I love the DSL of jbuilder, but Skylight is telling me that one of my .jbuilder files has a response time of 2.6s with 1,145,441 allocations. It's by far the most rate-limiting step of my most popular API endpoint.

What exactly is jbuilder doing that causes it to be this slow and resource intensive in comparison to other json serialization libraries (e.g. fast-jsonapi etc)? I've gone through my own code looking for slow points (e.g. n+1 queries, etc) and have found none, so it seems to be a purely jbuilder issue.

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jbuilder is pretty simple technique for API views here you can add partials so if you want the same response for all the API create a decorator or create partial for the common response and call that response where ever you need that

It's a little clunkier than with say ERB, but you can use binding and eval to run the Jbuilder template directly. E.g. given a typical Jbuilder template app/views/items/_item.json.jbuilder that refers to an instance item of the Item model:

Change that to the following and you should be fine. Basically we just want to do the query in the controller and give the variable a better name. Then Rails will know to render index.json.jbuilder when the request comes in with .json at the end.

I found some workarounds that let you render jbuilder views from a model. There is no approach that I feel great about.

see: partial! not working in Jbuilder.encode blockĀ  Issue #84Ā  rails/jbuilderĀ  GitHub

Testing jbuilder response in rspec integration tests requires an extra helper method to be included in test.Requests in integration tests do not render json response unless we include render_views helper.

im not 100% sure on this topic, but does jbuilder not have a free personal edition for testing and the like? i just checked the site and theres a foundation edition of the software. i havent used jbuilder in years, but only got into java programming in a real way a while back. going to download this soon and try it out. try it out. i know its not got some of the features of the enterprise eddition or what ever, but there is also a demo of this available. it could be worth the 90 - 300+mb download (foundation is 90mb or so, enterprise trial 300+!)

i just downloaded jbuilder x at home, but havent done anything major with it. quite impressed at the speed of it though. im running a dual athlon 2gz with 1gb ram and its faster feeling then idea. weird. anyway, downloading it in work on monday. only thing is they have a 1.6Gz P4 with 256mb ram so im guessing its going to be slow...

By default rails looks for a template of the requested format. For rendering response to JSON query we will need a template. We make a template called index.json.jbuilder in the views/api/v1/aricles directory. This file contains the logic for populating the nested attributes of the article model(eg: user). Here we have namespaced the directory because I think its better to have a clear seperation of our APIs.

In the index.json.jbuider add the following lines:

In the above lines, we are defining a key in json called articles and we are taking the array @articles that we made in the articles controller and we are iterating over each article of the array and rendering a partial with an object "obj" containing the article details. Partial rendering is one of the plus points of using jbuilder. 0852c4b9a8

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