Previous Events

Our first event was on September 26th, 2020, at the parking lot across from Walt's cycle.

We fixed 38 bikes!

A happy family who has just gotten their bikes fixed.

Mechanic Ed Taghi working on a bike.

Sunnyvale Mayor Larry Klein stops by

The ABC quick check table

Welcome sign

Check-in table

Our second event was on November 7th, 2020, at the parking lot across from Walt's cycle.

We fixed 32 bikes!

Registration tent

Mechanics working on a bike

A little girl riding her new pink bike

Volunteer mechanic Tim Oey brings folding chairs, a canopy, flyers, clipboards, 2 repair stands, tools, and other supplies on his bike train.

Panoramic picture of the event

Our third event was on April 17th, 2021, at the parking lot across from Walt's cycle.

We fixed 35 bikes!

Check-in station. And yes, that is a rubber chicken.

Event coordinator Ari and Sunnyvale Councilmember Alysa Cisneros


Video of the event

Check-out station: Chris Hoeber, our League of American Bicyclists instructor, teaches a participant the ABC Quick Check to make sure her bike is safe to ride

We fixed a man's Walker

Boy with his newly fixed bike