Law Enforcement Police



Emblem of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, published in February 1954. As Crown Copyright Lasts for 50 years, the copyright expired in 2004 at the latest

Public domain: This Canadian work is in the public domain in Canada 

because its copyright has expired

Law enforcement is the activity of some government members who act organized to enforce the law by discovering, deterring, rehabilitating, or punishing people who violate the rules and norms governing that society. The term encompasses police, courts, and corrections. These three components may operate independently of each other or collectively through the use of record sharing and mutual cooperation.

Modern state legal codes use the term peace officer, or law enforcement officer, to include every person vested by the legislating State with police power or authority, traditionally, anyone "sworn or badged, who can arrest any person for a violation of criminal law, is included under the umbrella term of law enforcement.

Although law enforcement may be most concerned with preventing and punishing crimes, organizations exist to discourage a wide variety of non-criminal violations of rules and norms, effected through the imposition of less severe consequences such as probation.

The police are a constituted body of persons empowered by a state to enforce the law, ensure citizens' safety, health, and possessions, and prevent crime and civil disorder. Their lawful powers include arrest and the use of force legitimized by the State via the monopoly on violence. The term is most commonly associated with the police forces of a sovereign state that are authorized to exercise the police power of that State within a defined legal or territorial area of responsibility. Police forces are often defined as separate from the military and other organizations involved in the State's defence against foreign aggressors; however, the gendarmerie is a military unit charged with civil policing. Police forces are usually public sector services funded through taxes.

Law enforcement is only part of policing activity. Policing has included various activities in different situations, but the predominant ones are concerned with preserving order. Some societies in the late 18th and early 19th centuries developed within the context of maintaining the class system and protecting private property. Police forces have become ubiquitous in modern societies. Nevertheless, their role can be controversial, as they may be involved in corruption, brutality and enforcing authoritarian rule to varying degrees.

A police force may also be called a police department, police service, constabulary, gendarmerie, crime prevention, protective services, law enforcement agency, civil guard, or civic guard. Members may be called police officers, troopers, sheriffs, constables, rangers, peace officers or civic/civil guards. Ireland differs from other English-speaking countries by using the Irish terms Garda (singular) and Gardaí (plural) for the national police force and its members. The word police is the most universal, and similar terms can be seen in many non-English speaking countries.

Numerous slang terms exist for the police. Many slang terms for police officers are decades or centuries old with lost etymologies. One of the oldest, cop, has largely lost its slang connotations and become a common colloquial term used by the public and police officers to refer to their profession.

Le terme « police » désigne de manière générale l'activité consistant à assurer la sécurité des personnes, des biens et maintenir l'ordre public en faisant appliquer la loi. Il faut entendre par le terme « loi », les règles et normes formelles d'un code établi dans un pays. Les forces de police (communément appelées « la police ») sont les agents (militaires ou civils) qui exercent cette fonction.

La Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC), la police fédérale, s'occupe des champs de compétence du gouvernement fédéral au Canada.

Deux provinces, le Québec et l'Ontario, possèdent un corps de police provincial chargé du champ de compétence provinciale sur leur territoire. Il s'agit de la Sûreté du Québec (SQ) et de la Police provinciale de l'Ontario (PPO). Les autres provinces canadiennes louent les services des patrouilleurs de la GRC qui occupent les champs de compétences tant provinciales que fédérales.

Chaque ville, village ou municipalité a également compétence pour créer son propre corps de police municipale afin d'y maintenir l'ordre et d'y appliquer le code criminel canadien et les lois pénales provinciales. Si un tel corps n'est pas créé par la municipalité, c'est la police fédérale ou provinciale (selon le cas) qui y a juridiction. Les services policiers fournis par la SQ ou la PPO sont facturés à la municipalité desservie.

Cependant, au Québec, une municipalité doit avoir au moins 50 000 habitants pour qu'elle puisse avoir son propre corps de police. Ainsi à Montréal, c'est le Service de police de la ville de Montréal (SPVM) qui dessert le territoire de l'île de Montréal.

En cas de bavure policière, on confie généralement l'enquête au BEI (bureau d’enquête indépendant) où à un autre corps de police pour éviter tout conflit d'intérêt. Par exemple, la SQ va enquêter sur le décès d'un individu tué lors d'une fusillade avec les agents du SPVM. Pour des enquêtes délicates qui nécessitent des services particuliers, comme ceux de la police scientifique, ou une coordination à large échelle, les corps policiers de différents niveaux vont collaborer.

Sûreté du Québec 

Author: Orbitale

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The Sûreté du Québec (SQ; lit. 'Quebec Security') is the provincial police service for the Canadian province of Quebec. No official English name exists, but the agency's name is sometimes translated to 'Quebec Provincial Police' or QPP in English-language sources. The headquarters of the Sûreté du Québec is located on Parthenais Street in Montreal's Sainte-Marie neighbourhood, and the service employs over 5,000 officers. The SQ is the second-largest provincial police service (behind the Ontario Provincial Police) and the fourth-largest police service in Canada (behind the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Toronto Police Service and the Ontario Provincial Police).

On February 1, 1870, the Quebec provincial government created the Police provinciale du Québec under the direction of its first commissioner, Judge Pierre-Antoine Doucet. This new service took over the headquarters of the Quebec City municipal police, which were disbanded, although the city relaunched a municipal service in 1877.

La Sûreté du Québec (SQ) est le corps de police provincial du Québec. Elle est l’une des plus anciennes institutions québécoises encore en existence. C'est aussi la seule organisation policière à servir tout le territoire québécois. Elle fut créée par l’Acte de police de Québec, sanctionné le 1er février 1870. C’est le 1er mai 1870 que l’organisation de la police provinciale de Québec est complétée.

La SQ est l'une des trois forces de police provinciales au Canada, les autres appartenant à l'Ontario et à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, alors que la Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC) agit à titre de police provinciale dans les autres provinces. La GRC est déléguée à des taches spécifiques dans cette province, comme en Ontario.




Les Cadets de la SQ

 a la Fête du Bon Voisinage a St André d"Argenteuil 

Ontario Provincial Police 

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is the provincial police service of Ontario, Canada. Under its provincial mandate, the OPP patrols provincial highways and waterways, protects provincial government buildings and officials, patrols unincorporated areas, and supports other agencies. The OPP also has several local mandates through contracts with municipal governments, where it acts as the local police force and provides front-line services. 

With an annual budget of nearly $1.2 billion, the OPP employed 5,500 uniformed officers, 700 auxiliary officers, and 2,500 civilian employees in 2020, making it the largest police service in Ontario and the second-largest in Canada (after the Royal Canadian Mounted Police). Its commissioner directs the OPP's operations, and it is a part of the Ministry of the Solicitor General. 

At the First Parliament of Upper Canada in Niagara-on-the-Lake on 17 September 1792, a provision was made for forming a "police system." Initially, policing jurisdictions were limited to districts, townships, and parishes. In 1845, a mounted police service was created to keep the peace in areas surrounding the construction of public works. It became the Ontario Mounted Police Force after the Canadian Confederation.

In the 1920s, restructuring was undertaken with the passing of the Provincial Police Force Act of 1921. The title of the commanding officer was changed to "commissioner" and given responsibility for enforcing the provisions of the Ontario Temperance Act and other liquor regulations. Major-General Harry Macintyre Cawthra-Elliot was appointed as the first commissioner.

The Ontario Provincial Police provides policing services to areas of Ontario not policed by a regional or municipal police service. Municipalities can also be policed by the OPP under contract, with 323 as of 2019. Some detachments also host satellite detachments that police a local area, covering over one million square kilometres, approximately 128,000 kilometres of provincial highway and over 13 million people. The OPP General Headquarters is at 777 Memorial Avenue in Orillia at the Lincoln M. Alexander Building. The relocation of the general headquarters to Orillia was part of a government move to decentralize ministries and operations to other parts of Ontario. Previously, from 1973 to 1995, the headquarters were located in Toronto at 90 Harbour Street, the site of the former Workmen's Compensation Board building.

The OPP also works with other provincial agencies, including the Ministry of Transportation and Natural Resources, to enforce highway safety and conservation regulations, respectively. Finally, OPP officers provide security at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario in Toronto.

Previously, the OPP was divided into seventeen different regions. In 1995, OPP operations were amalgamated into six regions, with five providing general policing services. One provides traffic policing services on provincial highways in the Greater Toronto Area (general police in the GTA are provided by regional/municipal police forces, namely in Toronto, York, Durham, Peel, Halton, Waterloo, Barrie, Hamilton, South Simcoe) following recommendations by the Ipperwash Inquiry. OPP police stations are known as "detachments." 


Missing Kids Canada


A sex offender (sexual offender, sex abuser, or sexual abuser) is a person who has committed a sex crime. What constitutes a sex crime differs by culture and legal jurisdiction. Most convicted sex offenders have convictions for crimes of a sexual nature; however, some sex offenders have simply violated a law in a sexual category. Some severe crimes that usually result in a mandatory sex offender classification are sexual assault, statutory rape, bestiality, child sexual abuse, incest, rape, and sexual imposition.

Sex offender registration laws in the United States may also classify less serious offences as sexual offences requiring sex offender registration. In some states, public urination, having sex on a beach, or unlawful imprisonment of a minor also constitute sexual offences requiring registration.

United States National Sex Offenders Public Registry

The Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Registry is a cooperative effort between U.S. state agencies that host public sex offender registries and the U.S. federal government. The registry is coordinated by the United States Department of Justice. It operates a website search tool allowing users to submit a single query to obtain information about sex offenders throughout the United States.

State sex-offender registration and notification programs are designed, in general, to include information about offenders who have been convicted of a "criminal offence against a victim who is a minor" or a "sexually violent offence," as specified in the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act ("the Wetterling Act"), more specifically, information about persons convicted of offences involving sexual molestation or sexual exploitation of children, and persons convicted of rape and rape-like offences (regardless of the age of the victim), respectively. Not all state websites provide public disclosure of information about all sex offenders who reside, work, or attend school in the State. For example, one state may limit public disclosure over its website of information concerning offenders who have been determined to be high-risk. In contrast, another state may provide a more comprehensive disclosure of offender information but not represent the risk level of specific offenders. Members of the public may be able to obtain certain types of information about specific offenders who reside, work, or attend school in the State and have been convicted of one or more of the types of offences specified below, depending on the specific parameters of a given State's public notification program.

This image is the work of a United States Department of Justice employee, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain (17 U.S.C. § 101 and 105). 

Fichier des auteurs d'infractions sexuelles

Un délinquant sexuel est une personne qui a commis des crimes ou délits sexuels. La définition d'une infraction sexuelle varie selon les cultures et les législations. Certains des plus graves crimes en ce domaine sont les actes sexuels imposés sous contrainte : agression sexuelle, viol, abus sexuel sur mineur, inceste...

Un fichier des auteurs d'infractions sexuelles (ou registre des délinquants sexuels) est un dispositif présent dans divers pays pour permettre aux autorités de conserver des données sur les activités des auteurs d'infractions sexuelles, y compris ceux qui ont purgé leurs peines de prison.

Dans certaines juridictions, l'inscription dans le fichier s'accompagne de l'obligation de prévenir les autorités en cas de changement de domicile. Dans de nombreux États, les délinquants sexuels enregistrés sont soumis à des restrictions supplémentaires, y compris sur le lieu choisi pour leur domicile. Les personnes en libération conditionnelle ou avec mise à l'épreuve doivent remplir des obligations qui ne concernent pas les autres catégories de délinquants. Ces restrictions peuvent porter sur la mise en présence avec des personnes mineures, la domiciliation à proximité d'une école ou d'une garderie, la possession de jouets ou d'autres articles pour enfants ou sur l'utilisation d'Internet. Certains délinquants n'ont pas la permission de s'inscrire sur Facebook ou d'autres réseaux sociaux, ni de les consulter. Les fichiers recensant les délinquants sexuels existent dans plusieurs pays anglophones, comme l'Australie, le Canada, la Nouvelle-Zélande, les États-Unis... Mais seuls les États-Unis permettent au grand public de consulter la liste des délinquants sexuels ; dans d'autres pays, la liste n'est accessible qu'aux organismes chargés de l'application des lois.

En France, la police recense les auteurs d'infractions sexuelles dans le Fichier judiciaire automatisé des auteurs d'infractions sexuelles ou violentes.

Certains systèmes juridiques imposent l'inscription dans le fichier quand une personne est condamnée (ou, selon les cas, déclarée délinquante juvénile, non responsable pour des raisons de troubles mentaux ou présentant une responsabilité diminuée) d'un crime ou d'un délit assorti d'une inscription obligatoire.

Certains aspects des fichiers des auteurs d'infractions sexuelles aux États-Unis (en) nourrissent d'importantes critiques de la part des ONG de défense des droits civils Human Rights Watch et Union américaine pour les libertés civiles, des associations professionnelles Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (en) et de la National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (en) ainsi que d'autres groupes ou personnalités, comme Patty Wetterling, présidente du National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. Il n'existe pratiquement aucune enquête démontrant l'utilité de ces fichiers aux États-Unis ; aussi, certains chercheurs les décrivent comme dépourvus d'intérêt, voire contre-productifs, en soutenant qu'ils majorent le taux de récidive.

The National Sex Offender Public Registry website supports search by:

The results are limited to what each individual State may provide. Information is hosted by each State, not by the federal government.

Canadian Sex Offender Petition (2013/03/08)

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