
All Firefighters need trucks. 

Photo Taken in June 2008 

Chaplains working with fire departments provide the same kind of support to firefighters as do chaplains working with law enforcement, and sometimes face even greater danger working with the wounded in often hazardous surroundings.

At the scene of the September 11 attacks on New York's World Trade Center, for example, Franciscan.

Friar fire chaplain Fr. Mychal F. Judge lost his life when he re-entered one of the World Trade Center buildings shortly after administering last rites to a wounded firefighter.

Fire Department

A fire department or fire brigade, also known as a fire authority, fire district, fire and Rescue, or fire service in some areas, is an organization that provides fire prevention, fire suppression, rescue, and hazardous materials mitigation.

Fire departments are most commonly public sector organizations that operate within a municipality, county, state, nation, or special district. Private and specialist firefighting organizations, such as those for aircraft rescue and firefighting, also exist.

The Central Fire Station of Tampere

A fire department contains one or more fire stations within its boundaries and may be staffed by firefighters, who may be professionals, volunteers, conscripts, or on-call. Combination fire departments employ a mix of professional and volunteer firefighters.


Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Activity sectors: Rescue, fire protection, civil service, public service, public safety

A firefighter, also known as a fireman or firewoman, is a rescuer extensively trained in firefighting, primarily to extinguish hazardous fires that threaten property and civilian or natural populations and to rescue people from

dangerous situations, like collapsed or burning buildings.

Firefighting and firefighters have become ubiquitous worldwide, from wildland areas to urban areas and aboard ships. The complexity of modern industrialized life with a greater prominence of hazards has increased the skills needed in firefighting technology and a broadening of the firefighter-rescuer's remit. They sometimes provide emergency medical services, for example. The fire service, or fire and rescue service, also known in some countries as the fire brigade or fire department, is one of the leading

emergency services. According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, the English word "firefighter" has been used since 1903. In recent decades, it has become the preferred term, replacing the older "fireman" since many women serve as firefighters and because the term "fireman" can have other meanings, including someone who sets or stokes fires – the opposite of the firefighting role.

In many countries, firefighters may be employed as full-time workers and paid a salary. Additionally, there are volunteer firefighters (theoretically unpaid) and retained firefighters (or auxiliary firefighters, who are paid for the specific time they are on duty, i.e. permanent part-time career firefighters) on call as required. In countries like the United Kingdom, additional retained firefighters are standard. In Portugal, for example, volunteer firefighters are standard, along with career firefighters. In Australia, volunteer brigades are mostly unpaid rural services, although traditionally, they are paid by their employers if called out during usual working hours.



The Canadian Volunteer Fire Services Association

Saturday, December 3 at 14:00 eastern 

CVFSA National Business Address:

P.O. Box 1201, Station B

Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5R3

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To: Revd. Eric Michel (

Thank you for your membership purchase. You are a valued member of a national organization providing a unified voice for Canada's volunteer fire services. Please open the attached thank you letter from our president.

Best regards,

 Membership Team

National Association for Volunteer Firefighters


The Canadian Volunteer Fire Services Association is a national organization created to benefit the community by maintaining and strengthening Canadian volunteer fire services through education and training.


The Canadian Volunteer Fire Services Association is a national organization created to benefit the community by maintaining and strengthening Canadian volunteer fire services through the provision of education and training, administration and organizational standards for volunteer firefighter units.


Our organization gives volunteer firefighters a national voice to speak about issues that affect us. Your donation will help fund training initiatives, organizational support, and this website, giving December 5ers a voice.

I appreciate your support.

At 1:21 pm on December 5, 2013, Fireyladd - Chief Sharp said:

"Welcome to Firefighter Nation, Rev Gagnon. I am glad you joined the Rescue group. There are lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement are important to us all".

Chief William Sharp- Retired

Brookings Fire / Rescue

Living in Alaska

Rev Eric Gagnon's Blog - My Firefighter Nation