One of the inspirations for A Wise Mind came from the Change Direction initiative, which was born out of a desire to change the way we discuss mental health care in the United States. The campaign urged Americans to recognize five signs of emotional suffering, including personality changes, withdrawal, and feelings of hopelessness.

Sabino Recovery is driven by a mission to treat trauma and addictions comprehensively. Their dedicated and compassionate staff is committed to providing a place of trust and safety, empowering residents to make positive changes and provide holistic, integrated, and experiential treatments.

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For Season 7 there will be some changes hence the title The Freedom to change my mind or direction. I will be publishing a new podcast episode FORTNIGHTLY rather than weekly as I did in the past. This gives me the FREEDOM to conduct interviews in a more relaxed way rather than trying to schedule several interviews in a short space of time.

While the shift and learning curve from experiencing a poor sense of direction to experiencing an excellent sense of direction began with exchanging one belief for another, it did not remain there. What became ever more evident was that what began as exchanging one negative belief for another positive or affirmative one, shifted to simply betting on myself, my initiative and resourcefulness in investing in myself and using the resources of maps and Thomas Guides to help navigate the byways of life. Since this movement did not rely upon any belief, there was no risk or danger of any outcome, whether disappointment and falling short somehow or elation and having achieved good directional navigation.

A mind that can consciously take any shape that every moment demands, that mind is a stepping stone for Enlightenment. A nebulous Mind with unchanging focus or direction is the instrument of immense knowing.

In philosophy of mind, a belief has a mind-to-world direction of fit.[2] A belief (that p, say) depicts the world as being in a state of affairs such that p is true. Beliefs, some philosophers have argued,[3] aim at the truth and so aim to fit the world. A belief is satisfied when it fits the world.

A desire, on the other hand, normally expresses a yet to be realized state of affairs and so has a world-to-mind direction of fit.[4] A desire that p, unlike a belief, doesn't depict the world as being in the state that p; rather it expresses a desire that the world be such that p is true. Desire is a state that is satisfied when the world fits it.

To a philosopher of language[who?] a word-to-world fit occurs when, say, a sports journalist correctly names Jones as a goal scorer; while if the journalist mistakenly names Smith as the goal scorer, the printed account does not display a word-to-world fit, and must be altered such that it matches the real world. Conversely, a world-to-word fit occurs when a fan of Smith's team opines that they deserved to win the match, even though they lost. In this case, the world would have to change to make the sports fan's wish become true.

According to Thomas Aquinas (Summa Theologica, Part I, Question 21, Article 2), there are two kinds of "truth" (veritas), both understood as correspondence between mind (intellectus) or words (oratio) and world ("things", res):

Truth consists in the equation of [thing and mind] (adaequatio rei et intellectus), as said above. Now the mind, that is the cause of the thing, is related to it as its rule and measure; whereas the converse is the case with the mind that receives its knowledge from things.

When therefore things are the measure and rule of the mind, truth consists in the equation of the mind to the thing, as happens in ourselves. For according as a thing is, or is not, our thoughts or our words about it are true or false.

But when the mind is the rule or measure of things, truth consists in the equation of the thing to the mind; just as the work of an artist is said to be true, when it is in accordance with his art. Now as works of art are related to art, so are works of justice related to the law with which they accord. Therefore God's justice, which establishes things in the order conformable to the rule of His wisdom, which is the law of His justice, is suitably called truth. Thus we also in human affairs speak of the truth of justice. (emphasis added to original)

Perhaps the first to speak of a "direction of fit" was the philosopher J. L. Austin. Austin did not use the distinction between different directions of fit to contrast commands or expressions of intention to assertions, or desires to beliefs. He rather distinguishes different ways of asserting that an item is of a certain type.[5]

The concept of direction of fit can also apply to speech acts: e.g., statements, guesses and conjectures have word-to-world direction of fit, while commands and promises have a world-to-word direction of fit.

In some forms of mind-body dualism, a matching factum and faciendum must be present in a person's mind in order for him to act intentionally. If a person has the belief that action (A) will lead to state (S), and has the desire that state (S) obtain, then he will perform action (A). The action is directly caused by simultaneous presence of the two mental states; no further explanation is needed.

Learning to play an instrument is a good example of how the subconscious mind works. At first, you need to think about translating the sheet music and moving your fingers to play each note, but as you practice, you find you can pick up any song and play it.

The first step you need to take is to gain absolute clarity on what it is you want. Learn how to stop overthinking and focus on your goals. What is your desired outcome? What does unlocking an extraordinary life look like to you? Clarity is power. The more thought you put into this, the more detail you lay out, and the stronger and more powerful your vision will become. This creates a subconscious mind map, giving your brain the tools necessary to turn that vision into reality.

Commit to yourself. Commit to overcoming the negativity. Commit to a better life. When you commit fully, cutting off any other possibility, you will push yourself to the next level and demand more of yourself than anyone else could ever expect. And that is the true power of subconscious mind programming.

When reprogramming your brain for success, you have to limit negative influences in your environment. Your subconscious mind is constantly absorbing information from outside sources and using that information to form beliefs that shape how you think and behave. Negativity from the daily news, toxic people and social media can have a profound effect on your subconscious mind without you even knowing it.

As you work on how to reprogram your mind, remember that proximity is power. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people. Seek out books, videos and music that lifts you up and empowers you. Over time, you will find that your subconscious mind is more positive and encouraging and that negative thoughts have greatly diminished.

What does your perfect day look like? How do you want your big presentation at work to go? How exactly do you want a first date to go? Pick something you are truly committed to making a reality and spend 10-15 minutes each day visualizing it as if it has already happened. Your subconscious mind will absorb the feelings in your images as if they were real, giving you the inner confidence you need to make them come true.

Biohacking is using experimentation and technology to improve your health and wellness. Biohacking can involve red light therapy to increase health, adopting an intermittent fasting plan to trigger weight loss or adding supplements to your diet to supercharge your health. One powerful way to reprogram your mind through biohacking is by harnessing the power of music. Our brainwaves respond differently to various types of music and we can induce certain feelings with the right beats.

But there's no denying that hubris played a role in many of these directional shifts. Some CEOs didn't do the necessary medium- and long-term planning when they made their original decisions, and now they're being forced to backtrack.

"Not moving, not shifting, not re-looking at decisions is going to hurt you," Munoz said. "You can't be afraid to make the changes that you want to. Just make them in a very calculated, organized, convicted way so that you don't confuse the hell out of your organization."

At CCL, we view leadership as a social process that enables individuals to work together to achieve results that they could never achieve working as individuals. Our widely-recognized Direction, Alignment, and Commitment (DAC) model for leadership moves beyond the idea of leaders, followers, and shared goals, with the revolutionary idea that leadership happens when a group of people are producing direction, alignment, and commitment.  0852c4b9a8

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