Francesco Denisi

I was born in Vibo Valentia (Calabria, Italy) on 22 December 1993. My hometown is Curinga (still Calabria, Italy), a small city that stretches from the sea to the mountains.

Academic positions:


Invited Talks:

Ph.D. thesis, publications and preprints:

Visiting periods: 


2) Teaching Assistant at the Agricultural and Food Sciences faculty, during the A.Y. 2017/2018, for the "Mathematics and Statistics" course. Hours: 50.

2)Teaching Assistant, during the A.Y. 2022/2023 at the Université de Lorraine for the course "Introduction au programme des modéles minimaux", during the "Masterclass M2 Géométrie et Probabilités". Hours: 1h30.

Random pictures (part 2):

This is the "Birrificio Lambrate Adelchi" in Milan. If you ever go to Milan, you should stop by!

This is my parrot Hilbert, named in honour of the mathematician David Hilbert. You should know that it can say its name. Actually, it is the only thing it can say!