What an INCREDIBLY INEFFICENT way to organize ePubs. Itunes would automatically organize my whole library of hundreds of books, and they would all just show up so I could check mark the books I wanted on my iPad. It appears that now I have to copy each individual ePub to my iCloud drive, and then import each individual file from the files app on my iPad Air to Books. I have hundreds of books. I guess I can choose just a few, but MANY are reference books that I need to have on hand. Am I missing something? Is there an easier way to do this? I use Calibre to organize my ePubs, but I can't get it to talk to my iPad. It means that each book is in it's own folder. So I'm going to have to open every folder and dig out the ePub. Remember when we bought Apple computers even though they're much more expensive, because they made life easier. What the **** happened? Help?

If you want to synchronise from your computer to your iPad you will now use Finder, which has inherited this task from iTunes. As you note, iTunes been retired (except on Windows computers). See Sync books between your Mac and iPhone or iPad.

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Thanks. I had no idea that Finder is the new iTunes! However, my iPad does not seem to find the ePub files on my Mac which I have in Documents/eBooks. How do I navigate to that folder to select the books I want to sync?

My Kobo Aura HD H2O is "in the mail" so I'm trying to prepare for it by adding existing non-DRM ePub books that I already own. Ideally I'd like to be able to add books to the Kobo Desktop App and have the device sync via WiFi when it arrives.

(And please please don't say that only books purchased via the Kobo store can be added and that I have to copy them onto the device directly and not have any sync capability... The reason I'm switching to Kobo from Kindle is to rid myself of the hassle of having islands of content!)

Please note that if you simply need to transfer .epub files to the reader, you can simply connect it to your computer with an USB cable, it will be treated like an external USB storage drive; you can simply copy your books on the reader (maybe on a new sub-directory to keep things clean and neat) and when you disconnect it, it will update the database and recognize your new books. There isn't anything easier than this ;-)

You can't expect answers if you refuse to accept answers that state the truth. afaik, you can't make a Kobo sync state with sideloaded books (and I've delved a long way into the software and database structure). Kobo is only slightly better than Amazon about "islands of content".

Then I believe there may be two ways of retrieving it. Like first participant said above.. if you find the file on you pc where it downloaded you click it and a pop up should ask how to open. I click on ADE. It pulled it right into ADE. Then, there is a way to open ADE and click on File and then click on ADD to LIBRARY and then you'll have to navigae to your pc DOWNLOAD files and select the book. That should work too. (BTW . I am using Win 10. Not sure if you are though). I hope this was helpful and you can get back to reading books.

Hi, using "Choose image" for cover export epub 3.0.

Also using a single page indesign file not facing pages.

When I view my exported epub in Apple Books the first left hand page is always blank.

Is there a way to start the content on the left?

I noticed some epubs do start with content on the left on first spread, so wondering if there is a setting somewhere I am missing.


The short answer here, which I will condense from some speculation in my first draft after doing some experimentation, is that the "blank page" appears to be a reader function, a gap inserted when the reader paginates the file to put the start of content on the first (virtual) righ-hand page of the display. This might be partly for esthetics, to give an expected sequence similar to a print book, but I suspect the more important reason is to start pagination on a recto page, as is universal in all books larger than a pamphlet.

Hi James, thanks for the in depth response! I am new to epubs so thought it may have been a setting somewhere. Will let it go I think. I noticed that some epub books actually put the cover on the first page. So maybe that is the way to go for me. And go for the rasterize first page.

Some validators and some vendors don't accept books without a defined cover graphic, and rasterising a page is not usually the way to get a quality result (either technically or esthetically). (As nearly as I can tell, for example, Kindle strips out any embedded cover and rebuilds the KDP file with the provided cover graphic.)

It's not a stupid question, but it probably needs more context than you've given. I've developed dozens of EPUB3 books that utilised GSAP animations and they worked very well, but I don't know anything about your project or what links you're asking about to really answer this yet.

Two ePub books that I've bought won't open in Books.app in macOS Mojave 10.14. The books have social DRM (personal information added to the content of the book), and I don't think this should be a problem for Books.app. If I rename the epub extension to zip, then I can unzip the file using the unzip command. Using the Finder doesn't work somehow. Other books open normally.

It's hard to know whether the "social DRM" or some other aspect of the epubs you mention is causing the problem with Books app. The best course is to let the publisher know so they can investigate if they wish and in the meantime use Calibre or another epub reader to read the books.

Pragmatic Programmers ( ) publish a variety of good to excellent programming books, all of which are available in ePub format from their website. You can purchase text, digital, or a mix (where digital is available in both epub and pdf format).

I would like for my web browser to be able to open and browse e-books natively. E-Books are a great source of knowledge, and their markup is HTML. Over time, browsers have progressed into presenting images, styles, sound, and even PDF and video. To me it seems like a given that e-books should and could also be handled natively - especially since their markup is familiar and file size is low.

Fun thing is, any page in this book works with Safari reader mode, but not with Orion reader mode. I also think that their implementation could serve as an inspiration for reader mode, since they dynamically format the books to columns, based on the browser window height.

carl Thanks for clarification. Can you do further research and land on the best js implementation of an epub reader that we should consider to ship with Orion? We will not have resources to further modify it, so it will need to work well out of the box.

One issue with epub.js is that it doesn't give the user any option to download the book. I think that unless or until search engines start indexing e-books, most people will want to download the files and not read them in the browser. Sure, you can always right-click to download the source file, but maybe a more apparent option could be added? Kind of like how Safari handles PDF files?

carl We can't add changing/maintaining an external js library to our workload. We can implement a js library for .epub and the community should recommend which one. I recommend asking the author to add this feature.

I've browsed through the Github repository, documentation and a lot of other places without finding anything about downloading the open book. It seems to me that this must be such a basic feature, can anybody with better programming knowledge find out if this is a feature of epub.js?

One solution if it's too much to mess with the scripts would be to have "Open e-books in browser" as a preference in Orion, thereby letting the user select desired behaviour. If it's enabled that would mean a user would have to right-click and "Save source as..." if they don't want to view the book.

Hi Vlad! What do you think about implementing epub.js as it is, to enable the opening of ebooks. Then if the community doesn't like it, you can reverse? For Desktop only, since iOS has a good built-in Books app already.

Using the native Apple books app in MacOS is problematic, because it comes with a heavy overhead, wanting to index your drive and sync everything to iCloud, when you maybe just wanted to quickly open a file. Much like Chrome for many people on Linux and Windows became the standard app for opening PDFs both online and offline, Orion could serve this function on MacOS for ebooks.

The following are links to Sutta texts available for e-book platforms such as the Kindle, Nook, and Sony Reader. Not all texts are available on all platforms. If you know of Sutta e-books (.mobi or .epub) that are not listed, please share them...

If they're non-DRM epub books, you could use a third party reader. Otherwise, it may depend on what version of Android you're running. Generally you're stuck with whatever options Google offers. With DRM (paid/protected) books you pretty much have to play by their rules as that's what stops people from say sharing books with those who haven't paid for them.

What if there was a app or plugin to import epub book into markdown books in especial obsidian format (because there is a problem with that too). From as far as i can see, books are perfect format for markdown and html already have too much needless complication for a book. It could convert people to use markdown more, which is good for obsidian and markdown users. what do you think about it guys? I think adding books to our vaults is much better than just usual highlight importing since we can block reference and even append stuff like tags inside the text.

I have bought the new iPad Mini 5 recently and I'm trying to transfer all my books from old iPad to the new one. Using iCloud Reading Now allows me to sync all devices with my books, notes and highlights, even those are not purchased from the Book Store. However there is one problem, all the book covers are missing. 0852c4b9a8

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