A new file format, .themepack, was introduced with Windows 7 to help users share themes. Themes can be selected in the Personalization Control Panel only in Windows 7 Home Premium or higher, or only on Windows Server 2008 R2 when the Desktop component is installed.

This section is optional. If you do not include this section in your .theme file, the system uses default settings. If your theme uses the Aero visual style, you should avoid overriding the default values in this section.

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The color of elements, such as scroll bars, text, and buttons, are customizable. The .theme file specifies the RGB values to change for these elements. The values override the default values of the visual style and are used when your theme is based on Windows Classic, Windows 7 Basic, or High Contrast themes.

You can supply specific information concerning the size and color of desktop elements in .msstyles files. The color and size sections of .theme files can be replaced by .msstyles files which enable you to modify desktop elements in more detail. These files are specified in the visual styles section of a .theme file. Following is an example of a visual styles section.

Adding a Path element to a .msstyles file is optional. If you supply a path, you should remove the metrics and color sections from the .theme file. When these sections are removed, the colors, fonts, and sizes for a theme come from the .msstyles file and match the .msstyles author's intent. Failing to remove the metric and color sections can cause Windows or applications to have drawing problems.

When Windows is initialized, the operating system enumerates the first-level subdirectories of %WinDir%\Resources\ to identify available themes. The system default theme files are located in %WinDir%\Resources\Themes. The user theme files are stored in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Themes (or %SystemDrive%\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Themes).

Now I understand that there are specific VCL themes you can select from the project options for an application and some of those are Windows 10 related however in the application I'm building I was wanting to provide a choice to the user of either an unthemed VCL application which uses the Windows 10 OS theme or one of the VCL themes but my current experiments suggest that an unthemed VCL application does not use the OS theme.

Go to the project options dialog, Application -> Manifest node. Do you have the "enable run-time themes" checkbox checked? (Caption may be different, i'm extrapolating from a german IDE here). If you use a custom manifest for the application it needs to contain the equivalent entry for that.

The fact that it overrides colors in web browsers is an ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE. Websites are designed with specific color themes to give their own contrast to different elements on the page (borders, links, buttons, interactive elements, mouseover highlights, text boxes, etc).

I am using the Telerik Windows 8 theme in my WPF application. However, I do not like the way the checkbox checked state is indicated using a colored square rather than an actual check mark as in the Windows 7 theme. It was very simple to copy the checkbox template and modify it to use the checkbox check mark from the Windows 7 theme checkbox template. However, I am having trouble finding a way to add this modified template to my Application.Resources in such a way as to apply it to all checkboxes in my application. For some reason, the template in the Telerik Windows 8 theme continues to override my new checkbox style and I am not sure why.

The color in the gtk.css was OK and I also tried other colors and there was no problem in windows coloring.

The problem is at the top right corner of my screen where there is a sticky note (from Indicator Stickynotes) which normally should be yellow but after applying the gtk.css, it turned into black.

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I run the R9X-GTK 2 theme with XFCE because it has nice fat grab handles on three corners. I have just installed Manjaro on a laptop and all applications except Firefox have the R9X theme/style applied. I use Firefox a lot, and I would like to have usable grab handles on its window. (Telling me to just use keyboard is not a helpful response to this post. )

On every other machine (physical or virtual) that I follow this procedure on, I get the theme applied to all windows. On this laptop, Firefox is completely unadorned, but every other application I run has them.

@laddupeda A bit off-topic, but I found this awesome tool called Koi that allows you to automatically switch your custom Plasma themes/colors/icons and wallpaper depending on the time of day. You can get it from AUR.

I'm trying out the 1.0 beta and unofruntately the new UI leaves a bit to be desired on my 1366768 screen. Namely, the Adwaita theme has quite large toolbar buttons (even when I select the "smaller" option in the preferences), while the more compact win32 theme has some visual bugs here and there. I was hoping I could install custom GTK themes but the release notes (here) are a bit vague and I could find very little information online regarding custom themes in Inkscape, let alone for Windows.

The "win32" theme is a "native" theme, that ships with gtk3. I'm not even sure whether it could be removed if we wanted to. Some of the visual issues should be fixed upstream (personally I neither have time nor motivation to look into theming myself, though). Unfortunately most of the issues are the result of Inkscape developers not considering theming when creating Inkscape-specific styles in Inkscape's "style.css".

There were no "share/themes" folders on my computer, but there was a "share" folder in the Inkscape 1.0 install directory, so I created a new folder there called "themes". My final folder structure looks like this:

(It's called 'User themes' in Edit > Preferences > System - can you move your theme to that folder, for testing, please @andrej88 ? It might not exist yet. It would be good if themes could be kept in a folder outside the installation directory, because else they may be lost on uninstallation or update).

@jabiertxof It works there too. Same folder structure (themes/theme name/gtk-3.0). The folder is "AppData\Local\themes", nothing Inkscape or gtk related, no wonder I had missed it. I presume this is the preferred place to install themes?

PS - I think part of the problem is that I cycled through some of the custom css themes which overwrote obsidian.css. Now, to get back to default seems impossible. Do I have to reinstall the full app?

Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum but not much to Arch.

I installed Arch + Cinnamon desktop on a laptop. Everything works but I have two problems:

- On Cinnamon settings, when I go to "theme", I get Adwaita for everything but window theme. It's pretty strange that it was the default window theme when I installed Cinnamon (but still didn't appear in that setting), but after changing the decorations theme to Arc I can't figure out how to get Adwaita back. If I change the widgets theme to Adwaita, applications with client-side window decorations have the adwaita theme, but others have Arc. gnome-themes-standard is installed:

Do you have any Qt-related environment variables? Run "env | grep QT". If Qt doesn't find required style it loads "windows" for some reason.

gtk2 style doesn't exist because it was removed in Qt 5.7 (you can install it with separate package, but it requires some additional steps. And you will not have gtk file dialogs in qt apps).

Also, where did "cinnamon" platform theme come from? Which package does its plugin in /usr/lib/qt/plugins/platformthemes/ belong to?

For my main issue, I want the transparent square background, the problem is that on 2.0 when I put a custom tile like I have there for my games it rounds the edges in 2.0 where as previously it left them square. Another screenshot where I have highlighted the issue: So now when using the windows 10 style you can't get straight edge custom tiles because it automatically rounds them.

I actually would like to use the Windows 11 style but the reason why I haven't is because when you have custom icons set the outline goes to the Windows 10 square style. Since I use a mix of app and custom icons I didn't like the inconsistency so I just stuck with the Windows 10 style which I was fine with. Here's what I mean about the inconsistency:

Terminal uses "Homebrew" only for the first window. Then I do cmd-W to close the window and cmd-N to get a new window. The new window appears with the "Basic" theme! But if I do cmd-Q and restart Terminal then it gives me a "Homebrew" window again. Why don't terminal themes work properly?

This is a major release with lots of code cleanup. There are now 24 theme variations (2 styles - Fluent and Metro, 2 modes - light and dark, and 6 colors). A few more card-mods are added to change ...

This is a major release with lots of code cleanup. There are now 24 theme variations (2 styles - Fluent and Metro, 2 modes - light and dark, and 6 colors). A few more card-mods are added to change some cards (glance cards and entity rows) to resemble more like their Windows counterparts.

To clearify, this changes the themes of ALL gtk applications right?

So If I want to ONLY apply it on f ex abiword the sollution would be to run it as Exec=env GTK_THEME=Default abiword (if I want to use the default gtk theme)?

Color themes enable you to modify the colors in the Visual Studio Code user interface to match your preferences and work environment. A Color Theme affects both the VS Code user interface elements and the editor highlighting colors.

To see what semantic tokens are computed and how they are styled, you can use the scope inspector (Developer: Inspect Editor Tokens and Scopes), which displays information for the text at the current cursor position.

VS Code ships with two file icon themes: Minimal and Seti. To install more File Icon Themes, select the Install Additional File Icon Themes item in the File Icon Theme picker, which opens the Extensions view, filtered by icon themes. 0852c4b9a8

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