it feels counterintuitive since well if you have to switch accounts you are obligated to add it as a windows account just to use it in the browser.

I don't think that this should have been a thing a browser should be standalone and not intertwined with a device account. I mean if you gonna use firefox on mac or linux and use powerapps its probably still going to fail then.

Unless they intend for it to work like apple you want to something from apple use apple, you want to use something from Microsoft use Windows otherwise you're screwed or that's how it feels (and I don't like that feeling).

Nonetheless issue solved Thx man!

C) browser.link.open_newwindow.restriction - for links in other programs

i tried all the following

2 = apply the setting under (A) to normal windows, but NOT to script windows with features (default)

0 = apply the setting under (A) to ALL new windows (even script windows with features) 0852c4b9a8

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