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We are using Laserfiche Client 8.3. On one of our workstations the document viewer opens but is missing the menu and toolbar. I have not found a way to access the toolbar settings. Right-click only provides options for restore, minimize, etc. Resetting the user's attributes has no effect. How do I restore the menu and toolbar on the document viewer?

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I have tried that but right-clicking the blue area only provides options that control the viewer window: restore, minimize, etc. For some reason the customize option associated with the menu and toolbar cannot be accessed by right clicking. It is as if the menu and toolbar were deleted.

Hi qubit, thank you very much foy your answer pal. Yeah, I would like to know how to put the option to open as read-only by default in all LibreOffice aplications (Writer, Impress, Calc, Draw, Base and Math) using LinuxMint for when a user opens an odt., odp., .ods and other, double-clicking on the document and taking LibreOffice as default application can not edit the content as this I have to implement in the computer lab where I am working on 40 computers and users that only view their documents but do not come with LibreOffice editing because it is a space to explore and visualize all types of documents around. Following your intuition, i try execute the next orders in the terminal for remove write privileges in user, group and others:

Hi qubit, thank you very much for your comments and suggestions It is a good idea allowing editing reverting the files every so often in the lab, but we need no one kind of editing like in odfviewer: , pptview for powerpoint presentations or Evince or Adobe Reader for PDF documents. Any idea to use LibreOffice as read-only ODF documents permament aplication? Thanks.

The Web Document Viewer is a component that displays an interactive preview of a document generated from a report that is designed in the DevExpress Reporting platform. The Document Viewer allows the user to view, print, and export the report document.

Use the XRRichText report control to display RTF and DOCX files, and the XRPdfContent report control to display PDF files in a report. You can use other DevExpress components to display different document types in your apps. Review the following help topic for more information: DevExpress Document Viewers for Web.

Hi everyone, how can I obtain the list of the extension of files that are shown in an interface by the document viewer?

I checked the documentation and there are no indications or lists about the formats allowed.

FWIW, For image files, I always recommend using a!imageField() instead (they'll open in the Document Preview field but it works a little weirdly). Some time ago I developed a tool that you can pass a file into, and it automatically checks whether the file type is previewable (and whether it's an image), and chooses the appropriate viewer. If it's not a previewable type, it simply displays a download link.

For example if you open a pdf it always defaults to page width as the size. This makes the pdf document massive and so zoomed in its nuts. You can change the zoom to something else but since there are no preferences you can set for the program, if you go and open another pdf it defaults back to this ultra zoomed in experience. It genuinely makes me angry even thinking about it. I hate bad design. I feel like some basic configurable preferences would make the default document viewer about a million times better. I would love to be able to just open a pdf at a reasonable size by default instead of wanting to gnaw my own fist off in frustration at being visually assaulted by a pdf viewer.

I am assuming you are referring to "Atril" .I experience the same results as you upon initial opening a new document. However once I resize the document, It retains my setting (for that document) from that point onward.

When I ran Ubuntu MATE, I found Atril to be perfectly fine as a lightweight PDF viewer. The default "page width" zoom didn't bother me - but you could raise an issue on the project page to request for a more obvious default zoom preferences area:

For viewing PDFs, I always used my browser. While not the best solution, one could omit the PDF viewer entirely when using most modern web browsers and have something that doesn't suck. Nice to know for cheap on-the-go setups where space is as limited as size.

Since I've always struggled to open bigger PDFs (multi-page scans of documents) with these, I'm using "Master PDF Editor" for PDF viewing, light editing (like removing pages), and printing all the time.

This is the exact same document. And the MemoryStream process works successfully with significantly smaller PDF documents. Yet the FileStream method works with larger documents so I know it's not a limitation of the PDF viewer, correct?

Within my silverlight application I'm actually popping this document viewer in a new window, then I'm sending that new window the information by which to retrieve the PDF image from teh server. In essence, I'm telling it which document to retrieve by a key I'm passing:

In the "messageReceiver_MessageReceived" event handler, this is where I make my server call to retrieve the image and load the viewer. This process is resulting in a blank PDF viewer even though the server returns the image. (even the LARGE pdf)

NOW, as a test tool I also have a test button on the page, this button triggers an event in the code behind that makes the exact same server call, and loads the result in the exact same way but this works!!! The large 35MB PDF is rendered successfully in teh viewer.

I'm still unsure of whether I was on a separate thread, or what was going on with the listener's "on message received" event.I was hitting the breakpoint in the listener, the doc viewer's "LoadDocument()" method was not erroring our or throwing an exception, the UI just simply was not rendering the update.

I'm having a go with document viewer and XPS atm as I haven't tried it before. So I have a simple piece of code loading an XPS document and displaying it in the document viewer, however the document doesn't appear. The document viewer loads and a quick step through in debug mode tells me the information is there,it just won't show.

Navigating your content is easier than ever. With Okular's 'Thumbnails panel', you can browse graphically the part of the document you were looking for. With the 'Content panel', find the chapter you need in all supported documents.

This node visualizes terms and tags of a document using the Brat JS library . Each term will be highlighted and its corresponding tags will be displayed above it. The highlighting colors are static depending on the tags.

The node supports custom CSS styling. You can simply put CSS rules into a single string and set it as a flow variable 'customCSS' in the node configuration dialog. You will find the list of available classes and their description on our documentation page .

On the other hand, do you know that you can activate a film strip view in the documentlist, which allows you to do a forwards/backwards navigation much like you want to have, while still having a preview of the document available, right there in the main document list view?

Yes I know about the film view, but what i want to have, is to be able to view the document and in the same time see it's properties (new properties that i created for a new document type). So that the user can see the file, and check if the extracted informations that are in properties are correct, and if it is pass to the next file without having to go back to the document list.

The document viewer can display images, text, metadata (fields, tags, links, versions, and digital signatures), annotations, and thumbnails. In addition, if the document is a PDF electronic document, the PDF portion can be viewed in the Electronic File Pane.

Any document can be viewed using the document viewer. Documents with image pages (such as scanned documents) will automatically open in the document viewer. By default, opening an electronic document will display the electronic file associated with it, while opening an empty document will display the field information associated with it (learn more about fields). However, you may override the default behavior and open any type of document in the document viewer.

The status bar of the document viewer contains additional information about the document. If the document is checked out, both the status bar and title bar will say "Checked Out." If the volume the document is stored in has checksums enabled, the status bar will note whether the checksum is valid or not.

If the document contains images pages, the status bar will also contain the current page number and the total number of pages. In addition, it contains the size of the current page. By default, the page size will display in pixels; you can double-click the size to toggle between pixels, inches, and centimeters.

Request the conversion of documents to viewer types supported by Relativity, such as native, image, production, and transcript types. This page aims to collect and centralize any useful information on the Document Viewer business domain.

I guess you will have same root cause as me if you followed all the steps from documentation - plugin "ServiceNow Document Viewer" not activated. Unfortunately it is not available to admins, so you would need to ask ServiceNow to activate it for you. ff782bc1db

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