Sorry that I didnt reply to your answers from before, I just got a little sad about this whole issue and with no apparent fix in sight. But wow, so that is what's causing it? HDR video recording and if you open pictures, except in the camera roll specifically? Could explain why sometimes it doesnt show itself for a solid week and then it appears "randomly". Dunno man, why is this still a thing. My 12 Pro was the first iPhone i got in years and then there is stuff like this unfixed across multiple generations of their phones? And the iPad Pro with the weird single touch ghost thing, where also barely 1 or 2 people have reported it like this publically. Except apple support and technicians are just *** about it and its so weirdly specific and mildly annoying when you for example are drawing and the iPad just decides you pressed the screen, even tho you didnt. I'm just sad. Atleast Yaay that you have a good video captured of the grey wash happening, jerry please safe us from this doom. Or just me.

This grey on the contact list is awful. Why did it have to be changed? Not to be able to change all contacts to same color at one time is ridiculous! I hate grey and I do not like this change. It was not needed nor helpful. Please put it the way it was or give the coloring on main screen.

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i recently bought the 11" 4th gen wanting to buy the space grey, but they were out, and long story short i got myself into a situation where i had to buy the silver. it dawned on me that i could technically get it exchanged once the stock is back.

i did some googling though, and after looking through some videos of people unboxing the 11" space grey, i realised it wasn' grey as i thought it would be? and yet the older models from the ipad pros seemed to be the kind of grey i was expecting.

i went to apple's website, to the page where u could comapre models. i compared the 12.9" 6th gen, with the 11" 4th gen, and with the 11" 3rd gen. lo and behold the space grey for the newer 11" and 12.9" gen did in fact seem to be a lighter shade of grey than the 11" 3rd gen.

if this was the case, and that the new 11-inch's space grey is in fact a slightly lighter shade of grey, i might just stick to the silver i have, since the grey isn't as dark as i had expected, but i wanted to check. is it just me? am i going crazy? or is the new 11" space grey a bit lighter than the older model's space gray? it'll aslo help if someone had a side by side comparison of the old space grey, the new space grey, and the silver!

The background color was probably picked just to accent the key colors on both platforms; the iPhone's colors are more bright and artificial, so the brighter bluish gray makes sense. The iPad's grey keys work well on the warmer but darker looking grey background it uses.

The problem with colour names is that there is no standardisation. Different companies. apps, listings etc use different names for the same colour, and often the same name may be used (by different people) for what are actually different colours. For example if you buy a tin of Gunmetal Grey paint from one paint company, then a tin of Gunmetal Grey from a different company, they will, in all probability, be completely different shades of grey.

The technique above minimizes file size but discardscolor information and can convert adjacent colors to the exact sameshade of gray. Using a Black & White adjustment layer increasesfile size but retains color information, letting you map colorsto shades of gray.

Select the Eyedropper tool and check if you're sample size is point select and not an avarage like 3 by 3. Point sample is the actual pixel and ther other options select an average, which most of the time turn them into a grey colour because it combines a lot of colours. Hope that solves your problem

What if I'm in RGB mode and I'm not selecting a mask? I can select colors with the color picker manually, but holding ALT and sampling a color shows the correct color, but as soon as I let go of the click it changes to grey.

Adobe Photoshop & illustrator, when the colour I choose in a grey shows the brown screen. Save as JPG or png look shows another grey is real or Microsoft paint shows grey screen good. What happened? How do I will fix this?

Please help for me

The 9.7" iPad Pro has great greyscale accuracy. Like most of Apple's products, there is a degree of blue shifting, but it's not quite as heavy as on their other products. The gamma is quite straight, and no shade of grey has a DeltaE that hits three, which is generally the goal. The accuracy isn't as high as the iPad Mini 4 which exhibited a surprisingly high degree of accuracy, but beyond the slight blue shift there's not really anything to complain about here.

As one would expect, the 9.7" iPad Pro has no trouble rendering the color mixtures from the GretagMacbeth ColorChecker test. The largest errors are actually the greyscale shades, and none of the DeltaE values for colors actually go above two. It's worth noting that the colors in this test are defined such that they should always be the same regardless of the color space, and so the fact that I've targeted sRGB has no change on the test outcome. For reference, changing the target to the P3 gamut produced an average DeltaE of 1.56, and I did that test at a later time so the error is well within the bounds of errors relating to the position of the meter on the display and the small inherent measurement error of the i1Pro 2 itself. This is a good example of Apple's color management at work, as my untagged image files were correctly inferred as having been created with the sRGB color space in mind, and transformed into the display's native gamut.

I wanted to show that she is in a metro in Germany, so I used the pattern from a picture I took when I was in Berlin. Using the transformation tool, I match it to the window and then adjust the blending mode and opacity. For the reflection, I made another layer under the pattern layer, selected the window area, and added some darker greys.

Yooooooooo this is crazy but me and my roomate were making crazy videos and my ipad fell...started getting distorted. I thought it was done for. I joked that if i just slapped it like it fell maybe it would magically work. Googled ipad display problems and found this site. Blown away at all the actuall responses to just smack it....butttteerraa ya girl did it and my baby is back in business!!! Took about a min bit it worked!!!!!!!!!! Hallellujah

i did both a few solid slaps and a few punches (but hitting with the soft squishy part of my fist not my knuckles) but that didnt get me anywhere, so after reading through all these comments i though, every one is saying to hit it solidly on the left hand side, so i took a hit near the bottom and the on the top of the ipad (on the back obviously) with the squishy part of my fist and boom, all the colours clicked back into placeĀ 

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