The series is set in the fictional town of Mystic Falls, Virginia, a town charged with supernatural history. It follows the life of Elena Gilbert, a teenage girl who has just lost both parents in a car crash, as she falls in love with a 161-year-old vampire named Stefan Salvatore, who she thinks is just a normal human. Their relationship becomes increasingly intricate as Stefan's mysterious older brother Damon Salvatore returns to Mystic Falls with a plan to bring back their past love, Katherine Pierce, who is Elena's doppelgnger. Although Damon initially holds a grudge against his brother for forcing him to become a vampire, he later reconciles with Stefan and falls in love with Elena, creating a love triangle among the three. Both brothers attempt to protect Elena as they face various villains and threats to their town, including Katherine. The Salvatore brothers' pasts and the town's history along with its secrets are revealed through flashbacks as the series goes on.

Additional storylines revolve around the other inhabitants of the town, most notably Elena's younger brother Jeremy Gilbert and aunt Jenna Sommers, her best friends Bonnie Bennett and Caroline Forbes, their mutual friends Matt Donovan and Tyler Lockwood, Matt's older sister Vicki Donovan, and their history teacher, vampire hunter Alaric Saltzman. The town's politics are orchestrated by the Founders' council, comprising descendants of the founding families: the Fells, the Forbes', the Lockwoods, the Gilberts, and the Salvatores. They guard the town mainly from vampires and other supernatural threats such as werewolves, witches, hybrids (werewolf/vampire), and ghosts.

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The Originals is about the Mikaelson siblings, who are the original family of vampires, and their take-over of the French Quarter of New Orleans. The show also involves Hayley and Klaus's daughter, Hope.

The bulk of the story centers around Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev), a recently orphaned teenager who falls in love with 161-year-old vampire Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley) in their hometown of Mystic Falls, Va. A town that has a very supernatural past that bled into the present, which is unknown to Elena.

When characters in the show who are vampires suffer a loss, or some other type of extreme misfortune, they often consider flipping their switch. If they do switch it off, they generally become evil, care less about others, and tend to wreak havoc wherever they are. When the switch is flipped back on, they can experience human emotions again. The humanity switch is not a real thing in our world, but it is a strong metaphor for how we react in times of grief or sadness. Do we feel the feelings, or do we shut them out? And when we do either of these things, how do we treat other people? The show makes a strong case that heroes and villains and good and evil are just concepts, and there is a switch to access both within all of us. 0852c4b9a8

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