I like to share files and folders with other colleagues by sharing link to them and have always right clicked the "copy Dropbox" link - however this now does not show up when right clicking a file or folder. I have closed everything and restarted the computer. Not fixed.

I can see the copy dropbox link on some folders but not many at all - here are the menus I see - the first is for one or two files and folders only (I have thousands) and the second is what most of them have. There seems to be a whole set of different options?

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I have found that if I do one of the available right click menu items, ie Rename (but cancel without renaming), look at properties, copy, etc., when I retry the right click, often (but not always) the menu will now be showing the expected Dropbox related items and I can get my link. Annoying work around but slightly better than using the website.

I have unlinked my computer, relinked my computer, uninstalled dropbox, reinstalled, dropbox, updated my computer, restarted my computer.... you name it! And I STILL don't see the green check marks next to my files in my finder winder, nor can I right click to copy link of files.

Similarly, if you wanted the discount to be applied, but want to redirect users who click on this link to be brought to a different page on the website, you can use the mysite.com/discount/{% coupon_code 'your_code' %}?redirect=/new-path URL structure.

However, all those solutions that suggest using some tool to map a mouse click to Cmd-V do not completely mimic the behaviour of X, where you can have different content in the mouse-controlled buffer and the keyboard-controlled buffer (i.e., you can paste two different strings depending on whether you middle-click or press CTRL-V).

Alternatively, when using the trackpad or a two-button mouse: after selecting, click and drag the selection just a bit; you'll see the pointer change. Now, when you let go of the button, the selected text is pasted at your cursor. Hitting Esc while dragging cancels.

Upgraded to the latest Spark version 2.6.0 stable, and now copy/paste function does not work in the text area when using right-click context. If you use the keyboard shortcuts of CTRL+C and CTRL+V, it works. This problems exists in both Windows XP and Windows 7 (32-bit and 64 bit). Is this a known bug with the latest release?

EDIT: the below answer doesn't always work anymore (something changed I think), but there is another stack overflow question here with an answer that is working, namely using Ctrl+Alt+V to do a paste-special:Jupyter Notebook: How to copy paste image into MS word?

Hi, the ctrl button on my keyboard doesn't work, when I try to use right-click copy and paste, icloud pages and numbers comes up with this helpful little box to teach me how to use keyboard shortcuts, but won't actually let me copy and paste.

Hi, thanks for the reply, but that's not what I'm asking. I know how to setup a mouse and trackpad. The issue is with the iCloud version of iWork. It won't let me use right-click Copy & Paste. It just comes up with a window telling me how to use keyboard shortcuts, it won't actually copy and paste this way, even though it's an option on the right-click menu. Give it a try and you'll see what I mean.

Welcome to Apple Support Communities. If you need help with making adjustments to your Mac trackpad or Magic Mouse, there are some guides that can help. The Secondary click on either device can mimic the options of a right-click on a Mac and provide the copy/paste choices you are looking for.

There is not a way to right-click in order to copy or paste while using Pages in iCloud. You do have to use the shortcuts available. Apple has a great feedback form for users to submit suggestions like this.

As of lately, appears to be with newest update to teams, when you select a specific text from a teams message and right-click to copy, it selects the ENTIRE message and copies the entire message. CTRL + C appears to work just fine, but many of my users use the right-click copy method. Any workaround?

Why hasnt the microsoft SUPPORT CHAT AGENT stepped in on this to advise us on how to correct this copy paste issue. Our company uses phones and they do not have a ctrl +c function this is BAD! @AndyEbert245

@AndyEbert245 Oddly, I have just the opposite problem (Teams v1.6.00.16472 updated 22 June 2023). I select the entire text of a message in Teams, then right click and the selection narrows to just a single sentence, or even less. Oddly, ^C works correctly (it copies the entire text that I've selected).

@mcswell I believe this is the same problem, regardless of how much or little I highlight, right clicking changes the text selection to the current line. For my team it's always expanding the selection because we're usually copying device IDs or ticket numbers out of a chat, but I can reproduce your issue by selecting more than one line.

In almost all Adobe products copy and paste are in the right click menu but I can't find a way to turn them on in Illustrator. How do I get them to show up or even request an update to the program if they aren't in the program for some strange reason. Why would they be left out? Can we also use scripting to add other useful comands to the menu to save time while we work?

as an alternative, you could record a couple of actions to copy and paste. Then you could easily play them back with a single F keystroke or click. You could play them even easier by turning Button Mode on in the Action's menu.

I might need to go to hospital this week and I'm not going to be able to use my left arm for a while after that Thank you for the great idea though. I'm just gonna have to take the right hand off the mouse to do certain things. It's a bit sad the accessability settings aren't better in these programs. A right click copy and paste would be a real time saver.

If you install this add-on, you do not need to select a text.What is needed, just right-click and click "Copy" menu.This alone, the text of the point you click will be copied.--------Icon designed by: www.MouseRunner.com

I feel like I have had similar issues that randomly popped up after an update of the Program. It is extremely frustrating to require additional clicks for no reason at all once you have selected the items you want.

PICKADD Variable '2' = click to add objects to a selection , HOWEVER you must click on a blank area to finalize your selection, and possibly another click to move on to the next step in a command that requires selections.

I wrote a free little C program that does something similar to Gilligan's answer. Whenever you drag-highlight or double-click text, it copies to the clipboard buffer. Then you can middle-mouse-click in any window to paste it. It is called "macpaste" and on Github ( ). It works globally for every program I use that has textual data.

After highlighting text in the Terminal, I can middle-click to paste it back into the Terminal without using the copy/paste keyboard shortcuts. This does not seem to work when the text comes from other applications ie. I can't copy text from TextEdit and then paste into Terminal with a middle-click. I am running Lion and I did not have configure anything to get this default behavior. I'm not sure about other versions of OS X.

Select Text to be copied, then Drag and Drop your selection (White Plus sign in red circle will be displayed with the cursor). This will copy-paste the text.

You can Drag and Drop inside Terminal or between apps.

I did Left Mouse twice for several reasons. The first one usually only changes the focus to the new window, but does not position the cursor. Also, clicking in a text box usually selects all of the text, which is then deleted when something is pasted there. I usually want the original text to stay.

Can it be a setting, or default, to the ability to double click and put the password on the clip board? I am not sure if this functionality is in the Mac app or not, but I feel like I have done it there. Or maybe it is just click to copy.

I propose this happens for all controls and probes, anywhere where you can see "copy data". Custom probes wouldn't need to change, as there would be a copy method associated with the datatype already. An additional custom method could be an option.

I agree we need better importing/exporting through the system clipboard, but I want to explain that the menu item is "Copy Data" and not "Copy Image" because within LabVIEW, the data can be copy/pasted between controls of same datatype.

I can't believe that Confluence do not have a copy button that on click copy the contents of the snippet / div to the clipboard.

Sometimes I ask myself if Atalssian team use theirs software in daily activity. In Confluence you have your team documentation, if you must to send a part of text from one page via email to your customers wouldn't you want it to be easy? No app from Atlassian marketplace offers this functionality.

On Confluence latest iOS app (iPhone) you don't even have the option to select the desired portion of text because this functionality is not implemented in the app. So its impossible to copy a desired part of text as long as you cannot select a part of text. Confluence should be renamed to READER or something similar!

We are talking here about Confluence, a software designed for documentation that does not have the copy / paste option integrated. It's like building a car without windows.

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