Whether on the cloud or on-premises, developing Java applications with Oracle Autonomous Databases is fast and simple. Java developers can take advantage of the latest features, such as Oracle Autonomous Database, performance self-tuning, high availability, in-memory processing, and pluggable databases to design and develop a high performant, scalable, and reliable applications. Oracle Database 19c and 18c JDBC drivers introduce a new property file (ojdbc.properties) along with few other features that simplifies the connection to Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) and Autonomous Data Warehousing (ADW).

Guidelines  For connections to Oracle Autonomous Database, refer to Java Connectivity to ADB-S for more details.   The best practice is use the latest version of the Oracle JDBC driver that supports the JDK and Database version that you use and is compatible with your support requirements. Refer to the section 'Release Specific Questions' under JDBC FAQ for more details.  19c is a Long Term Release with a premier support until April 2024 and extended support until April 2027. This is the recommended version. 21c is an Innovation Release with a premier support until April 2024. Refer to page#6 of Lifetime Support Policy for more details. To check the version of the Oracle JDBC driver, use  java -jar ojdbcX.jar  (eg., java -jar ojdbc8.jar or java -jar ojdbc11.jar).  You can also get the older release and quarterly updates of Oracle JDBC drivers from Oracle JDBC Drivers Archive or from My Oracle Support MOS note 2849223.1 (for 18c and 12c) 

Free Download Oracle Jdbc Thin Driver

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Viewed 10K+ times! This question is You Asked Hi Tom,

As always, thanks for your help. I have a regarding which JDBC client side driver to use: Thin or OCI.

Our web application uses Servlets and JSPs (we do not use applets), which are housed in a Tomcat engine. We presently use the thin driver to connect to an Oracle8i (8.1.6) database.

Do you think there would be any benefit of moving to the JDBC OCI drivers. 

Also, what would require to change if I do that - For eg. will I have to include an Oracle client and relevant drivers on Tomcat. What other impact can it have wrt to deployment, performance, maintenance etc. 

Thanks in advance,



and Tom said...When deploying to a client machine -- I prefer to use the THIN drivers.

When deploying on a server machine, I prefer to use the OCI drivers.

The reason is mostly performance. The OCI drivers, in my experience, tend to be faster, especially with some operations like LOBS and such.

It will require the installation of the Oracle8 client on the machine with the tomcat engine. It should not increase maintenance issues at all (instead of upgrading the thin jdbc drivers you would upgrade the Oracle8 client software which has the jdbc drivers in it). 

What I would do first however is have both available so I can switch BACK to the thin drivers at the drop of a hat. They are different pieces of code and you may find some behaviour between the two to be different. 


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Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment Comments Comment tomcat / Oracle OCI DriverA reader, September 30, 2002 - 9:50 pm UTC

In this blog, we will provide clear steps to establish an SSL connection over TLSv1.2 using the JDBC thin driver with either JKS files or a wallet.

Note: One of the Oracle Cloud offerings, Exadata Express Cloud Service (EECS) mandates TLSv1.2.

If you are using ojdbc8.jar from version then, you are all set. But, if you are using JDBC driver then you need to either download the patched driver or apply the patch for the bug 19030178 that allows TLSv1.2. Note that the patch allows TLSv1.2 but doesn't enable it by default. So, you must set the property oracle.net.ssl_version=1.2. This property can be set either as a system property (using -D) or through the datasource properties.

Step 2: Add the required dependant jars for using Oracle Wallets 

Along with JDBC thin driver (e.g., ojdbc8.jar from, also download oraclepki.jar, osdt_cert.jar, and osdt_core.jar files (these are available under $ORACLE_HOME/lib) or you can also download these from JDBC Download page on OTN and place them in the CLASSPATH.

To establish an SSL connection the Oracle database sends its certificate, which is stored in a wallet. Therefore, on the server the configuration requires a wallet and on the client, the JDBC thin driver can use different formats to store the client’s certificate and key: JKS, Wallet or PKCS12.

In this blog, we will provide clear steps to establish an SSL connection over TLSv1.2 using the JDBC thin driver with either JKS files or a wallet.

\nNote: One of the Oracle Cloud offerings, Exadata Express Cloud Service (EECS) mandates TLSv1.2.

If you are using ojdbc8.jar from version then, you are all set. But, if you are using JDBC driver then you need to either download the patched driver or apply the patch for the bug 19030178 that allows TLSv1.2. Note that the patch allows TLSv1.2 but doesn't enable it by default. So, you must set the property oracle.net.ssl_version=1.2. This property can be set either as a system property (using -D) or through the datasource properties.

Step 2: Add the required dependant jars for using Oracle Wallets 

\nAlong with JDBC thin driver (e.g., ojdbc8.jar from, also download oraclepki.jar, osdt_cert.jar, and osdt_core.jar files (these are available under $ORACLE_HOME/lib) or you can also download these from JDBC Download page on OTN and place them in the CLASSPATH.

Given the amount of messages about the bugginess of Oracle's JDBC

thin driver, I'm pretty reticent to use it (I'll test it and report

back here...)

But in the meantime can anyone recommend a more stable driver for

Oracle (preferably one that doesn't cost thousands...)


Rubz This message sent via Surf Usenet!

I agree about your comments on Oracle's JDBC type 4 (thin) driver. We have

30 people who use it heavily every day in a very complex environment and we

never get problems. **It is not buggy**. We found one fairly archane bug

related to isolation level (although very important to us). There are two

issues with it as far as I am concerned.1. It is not supported! And when Oracle means not supported it means

**not** supported. I have had a reasonably heavy hitter in Oracle trying to

pursue the above bug. He is essentially being ignored.2. There are questions about it being thread safe. My most recent

information indicates it is (for most purposes) thread safe. Any further

information on thread safety of the type 4 driver would be appreciated.Phil Bradley

I have created a new test step for jdbc request. I am using oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver for Driver. And the connection string as jdbc:oracle:thin:username/passwd@localhost:1521:sid. All the values I am using in the connection string are being used in the sqldeveloper connections and work just as fine. I had ojdbc7.jar earlier and I was facing the error

your connection string the host you have is 'localhost' - so you must have Oracle installed on your machine. You say that SQL Developer is using the same parm values - but is it using the tnsnames.ora file for the connection or is it using the oracle jdbc thin driver? I'd double check - cos the connection string should be pretty similar in both ReadyAPI! as SQL Developer.

You may have to create a new instance of the jdbc thin driver connection string in your Preferences, rather than use the default oracle driver 'OracleThin/oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver'. I've noticed occasionally that ReadyAPI! works when the connection string is slightly different to the one specified and I've had to create a new one (despite the fact there was already one setup by default)

At the moment I have a different error with the application server configured with SSL on the JDBC driver but not configured for SSL at all on the application server. There I'm getting a connection refused. I am anticipating this is likely a firewall or oracle server configuration issue. I have no control on that side of things so am waiting for that to get straightened out.

Without partition awareness, the JDBC driver connects to a single node, and all queries are executed through that node.If the data is hosted on a different node, the query has to be rerouted within the cluster, which adds an additional network hop.Partition awareness eliminates that hop by sending the query to the right node.

The reference logstash document for jdbc input plugin does not says anything about using certs/TLS or I may be missing something.

Is there is any reference document to configure logstash for oracle TLS connection, or if anyone can help us on the parameters which we would have to update for TLS connections.

Go to environment variable then click on new tab. In variable name write classpath and in variable value paste the path to ojdbc14.jar by appending ojdbc14.jar;.; as C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\jdbc\lib\ojdbc14.jar;.;

Does anyone know the correct syntax/ settings to create an Oracle datasource in ColdFusion 2021? I just did an upgrade and when it imported Oracle datasources, it claims the "Use of Adobe JDBC Drivers is restricted." and we were using macromedia.jdbc.MacromediaDriver. We also have the Oracle thin client installed but I'm not sure of syntax for the JDBC URL and placement of jar files. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks! 0852c4b9a8

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