Electrical engineering

We use sensors to understand the environment

On-line simulator to see the effects of modifying PID variables

On-line simulator to see the effects of modifying PID variables

Where can you purchase items and find more information?

AndyMark - FRC Supplier. Quality may not be the best, but they have a large inventory.

VexRobotics - FRC Supplier. Mechanical and Key Electrical components.

CTR Electronics - FRC Supplier. Electrical components.

WestCoast Products - FRC Supplier. Gearboxes, chains, key electrical components.

McMaster-Carr - All types of hardware. Nuts, bolts, rivets, aluminum, etc.

SparkFun Electronics - Lots of great tutorials - general electrical and electronics.

Adafruit Industries - A little step up from SparkFun, but more complete kits.

Seeed Studio - Arduino, RPi and microprocessor based kits, shields, etc.

All Electronics - A plethora of miscellaneous

DigiKey - All types of brand new components. First place to check for new components.

Newark - All types of brand new components