Free Bike Repair and Safety Check Training

8 events, 328 bikes fixed!

(as of March 2022)

Registration for our future events here.

If registration is full, please add your name to the Waitlist and we will notify you when registration opens up for our next event.

Is your bike in need of a repair or tune-up? Bring it to our Free Bike Repair and Safety Check Training Event.

This event has 3 parts. It should take 45-60 minutes in total:

  1. Evaluation: Our volunteer mechanics will evaluate the state of your bike and decide what needs to be fixed. We are able to do basic repairs, such as fixing/replacing brakes & cables, fixing flat tires, repairing/replacing chains, adjusting seats, adjusting handlebars, and aligning derailleurs. If a bike requires more complicated repairs, we will refer you to a bike shop.

  2. Fixing: Our volunteer mechanics will perform basic maintenance and repairs to your bike and will teach you along the way. If a replacement part is needed, you can walk across the street to Walt's Cycle and purchase the part.

  3. Teaching: A certified League of American Bicyclists Instructor will teach you how to verify that your bike is safe to ride using the ABC Quick Check method as well as provide you with some Need-To-Know tips to stay safe while biking.

Who: All members of the public, but must pre-register

Where: Plaza Del Sol, Sunnyvale

What to bring:

  • Your bike

  • A mask (unless you have been vaccinated)

  • A form of payment in case you need to buy a replacement part from Walt's Cycle

We will follow all county health guidelines to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and keep everyone safe by asking everyone to:

  • Maintain 6'+ physical distance at all times

  • Wear a mask (unless you have been vaccinated)

  • Stay home if you are ill

Note: If there is significant rain, this event will be rescheduled. We will notify you if this happens.

Volunteers are also needed! We especially need bike mechanics.


I want to sign-up, but the registration page says the event is sold out or full. What do I do?

Due to a limited number of bike mechanics, we can only fix a certain number of bikes each hour. Check the availability of another time slot. If all time slots are full, please add your name to the waiting list and we will notify you when registration opens up.

How often are these Free Bike Repair Events?

Our intention is to have an event approximately every other month starting in April 2021.

Is this event free?

Yes. However, donations are greatly appreciated so we can continue to get great biking in Sunnyvale.

Who is putting together this event?

This event is led by Bike Sunnyvale. We are a group of Sunnyvale residents who advocate for better biking infrastructure and encourage people to bike in Sunnyvale.

Bike Sunnyvale is the local chapter of the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition (SVBC).

Does this event take business away from Walt's Cycle?

We have a good relationship with Walt's Cycle and we want to make sure their business is doing well. Our target audience for these events are people who would not naturally get around to taking their bike to a bike shop or who cannot afford to take it to a bike shop. At the event, we support Walt's Cycle by encouraging people to buy replacement parts from Walt's, such as tubes, chains, gears, etc.

How can I get involved?

If you ride in, around, or through Sunnyvale, we encourage you to join the Bike Sunnyvale Team. Click here to join our Google Group, where we have discussions about Sunnyvale bike topics and stay up-to-date on meeting times, and coordinate advocacy. Joining Bike Sunnyvale is the best way to get involved and make a difference. We have virtual meetings about twice a month. Our SVBC meetings are the perfect place for you to meet your neighbors who ride bikes and care about issues that affect two-wheeled travelers.

If you live in a city other than Sunnyvale, you can find your local team here.

What if the repairs needed for my bike are too complicated?

If the repairs needed for your bike are too complicated or time-consuming for our mechanics, we will encourage you to get your bike repaired at Walt's Cycle.

Why does the Registration form ask for an emergency contact?

The League of American Bicyclists system we are using for registration is standardized to always ask this question just in case.

Can I attend this event if I do not live in Sunnyvale?

Yes! This event is open to everyone, regardless of where you live.

Thank you Walt's Cycle for your support!