Hi - I am having an issue with the mobile view of my website. If you are viewing the home page or contact page (it only does it for the home page and contact pages) on your phone, and scroll to the right, the whole page moves over and there is a blank space to the right of the page that runs all the way down the screen. I know this has something to do with the coding I found on the internet that allows me to have a banner that scales rather than get cropped. The coding worked great except for this one issue!

I am having an issue with the mobile view of my website. There is a blank space to the right of the page that runs all the way down the screen. I know this has something to do with the coding I found on the internet

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This will happen if your CSS causes elements to "overflow" outside of the site "container". You can usually hide this overflow by adding the following to Design > Custom CSS but bear in mind that it is only hiding the issue - it is not fixing it. You can find out more about overflow-x in this guide.

Hi I'm wanting to change the logo's location on the page to the right hand side but there doesn't seem to be a way to do it within squarespace 

I'm on 7.1 and this is a lot harder than it used to be. 

If I need to use a little code, its fine; I just need to know what it has to say or if anyone can provide a link to a sniplet or something I have tried many different code sniplets and none have worked for me so maybe I did something wrong. 

The number of cards that can be added to the right-side panel in the ticket's default view is limited to 8. This is due to a technical limitation in HubSpot. However, you can add more cards by creating a custom view.

Hey team,

Raising this for a customer here.

It would be great if we can hide some of HubSpot's default section in the contact right sidebar within the Conversation Inbox (and possibly in contact records too)

Currently, we are not able to hide or remove the default sections such as deals and conversations. However, some customers find that very cluttered and confusing.

Thank you!

Hi !

More than removing default, fully personalize the information displayed from objects (contacts, tickets, transactions, etc...) properties would be great.

That way we can personalize what information is displayed to our team so they get the information needed (like custom contact fields significant to them) without having to dig inside the contact page.



Is there any update on this? There is way too much information on the screen and we would like to be able to choose what we want to see on the right hand side within the ticket and also within the conversations. 

You should be able to customise that depedning what departmen you are working: Sales, CX, etc. 

Thank you!

Depending what you are looking to achieve some of this is already possible today. The right side in the conversations inbox seems to reflect the left sidebar for the "About this contact" section. The only issue is it makes that change directly on the contact as well so it could affect others using the CRM differently.

The Federal Highway Administration has often been asked about the American practice of driving on the right, instead of the left, as in Great Britain, our "Mother Country." Albert C. Rose, who served as "unofficial historian" of the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads during much of his long career with the agency (1919-1950) researched why.

Rose found that, "All available evidence seems to indicate that the RIGHT-HAND travel predominated in Colonial America from the time of the earliest settlements." The ox-team, the horseback rider, the handler of the lead horse, and even the pedestrian all traveled to the right. Travelers with hand guns carried their weapons in the hollows of their left arms and traveled to the right, the better to be ready if an oncoming stranger proved dangerous:

Rose found that no formal rule of the road was adopted by the new country or any State until 1792. In that year, Pennsylvania adopted legislation to establish a turnpike from Lancaster to Philadelphia. The charter legislation provided that travel would be on the right hand side of the turnpike. New York, in 1804, became the first State to prescribe right hand travel on all public highways. By the Civil War, right hand travel was followed in every State. Drivers tended to sit on the right so they could ensure their buggy, wagon, or other vehicle didn't run into a roadside ditch.

When inventors began building "automobiles" in the 1890's, they thought of them as motorized wagons. As a result, many early cars had the steering mechanism-a rudder (or tiller), not a wheel-in the center position where the side of the road didn't make any difference. Lay points out that technical innovation created the configuration we are familiar with in the United States:

Lay traced the first regulation of one-side-or-the-other to the Chinese bureaucracy of 1100 B.C. The Book of Rites stated: "The right side of the road is for men, the left side for women and the center for carriages." This Western Zhou dynasty rule applied only to the dynasty's wide official roads and was "more concerned with protocol than avoiding head-on collisions." Over 3,000 years later, Lay concluded, "there are no technical reasons for preferring driving on either the left or the right side of the road."

I'm joining current registrant data with previous registrant data. I'm trying to get a count for the different statuses for current verses prior and compare. The current data has a new status type that is not coming through when the data is joined. I can see this spiked out if I click on the 'L' on the right side of the join tool. How do I include this so that my total of current registrants is accurate? I included a jpg of the desired output for the Registrant Reconciliation tab.

If I understand the problem, you would want to add a select tool after the "L" to rename count to "Current". Do the same on the "R" side and rename count "Previous". Then do a union. Then do a DataCleansing to turn the "null' values into Zeroes.

Have you taken advantage of the two options on the left-hand side of your screen in Canvas that collapse the navigation menus? For example, in your far left-hand global navigation bar, at the very bottom of those icons (below the "Help" icon), you'll see an arrow pointing to the left. Click on that arrow to collapse the global navigation menu. And, within your course, if you click on the three-lined hamburger icon to the left of the course name in the upper left corner of your screen (and above the "Home" button), you can completely collapse/expand the course navigation menu.

Hi Chris - those two features you have pointed out to me are useful, but my question is about the menu that appears on the right. It would be great to have an option to collapse that too. I'll attach a couple of screenshots - one is student view on a course where I am instructor, the other is a course where I am a student. While having calendar etc displayed is useful on the course front page, if you add pages, it just takes up space. The third screenshot shows my workaround - I have manually changed the width of a page so the content takes up the whole width - you can see the grey scroll bar that separates the right hand menu from page content pushed over to left.

I studied the language documentation for let rec (1), but did not find anything helpful. It did not seem to say anything about the kind of expressions allowed, or not allowed, to be the right hand side of let rec.

Actually, the manual contains a very precise specification of what is allowed in the right hand side of let rec (this documentation is linked from the page that you looked at, but perhaps it should be made to stand out more):

However, I am not sure if it is a good idea to add a hint about loop not being a function. My issue is that such hint would only be useful for beginners that are not yet familiar with function definitions. Outside of this audience, the hint is not useful and it might be mostly incorrect.

B. On all roadways, a person driving a vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall drive the vehicle in the right-hand lane then available for traffic or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway.

C. In an age restricted community that is located in an unincorporated area of a county with a population of more than three million persons, a person may drive a golf cart or a neighborhood electric vehicle on a paved shoulder that is adjacent to a roadway or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of a paved roadway if there is no delineated paved shoulder.

Hey there, I am using the Business Directory Pro plugin and one of the pages it creates has the footer show up on the right hand side of the page (see attached image). This is the only page on the entire site where the footer shows up incorrectly like this. Disabling all plugins did not fix the issue. Changing to the Twenty-Twenty One Theme, however, did fix this issue, so I assume the problem was with Theme X.

The law requires that we drive on the right side of the road. When we are allowed to pass other vehicles, we usually pass on the left. You are permitted to pass on the right only in certain circumstances and it must be done only when necessary and safe. When you pass other vehicles or change lanes to keep away from hazards, do so with caution and only when necessary. You must not exceed the speed limit to pass another vehicle. 0852c4b9a8

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