So I installed Cubase 12 and for the same project and as soon as I opened VS Cubase disappeared again. The last time I used VS I was using Windows 10 and it worked. So maybe this is an unrelated problem. Will try it on my Windows 10 laptop.

I have found out there are ways to close the lid of a laptop and still make it operate. So if i do that or put the laptop out of sight and control a soft synth with my push or keyboard controller it might (sort of) feel like i am playing a hardware synth.

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the only problem with the later is i would have to use a midi cable to connect the laptop interface with the Rytm to make them sync? but with overbridge i wouldnt have that problem but then i might fall into the trap of looking at the computer screen more that way.

Daniel Silliman presents new work for laptop and modular synthesizer, exploring the chaotic possibilities of combining feedback in analog electronics with the precision and peculiarity of bespoke digital signal processing tools.

Anyhow, using either the piggyback board, or using the iPad is sufficient to get Benton Harbor Basic online. This was a necessary prerequisite, as I intended to demo my speech synthesizer using my typical small BASIC program.

Apart from providing its messages and interface in several languages, NVDA can also enable the user to read content in any language, as long as they have a speech synthesizer that can speak that language.

Most NVDA functions can be enabled or changed via the NVDA settings.Settings, and other options, are available via NVDA's menu.To open NVDA's menu, press NVDA+n.To open NVDA's general settings dialog directly, press NVDA+control+g.Many settings screens have keystrokes to open them directly, such as NVDA+control+s for synthesizer, or NVDA+control+v for other voice options.

NVDA currently comes with two sets of key commands (known as keyboard layouts): the desktop layout and the laptop layout.By default, NVDA is set to use the Desktop layout, though you can switch to the Laptop layout in the Keyboard category of the NVDA Settings dialog, found under Preferences in the NVDA menu.

The Desktop layout makes heavy use of the numpad (with Num Lock off).Although most laptops do not have a physical numpad, some laptops can emulate one by holding down the FN key and pressing letters and numbers on the right-hand side of the keyboard (7, 8, 9, u, i, o, j, k, l, etc.).If your laptop cannot do this or does not allow you to turn Num Lock off, you may want to switch to the Laptop layout instead.

The Speech category in the NVDA Settings dialog contains options that lets you change the speech synthesizer as well as voice characteristics for the chosen synthesizer.For a quicker alternative way of controlling speech parameters from anywhere, please see the Synth Settings Ring section.

The first option in the Speech Settings category is the Change... button. This button activates the Select Synthesizer dialog, which allows you to select the active speech synthesizer and output device.This dialog opens on top of the NVDA Settings dialog.Saving or dismissing the settings in the Select Synthesizer dialog will return you to the NVDA Settings dialog.

The Voice option is a combo box listing all the voices of the current synthesizer that you have installed.You can use the arrow keys to listen to all the various choices.Left and Up arrow take you up in the list, while right and down arrow move you down in the list.

If you are using the Espeak NG synthesizer which is packaged with NVDA, this is a combo box that allows you to select the Variant the synthesizer should speak with.ESpeak NG's Variants are rather like voices, as they provide slightly different attributes to the eSpeak NG voice.Some variants will sound like a male, some like a female, and some even like a frog.If using a third-party synthesizer, you may also be able to change this value if your chosen voice supports it.

This checkbox allows you to toggle whether or not dialect changes should be made, rather than just actual language changes.For example, if reading in an English U.S. voice but a document specifies that some text is in English U.K., then the synthesizer will switch accents if this option is enabled.This option is disabled by default.

This allows you to choose the amount of punctuation and other symbols that should be spoken as words.For example, when set to all, all symbols will be spoken as words.This option applies to all synthesizers, not just the currently active synthesizer.

On by default, this option tells NVDA if the current voice's language can be trusted when processing symbols and characters.If you find that NVDA is reading punctuation in the wrong language for a particular synthesizer or voice, you may wish to turn this off to force NVDA to use its global language setting instead.

When this checkbox is checked, NVDA will include additional symbol pronunciation dictionaries when pronouncing characters and symbols.These dictionaries contain descriptions for symbols (particularly emoji) that are provided by the Unicode Consortium as part of their Common Locale Data Repository.If you want NVDA to speak descriptions of emoji characters based on this data, you should enable this option.However, if you are using a speech synthesizer that supports speaking emoji descriptions natively, you may wish to turn this off.

This edit field allows you to type the amount that the pitch of the voice will change when speaking a capital letter.This value is a percentage, where a negative value lowers the pitch and a positive value raises it.For no pitch change you would use 0.Usually, NVDA raises the pitch slightly for any capital letter, but some synthesizers may not support this well.In case pitch change for capitals is not supported, consider Say "cap" before capitals and/or Beep for capitals instead.

Some words consist of only one character, but the pronunciation is different depending on whether the character is being spoken as an individual character (such as when spelling) or a word.For example, in English, "a" is both a letter and a word and is pronounced differently in each case.This option allows the synthesizer to differentiate between these two cases if the synthesizer supports this.Most synthesizers do support it.

This option should generally be enabled.However, some Microsoft Speech API synthesizers do not implement this correctly and behave strangely when it is enabled.If you are having problems with the pronunciation of individual characters, try disabling this option.

The Synthesizer dialog, which can be opened by activating the Change... button in the speech category of the NVDA settings dialog, allows you to select which Synthesizer NVDA should use to speak with.Once you have selected your synthesizer of choice, you can press Ok and NVDA will load the selected Synthesizer.If there is an error loading the synthesizer, NVDA will notify you with a message, and continue using the previous synthesizer.

To add an input gesture to a command, select the command and press the Add button.Then, perform the input gesture you wish to associate; e.g. press a key on the keyboard or a button on a braille display.Often, a gesture can be interpreted in more than one way.For example, if you pressed a key on the keyboard, you may wish it to be specific to the current keyboard layout (e.g. desktop or laptop) or you may wish it to apply for all layouts.In this case, a menu will appear allowing you to select the desired option.

NVDA's Add-on Store allows you to browse and manage add-on packages.All add-ons that are available in the Add-on Store can be downloaded for free.However, some of them may require users to pay for a license or additional software before they can be used.Commercial speech synthesizers are an example of this type of add-on.If you install an add-on with paid components and change your mind about using it, the add-on can be easily removed.

This section contains information about the speech synthesizers supported by NVDA.For an even more extensive list of free and commercial synthesizers that you can purchase and download for use with NVDA, please see the extra voices page.

The eSpeak NG synthesizer is built directly into NVDA and does not require any other special drivers or components to be installed.On Windows 8.1 NVDA uses eSpeak NG by default (Windows OneCore is used in Windows 10 and later by default).As this synthesizer is built into NVDA, this is a great choice for when running NVDA off a USB thumb drive on other systems.

SAPI 4 is an older Microsoft standard for software speech synthesizers.NVDA still supports this for users who already have SAPI 4 synthesizers installed.However, Microsoft no longer support this and needed components are no longer available from Microsoft.

When using this synthesizer with NVDA, the available voices (accessed from the Speech category of the NVDA Settings dialog or by the Synth Settings Ring) will contain all the voices from all the installed SAPI 4 engines found on your system.

SAPI 5 is a Microsoft standard for software speech synthesizers.Many speech synthesizers that comply with this standard may be purchased or downloaded for free from various companies and websites, though your system will probably already come with at least one SAPI 5 voice preinstalled.When using this synthesizer with NVDA, the available voices (accessed from the Speech category of the NVDA Settings dialog or by the Synth Settings Ring) will contain all the voices from all the installed SAPI 5 engines found on your system. 0852c4b9a8

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