Click here for a pdf version of my full list of publications.
Osiurak, F. (2022). S’initier à la psychologie scientifique dès le lycée. L’Harmattan.
Osiurak, F. (2020). The Tool Instinct. Wiley Press.
Osiurak, F. (2019). L’Instinct de l’Outil. ISTE Press.
Osiurak, F. (2016). Apraxie et troubles d’utilisation d’outils. Presses Universitaires de France.
Osiurak, F. (2010). Relations entre outil, geste et usage: Apports de la neuropsychologie. Saarbrücken: Editions Universitaires Européennes.
Osiurak, F., Lesourd, M., & Baumard, J. (2024). Comment nous fabriquons mentalement nos outils. In Y. Coello (Ed.), Corps, cerveau et processus mentaux: Les fondements sensorimoteurs de la cognition (pp. 287-298). Paris: Dunod.
Osiurak, F., & Federico, G. (2024). Affordance and tool use: A neurocognitive approach. In M. Mangalam, A. Hajnal, & D. G. Kelty-Stephen (Eds.), The modern legacy of Gibson’s affordances for the sciences of organisms (pp. 232-248). New York: Routledge.
Baumard, J., Osiurak, F., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Le Gall, D., & Lesourd, M. (2023). Les apraxies: Évaluation, interpretation et corrélats anatomo-cliniques. In E. Barbeau, P. Azouvi, H. Amieva, & F. Colette (Eds.), Traité de neuropsychologie clinique de l’adulte, 3ème Edition (pp. 497-525). Paris: De Boeck Supérieur.
Osiurak, F. (2023). Les objets techniques en sciences cognitives. In T. Gaubert, B. Cuvillier, É. Leblanc, & S. Rouat (Eds.), La méthode de l’objet technique: Reprendre la main sur l'activité (pp. 105-112). Toulouse: Octarès Éditions.
Federico, G., & Osiurak, F. (2023). Parietal cortex and cumulative technological culture. In E. Bruner (Ed.), Cognitive archaeology, body cognition, and the evolution of visuospatial perception (pp. 109-130). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Osiurak, F., Bryche, C., Bluet, A., & Reynaud, E. (2023). From technical reasoning to cumulative technological culture. In T. Wynn, K. Overmann, & F. Coolidge (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of cognitive archaeology (pp. C9.S1-C9-S20). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Osiurak, F., Baumard, J., Merck, C., & Lesourd, M. (2022). The meaning of tools: The pragmatic value of semantic knowledge. In A. M. García, A. Ibáñez (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of semiosis and the brain (pp. 359-374). New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Faure, F., Osiurak, F., & Joulain, M. (2015). Validation en langue française des échelles de maximation et de regret. Berlin: Editions Universitaires Européennes.
Le Gall, D., Osiurak, F., & Etcharry-Bouyx, F. (2014). Les apraxies: Formes cliniques, modèles théoriques et méthode d’évaluation. In X. Seron, & M. Van der Linden (Eds.), Traité de neuropsychologie clinique, 2ème Edition (pp. 411-432). Paris: De Boeck-Solal.
Osiurak, F., & Le Gall, D. (2012). Apraxia: Clinical types, theoretical models, and evaluation. In T. Heinbockel (Ed.), Neuroscience (pp. 69-92). InTech.
Peer-reviewed articles
Selected publications
Federico, G., Lesourd, M., Fournel, A., Bluet, A., Bryche, C., Metaireau, M., Baldi, D., Brandimonte, M. A., Soricelli, A., Rosetti, Y., & Osiurak, F. (2025). Two distinct neural pathways for mechanical versus digital technology. NeuroImage, 305, 120971.
Osiurak, F., Federico, G., Fournel, A., Gaujoux, V., Lamberton, F., Ibarrola, D., Rossetti, Y., & Lesourd, M. (in press). Shaping the physical world to our ends: The left PF technical-cognition area. eLife (Reviewed Preprint).
Osiurak, F., Claidière, N., & Federico, G. (2023). Bringing cumulative technological culture beyond copying versus reasoning. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 27, 30-42.
Osiurak, F., Claidière, N., Bluet, A., Brogniart, J., Lasserre, S., Bonhoure, T., Di Rollo, L., Gorry, N., Polette, Y., Saude, A., Federico, G., Uomini, N., & Reynaud, E. (2022). Technical reasoning bolsters cumulative technological culture through convergent transformations. Science Advances, 8, eabl7446.
Mangalam, M., Fragaszy, D. M., Wagman, J., B., Day, B. M., Kelty-Stephen, D. G., Bongers, R., Stout, D. W., & Osiurak, F. (2022). On the psychological origins of tool use. Neuroscience & BioBehavioral Reviews, 134, 104521.
Osiurak, F., Lasserre, S., Arbanti, J., Brogniart, J., Bluet, A., Navarro, J., & Reynaud, E. (2021). Technical reasoning is important for cumulative technological culture. Nature Human Behaviour, 5, 1643-1651.
Osiurak, F., & Reynaud, E. (2020). The elephant in the room: What matters cognitively in cumulative technological culture. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 43, e156.
Osiurak, F., Lesourd, M., Navarro, J., & Reynaud, E. (2020). Technition: When tools come out of the closet. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15, 880-897.
Osiurak, F., & Heinke, D. (2018). Looking for Intoolligence: A unified framework for the cognitive study of human tool use and technology. American Psychologist, 73, 169-185.
Osiurak, F., Jarry, C., & Le Gall, D. (2010). Grasping the affordances, understanding the reasoning: Toward a dialectical theory of human tool use. Psychological Review, 117, 517-540.
In press
Baumard, J., & Osiurak, F. (in press). Approche neuropsychologique des relations entre corps, raisonnement technique et technologies. Interfaces.
Osiurak, F., Federico, G., Fournel, A., Gaujoux, V., Lamberton, F., Ibarrola, D., Rossetti, Y., & Lesourd, M. (in press). Shaping the physical world to our ends: The left PF technical-cognition area. eLife (Reviewed Preprint).
Baumard, J., Laniepce, A., Lesourd, M., Guezouli, L., Beaucousin, V., Gehin, M., Osiurak, F., & Bartolo, A. (in press). The neurocognitive bases of meaningful intransitive gestures: A quantitative review and meta-analysis of neuropsychological studies. Neuropsychology Review.
Bluet, A., Reynaud, E., Federico, G., Bryche, C., Lesourd, M., Fournel, A., Lamberton, F., Ibarrola, D., Rossetti, Y., & Osiurak, F. (2025). The technical-reasoning network is recruited when people observe others make or teach how to make tools: An fMRI study. iScience, 28, 111870.
Gaujoux, V., Reynaud, E., & Osiurak, F. (2025). Media multitasking, interference management under uncertainty and fluid intelligence: Indicators of performance and flexibility under chosen vs forced task interference. Psychology of Popular Media, 14, 165-175.
Federico, G., Osiurak, F., Cavaliere, C., Tramontano, L., Ilardi, C. R., Salvatore, M., & Brandimonte (2025). Mechanical and semantic knowledge mediate the implicit understanding of the physical world. Brain and Cognition, 183, 106253.
Federico, G., Lesourd, M., Fournel, A., Bluet, A., Bryche, C., Metaireau, M., Baldi, D., Brandimonte, M. A., Soricelli, A., Rosetti, Y., & Osiurak, F. (2025). Two distinct neural pathways for mechanical versus digital technology. NeuroImage, 305, 120971.
Osiurak, F. & Claidière, N. (2025). Language is a unique form of communication that transformed human evolution but how unique is linguistic evolution? Commentary on “Language follows a distinct mode of extra-genomic evolution” by Bickel, Giraud, Zuberbühler, and van Schaik. Physics of Life Reviews, 52, 63-64.
Osiurak, F., Federico, G., Bryche, C., Bluet, A., Metaireau, M., Tran, E., Brogniart, J., & Claidière, N. (2024). The role of explanation in the evolution of technology. American Journal of Psychology, 137, 285-320.
Bryche, C., Lesourd, M., & Osiurak, F. (in press). From stone tools to fMRI, studying human cognitive evolution when the mind doesn't fossilize. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science, 8, 199-221.
Metaireau, M. Osiurak, F., Seye, A., & Lesourd, M. (2024). The neural correlates of limb apraxia: An anatomical likelihood estimation meta-analysis of lesion-symptom mapping studies in brain-damaged patients. Neuroscience & BioBehavioral Reviews, 162, 105720.
Curzel, F., Osiurak, F., Tran, E., Tillman, B., Ripollés, P., & Ferreri, L. (2024). Enhancing musical pleasure through shared musical experience. iScience, 27, 109964.
Bluet, A., Osiurak, F., & Reynaud, E. (2024). Innovation rate and population structure moderate the effect of population size on cumulative technological culture. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11, 649.
François, M., Fort, A., Osiurak, F., Crave, P., & Navarro, J. (2024). Does participatory design lead to safer human-machine interaction? Efficiency and distraction with truck dashboards designed by drivers. Safety Science, 174, 106482.
Baumard, J., Lesourd, M., Jarry, C., Merck, C., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Chauviré, V., Belliard, S., Osiurak, F., & Le Gall, D. (2024). Knowing “What for”, but not “Where”: Dissociation between functional and contextual tool knowledge in healthy individuals and patients with dementia. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 30, 97-106.
Baumard, J., Lesourd, M., Remigereau, C., Jarry, C., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Chauviré, V., Osiurak, F., & Le Gall, D. (2023). Sensory integration deficits in neurodegenerative diseases: Implications for apraxia. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 38, 1557-1563.
Federico, G., Osiurak, F., Ciccarelli, G., Ilardi, C. R., Cavaliere, C., Tramontano, L., Alfano, V., Migliaccio, M., Di Cecca, A., Salvatore, M., & Brandimonte, M. A. (2023). On the functional brain networks involved in tool-related action understanding. Communications Biology, 6, 1163.
Baumard, J., De Sousa, E., Roy, V., Deschamps, L., Iodice, P., Osiurak, F., & Brisson, J. (2023). Grip selection without tool knowledge: End-state comfort effect in familiar and novel tool use. Experimental Brain Research, 241, 1989-2000.
Baumard, J., Lesourd, M., Remigereau, C., Laurent, L., Jarry, C., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Chauviré, V., Osiurak, F., & Le Gall, D. (2023). Meaningless imitation in neurodegenerative diseases: Effects of body part, bimanual imitation, asymmetry, and body midline crossing. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 39, 227-248.
Virgo, J., Tarpin-Bernard, F., De Chalvron, S., Reynaud, E., Fruitet, J., Palluel-Germain, R., Vallet, G. T., & Osiurak, F. (2023). Échelle de cognition numérique (NUMERICOG). Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée, 73, 100873.
Federico, G., Osiurak, F., Brandimonte, M. A., & Cavaliere, C. (2023). The visual encoding of graspable unfamiliar objects. Psychological Research, 87, 452-461.
Osiurak, F., & Federico, G. (2023). What semantic dementia tells us about the ability to infer others’ communicative intentions. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 46, e12.
Lesourd, M., Reynaud, E., Navarro, J., Gaujoux, V., Faye-Védrines, A., Alexandre, B., De Oliveira, E., Baumard, J., Federico, G., Lamberton, F., Ibarrola, D., Rossetti, Y., & Osiurak, F. (2023). Involvement of the posterior tool processing network during explicit retrieval of action and semantic tool knowledge: An fMRI study. Cerebral Cortex, 11, 6525-6542.
Osiurak, F., Claidière, N., & Federico, G. (2023). Cultural cognition and technology: Mechanical actions speak louder than motor actions. Comment on “Blind alleys and fruitful pathways in the comparative study of cultural cognition” by Andrew Whiten. Physics of Life Reviews, 44, 141-144.
Osiurak, F., Federico, G., & Claidière, N. (2023). Technical reasoning: Neither cognitive instinct nor cognitive gadget? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 27, 339-340.
Osiurak, F., Delporte, L., Revol, P., Quesque, F., Melgar, L., Robert de Beauchamp, A., & Rossetti, Y. (2023). The social cognitive dimension of pantomime. Brain and Cognition, 166, 105942.
Osiurak, F., Claidière, N., & Federico, G. (2023). Bringing cumulative technological culture beyond copying versus reasoning. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 27, 30-42.
Gaujoux, V., Reynaud, E., Palluel-Germain, R., Vallet, G., Navarro, J., & Osiurak, F. (2023). Multitasking numérique et cognition : Effets de la consommation des médias sur l’organisation et la performance à des tâches non-numériques. L’Année Psychologique, 123, 63-89.
Federico, G., Cavaliere, C., Reynaud, E., Salvatore, M. Brandimonte, M. A., & Osiurak, F. (2022). The Area Prostriata plays a role in technical reasoning. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 18, 12.
Navarro, J., Osiurak, F., Ha, S., Communay, G., Ferrier-Barbut, E., Coatrine, A., Gaujoux, V., Hernout, E., Cegarra, J., Volante, W., & Hancock, P. A. (2022). Development of the Smart Tools Proneness Questionnaire (STP-Q): An instrument to assess the individual smart propensity of use smart tools. Ergonomics, 65, 1639-1658.
Faye, A., Osiurak, F., Lesourd, M. Hannoun, S., Cotton, F., Besnard, J., & Jacquin-Courtois, S., (2022). Numerical, spatial, and material magnitude estimation in left and right brain-damaged patients. Neuropsychological Trends, 32, 7-27.
Gaujoux, V., Osiurak, F., & Reynaud, E. (2022). Spontaneous organization in task switching reflects self-reported polychronicity and media multitasking tendency. Current Research in Behavioral Sciences, 3, 100085.
Danel, S., von Bayern, A., & Osiurak, F. (2022). Great white pelicans (Pelecanus onocrotalus) fail to use tools flexibly problem-solving tasks. Ethology, 128, 99-110.
Bartolo, A., & Osiurak, F. (2022) One century after Liepmann’s work: Where do we go now? Cortex, 154, 333-339.
Federico, G., Reynaud, E., Navarro, J., Lesourd, M., Gaujoux, V., Lamberton, F., Ibarrola, D., Cavaliere, C., Alfano, V., Aiello, M., Seguin, P., Schnebelen, Brandimonte, M. A., Rossetti, Y., & Osiurak, F. (2022). The cortical thickness of the area PF of the left inferior parietal cortex mediates technical-reasoning skills. Scientific Reports, 12, 11840.
Bluet, A., Osiurak., F., Claidière, N., & Reynaud, E. (2022). Impact of technical reasoning and theory of mind on cumulative technological culture: Insights from a model of micro-societies. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9, 231.
Danel, S., Rebout, N., Osiurak, F., & Biro, D. (2022). Exclusion by donkey’s ears: Donkeys (Equus asinus) use acoustic information to find hidden food in a two-way object-choice task. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 136, 68-78.
Osiurak, F., Claidière, N., Bluet, A., Brogniart, J., Lasserre, S., Bonhoure, T., Di Rollo, L., Gorry, N., Polette, Y., Saude, A., Federico, G., Uomini, N., & Reynaud, E. (2022). Technical reasoning bolsters cumulative technological culture through convergent transformations. Science Advances, 8, eabl7446.
Mangalam, M., Fragaszy, D. M., Wagman, J., B., Day, B. M., Kelty-Stephen, D. G., Bongers, R., Stout, D. W., & Osiurak, F. (2022). On the psychological origins of tool use. Neuroscience & BioBehavioral Reviews, 134, 104521.
Osiurak, F., Reynaud, E., & Navarro, J. (2022). Impact of intrinsic cognitive and metacognitive beliefs on tool-use performance. American Journal of Psychology, 135, 59-68.
Baumard, J., Lesourd, M., Guezouli, L., & Osiurak, F. (2021). Physical understanding in neurodegenerative diseases. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 38, 490-514.
Osiurak, F., & Federico, G. (2021). Four ways of (mis-)conceiving embodiment in tool use. Synthese, 199, 3853-3879.
Osiurak, F., Reynaud, E., Baumard, J., Rossetti, Y., Bartolo, A., & Lesourd, M. (2021). Pantomime of tool use: Looking beyond apraxia. Brain Communications, 3, facb263.
Gray, W. D., Osiurak, F., & Heersmink, R. (2021). Editors’ introduction to Tasks, Tools, & Techniques. Topics in Cognitive Science, 13, 540-547.
Osiurak, F., Cretel, C., Uomini, N., Bryche, C., Lesourd, M., & Reynaud, E. (2021). On the neurocognitive co-evolution of tool behavior and language: Insights from the massive redeployment framework. Topics in Cognitive Science, 13, 684-707.
Federico, G., Osiurak, F., & Brandimonte, M. A. (2021). Hazardous tools: The emergence of technical reasoning in human tool use. Psychological Research, 85, 3108-3118.
Alexandre, B., Osiurak, F., Navarro, J., & Reynaud, E. (2021). Tool acceptance and acceptability: Insights from a real tool use activity. Cognitive Processing, 22, 627-639.
Danel, S., Rebout, N., von Bayern, A., & Osiurak, F. (2021). Complex nests but no use of tools: An investigation of problem solving in weaverbirds (Ploceidae). Behavioural Process, 192, 104493.
Decombe, A., Brunel, L., Murday, V., Osiurak, F., Capdevielle, D., & Raffard, S. (2021). Getting a tool gives wings even in schizophrenia: Underestimation of tool-related effort in a motor imagery task. Npj Schizophrenia, 7, 45.
Osiurak, F., Griffon, P., Gaujoux, V., Reynaud, E., & Navarro, J. (2021). The Toolman effect: Preexisting non-tool-use experience improves subsequent tool-use performance. Acta Psychologica, 220, 103389.
Fournier, I., Beck, S. R., Droit-Volet, S., Brogniart, J., & Osiurak, F. (2021). Learning versus reasoning to use tools in children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 211, 105232.
Lesourd, M., Servant, M. Baumard, J., Reynaud, E., Ecochard, C., Trari-Medjaoui, F., Bartolo, A., & Osiurak, F. (2021). Semantic and action tool knowledge in the brain: Identifying common and distinct networks. Neuropsychologia, 159, 107918.
Osiurak, F., Lasserre, S., Arbanti, J., Brogniart, J., Bluet, A., Navarro, J., & Reynaud, E. (2021). Technical reasoning is important for cumulative technological culture. Nature Human Behaviour, 5, 1643-1651.
Murday, V., Campos-Moinier, K., Osiurak, F., & Brunel, L. (2021). Extraversion level predicts perceived benefits from social resources and tool use. Scientific Reports, 11, 12260.
Federico, G., Osiurak, F., Reynaud, E., & Brandimonte, M. A. (2021). Semantic congruency effects of prime words on tool visual exploration. Brain and Cognition, 152, 105758.
Navarro, J., Lappi, O., Osiurak, F., Hernout, E., Gabaude, C., & Reynaud, E. (2021). Dynamic scan paths investigations under manual and highly automated driving. Scientific Reports, 11, 3776.
Jarry, C., Osiurak, F., Baumard, J., Lesourd, M., Merck, C., Etxcharry-Bouyx, F., Chauviré V., Belliard, S., Moreaud, O., Croisile, B., & Le Gall, D. (2021). Daily life activities in patients with Alzheimer’s disease or semantic dementia: Multitasking assessment. Neuropsychologia, 150, 107714.
François, M., Osiurak, F., Fort, A., Crave, P., & Navarro, J. (2021). Usability and acceptance of truck dashboards designed by drivers: Two participatory design approaches compared to use-centred design. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 81, 103073.
Osiurak, F., Cretel, C., Duhau-Marmon, N., Fournier, I., Marignier, L., De Oliveira, E., Navarro, J., & Reynaud, E. (2020). The pedagogue, the engineer, and the friend: From whom do we learn? Human Nature, 31, 462-482.
Navarro, J., Hernout, E., Osiurak, F., & Reynaud, E. (2020). On the nature of eye-hand coordination in natural steering behavior. PLoS One, 15, e0242818.
Badets, A., Duville, M. & Osiurak, F. (2020). Tool-number interaction during a prospective memory task. Cognitive Processing, 21, 501-508.
Osiurak, F., Federico, G., Brandimonte, M. A., Reynaud, E., & Lesourd, M. (2020). On the temporal dynamics of tool use. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14, 579378.
Osiurak, F. & Bartolo, A. (2020). One century after Liepmann’s work on apraxia: Where are we now? Cortex, 129, 526-528.
Osiurak, F., & Reynaud, E. (2020). The elephant in the China shop: When technical reasoning meets cumulative technological culture. Behavioral and Brain Sciences (Response), 43, e156.
Baumard, J., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Chauviré, V., Boussard, D., Lesourd, M., Remigereau, C., Rossetti, Y., Osiurak, F., & Le Gall, D. (2020). Effect of object substitution, spontaneous compensation and repetitive training on reaching movements in a patient with optic ataxia. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 30, 1786-1813.
Danel, S., Troina, G., Dufour, V., Bailly-Bechet, M., von Bayern, A., & Osiurak, F. (2020). Social learning in great white pelicans (Pelecanus onocrotalus): A preliminary study. Learning & Behavior, 48, 344-350.
Baumard, J., Remigereau, C., Lesourd, M., Lucas, C., Jarry, C., Osiurak, F., & Le Gall, D. (2020). Imitation of meaningless gestures in normal aging. Aging, Neuropsychology, & Cognition, 27, 729-747.
Osiurak, F., & Reynaud, E. (2020). The elephant in the room: What matters cognitively in cumulative technological culture. Behavioral and Brain Sciences (Target Article), 43, e156.
Osiurak, F., Lesourd, M., Navarro, J., & Reynaud, E. (2020). Technition: When tools come out of the closet. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15, 880-897.
Lesourd, M., Naëgelé, B., Jaillard, A., Detante, O., & Osiurak, F. (2020). Using tools efficiently despite defective hand posture: A single-case study. Cortex, 129, 406-422.
Osiurak, F., Badets, A., Rossetti, Y., Lesourd, M., Navarro, J., & Reynaud, E. (2020). Disembodying (tool use) action understanding. Neuroscience & BioBehavioral Reviews, 114, 229-231.
Osiurak, F., & Rossetti, Y. (2020). Astereognosia. Cortex, 127, 399.
Osiurak, F., De Oliveira, E., Navarro, J., & Reynaud, E. (2020). The castaway island: Distinct roles of theory of mind and technical reasoning in cumulative technological culture. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149, 58-66.
Reynaud, E., Navarro, J., Lesourd, M., & Osiurak, F. (2019). To watch is to work: A critical review of neuroimaging data on tool-use observation network. Neuropsychology Review, 29, 484-497.
Faye, A., Jacquin-Courtois, S., Reynaud, E., Lesourd, M., Besnard, J., & Osiurak, F. (2019). Numerical cognition: A meta-analysis of neuroimaging, transcranial magnetic simulation, and brain-damaged patients studies. NeuroImage: Clinical, 24, 102053.
De Oliveira, E., Reynaud, E., & Osiurak, F., (2019). Roles of technical reasoning, theory of mind, creativity, and fluid cognition in cumulative technological culture. Human Nature, 30, 326-340.
Baumard, J., & Osiurak, F. (2019). Is bodily experience an epiphenomenon of multisensory integration and cognition? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13, 316.
François, M., Fort, A., Crave, P., Osiurak, F., & Navarro, J. (2019). Gauges design on digital instrument cluster: Efficiency, visual capture, and satisfaction assessment for truck driving. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 72, 290-297.
Navarro, J., Osiurak, F., Ovigue, M., Charrier, L., & Reynaud, E. (2019). Highly automated driving impact on drivers’ gaze behaviors during a car-following task. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 35, 1008-1017.
Lesourd, M., Budriesi, C., Osiurak, F., Nichelli, P., & Bartolo, A. (2019). Mechanical knowledge does matter to tool use even when assessed with a non-production task: Evidence from left brain-damaged patients. Journal of Neuropsychology, 13, 198-213.
Revol, P., Collette-Robert, S., Boulon, Z., Imai, A., Jacquin-Courtois, S., Osiurak, F., & Rossetti, Y. (2019). Thirst for intention? Grasping a glass is a thirst-controlled action. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1248.
Danel, S., van Buuren, M., von Bayern, A., & Osiurak, F. (2019). Male yellow-crowned bishops (Euplectes afer afer) acquire a novel foraging behaviour by social learning. Journal of Ethology, 37, 235-239.
Baumard, J., Lesourd, M., Remigereau, C., Merck, C., Jarry, C., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Chauviré, V., Belliard, S., Moreaud, O., Osiurak, F., & Le Gall, D. (2019). The – weak – role of memory in tool use: Evidence from neurodegenerative diseases. Neuropsychologia, 129, 117-132.
Navarro, J., Osiurak, F., Gaujoux, V., Ouimet, M. C. & Reynaud, E. (2019). Driving under influence: How music listening affects driving behaviors. Journal of Visualized Experiments, e58342.
Faure, J., Joulain, M., Lesourd, M., & Osiurak, F. (2019). Age differences in maximization. Psychologie Française, 64, 47-54.
Danel, S., von Bayern, A., & Osiurak, F. (2019). Ground-hornbills (Bucorvus) show means-end understanding in a horizontal strings two-string discrimination task. Journal of Ethology, 37, 117-122.
Alexandre, B., Navarro, J., Reynaud, E., & Osiurak, F. (2019). Which cognitive tools do we prefer to use, and is this preference rational? Cognition, 186, 108-114.
Osiurak, F., Baumard, J., Rossetti, Y., & Lesourd, M. (2019). Is there really a loss of agency in apraxia of tool use? Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 87.
Navarro, J., Reynaud, E., & Osiurak, F. (2018). Neuroergonomics of car driving. A critical meta-analysis of neuroimaging data of the human brain behind the wheel. Neuroscience & BioBehavioral Reviews, 95, 464-479.
Baumard, J., Lesourd, M., Jarry, C., Merck, C., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Chauviré, V., Belliard, S., Moreaud, O., Croisile, B., Osiurak, F., & Le Gall, D. (2018). Tool use in neurodegenerative diseases: Planning or technical reasoning? Journal of Neuropsychology, 12, 409-426.
Lesourd, M. Osiurak, F, Baumard, J., Bartolo, A., Vanbelligen, T., & Reynaud, E. (2018). Cerebral correlates of imitation of intransitive gestures: An integrative review of neuroimaging data and brain lesion studies. Neuroscience & BioBehavioral Reviews, 95, 44-60.
Osiurak, F., Lesourd, M., Delporte, L., & Rossetti, Y. (2018). Tool use and generalized motor programs. We all are natural born poly-dexters. Scientific Reports, 8, 10429.
Alexandre, B., Reynaud, E., Osiurak, F., & Navarro, J. (2018). Acceptance and acceptability criteria: A literature review. Cognition, Technology, & Work, 20, 165-177.
Osiurak, F., Reynaud, E., Navarro, J., & Thomas, G. (2018). Tools don’t – and won’t make the Man. A cognitive look at the technology of the future. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 147, 782-788.
Osiurak, F., & Danel, S. (2018). Tool use and dexterity: Beyond the embodied theory. Animal Behaviour, 139, e1-e4.
Osiurak, F., & Heinke, D. (2018). Looking for Intoolligence: A unified framework for the cognitive study of human tool use and technology. American Psychologist, 73, 169-185.
Faye, A., Jacquin-Courtois, S., & Osiurak, F. (2018). Tool use in left brain-damaged patients: Difficulties to reason, but not to estimate physical object properties. Neuropsychology, 32, 249-258.
Navarro, J., Osiurak, F., & Reynaud, E. (2018). Does the tempo of the music listened while driving impact performance? Human Factors, 60, 556-574.
Lesourd, M., Baumard, J., Remigereau, C., Costini, O., Jarry, C., Osiurak, F., & Le Gall, D. (2018). Un demi-siècle d’apraxie : Histoire récente et perspectives futures. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 10, 82-90.
Osiurak, F, Navarro, J., & Reynaud, E. (2018). How cognition shapes and is shaped by technology: A common framework for understanding human tool-use interactions in the past, present, and future. Frontiers in Cognitive Science, 9, 293.
De Oliveira, E., Osiurak, F., & Reynaud, E. (2017). Les fondements cognitifs de la culture et de l’évolution culturelle cumulative : Une revue de la littérature. L’Année Psychologique, 134, 351-378.
Osiurak, F. (2017). Cognitive paleoanthropology and technology: Toward a parsimonious theory (PATH). Review of General Psychology, 21, 292-307.
Osiurak, F., Granjon, M., Bonnevie, I., Brogniart, J., Mechtouff, L., Benoit, A., Nighoghossian, N., & Lesourd, M. (2017). Novel tool selection in left brain-damaged patients with apraxia of tool use: A study of three cases. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 23, 1-6.
Danel, S., Osiurak, F., & von Bayern, A. (2017). From the age of 5 humans decide economically, whereas crows exhibit individual preferences. Scientific Reports, 7, 17043.
Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Le Gall, D., Jarry, C., & Osiurak, F. (2017). Gestural apraxia. Revue Neurologique, 173, 430-439.
Osiurak, F. (2017). What is the future for tool-specific generalized motor programs? Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 16, 701-708.
Osiurak, F. (2017). Human tool use and the left inferior parietal cortex. eLS. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester.
François, M., Crave, P., Osiurak, F., Fort, A., & Navarro, J. (2017). Digital, analogue, or redundant speedometer for truck driving: impact on visual distraction and usability. Applied Ergonomics, 65, 12-22.
Osiurak, F., & Rossetti, Y. (2017). Limb apraxia. Cortex, 93, 228.
Lesourd, M., Baumard, J., Jarry, C., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Le Gall, D., & Osiurak, F. (2017). Les multiples facettes des pantomimes d’utilisation d’outils. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 9, 118-123.
Lesourd, M., Baumard, J., Jarry, C., Le Gall, D., & Osiurak, F. (2017). A cognitive-based model of tool use in normal aging. Aging, Neuropsychology, & Cognition, 24, 363-386.
Lesourd, M., Osiurak, F., Navarro, J., & Reynaud, E. (2017). Involvement of the left supramarginal gyrus in manipulation judgment tasks : Contributions to theories of tool use. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 23, 1-7.
Lesourd, M., Navarro, J., Baumard, J., Jarry, C., Le Gall, D., & Osiurak, F. (2017). Imitation and matching of meaningless gestures: Distinct involvement from motor and visual imagery. Psychological Research, 81, 525-537.
Osiurak, F., Rossetti, Y., & Badets, A. (2017). What is an affordance? 40 years later. Neuroscience & BioBehavioral Reviews, 77, 403-417.
Virgo, J., Pillon, J., Navarro, J., Reynaud, E., & Osiurak, F. (2017). Are you sure you’re faster when using a cognitive tool? American Journal of Psychology, 130, 493-503.
Badets, A., Michelet, T., de Rugy, A., & Osiurak, F. (2017). Creating semantics in tool use. Cognitive Processing, 18, 129-134.
François, M., Osiurak, F., Fort, A., Crave, P., & Navarro, J. (2017). Automative HMI and user involvement: Review and perspectives. Ergonomics, 60, 541-552.
Navarro, J., & Osiurak, F. (2017). The more intelligent people are, the more they use tools. Psychologie Française, 62, 85-91.
Lesourd, M., Baumard, J., Jarry, C., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Belliard, S., Moreaud, O., Croisile, B., Chauviré, V., Granjon, M., Le Gall, D., & Osiurak, F. (2017). Rethinking the cognitive mechanisms underlying pantomime of tool use: Evidence from Alzheimer’s disease and semantic dementia. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 23, 128-138.
Badets, A., & Osiurak, F. (2017). The ideomotor recycling theory for tool use, language, and foresight. Experimental Brain Research, 235, 365-377.
Osiurak, F., & Badets, A. (2017). Use of tools and misuse of embodied cognition. Reply to Buxbaum (2017). Psychological Review, 124, 361-368.
Remigereau, C., Roy, A., Costini, O., Osiurak, F., Jarry, C., & Le Gall, D. (2016). Involvement of Technical Reasoning more than Functional Knowledge in development of tool use in childhood. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1625..
Osiurak, F., & Badets, A. (2016). Affordance and tool use. Manipulation-based versus reasoning-based approaches. Psychological Review, 123, 534-568.
Osiurak, F., Lesourd, M., Navarro, J., & Reynaud, E. (2016). Commentary: Effects of dividing attention on memory for declarative and procedural aspects of tool use. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1488.
Baumard, J., Lesourd, M., Jarry, C., Merck, C., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Chauviré, V., Belliard, S., Moreaud, O., Croisile, B., Osiurak, F., & Le Gall, D. (2016). Tool use disorders in neurodegenerative diseases. Roles of semantic memory and technical reasoning. Cortex, 82, 119-132.
Osiurak, F., De Oliveira, E., Navarro, J., Lesourd, M., Claidière, N., & Reynaud, E. (2016). Physical intelligence does matter to cumulative technological culture. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 145, 941-948.
Lesourd, M., Baumard, J., Jarry, C., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Belliard, S., Moreaud, O., Croisile, B., Chauviré, V., Granjon, M., Le Gall, D., & Osiurak, F. (2016). Mechanical problem-solving in Alzheimer’s disease and semantic dementia. Neuropsychology, 30, 612-623.
Le Gall, D., Jarry, C., Besnard, J., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Baumard, J., Lesourd, M., & Osiurak, F. (2016). L’apraxie dans les pathologies neurodégénératives. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 8, 77-85.
Jarry, C., Osiurak, F., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Baumard, J., Lesourd, M., & Le Gall, D. (2016). Stratégies d’évaluation des troubles d’utilisation d’outils. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 8, 108-117.
Osiurak, F., Jarry, C., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Baumard, J., Lesourd, M., & Le Gall, D. (2016). Bases neurocognitives de l’utilisation d’outils. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 8, 99-103.
Jarry, C., Osiurak, F., & Le Gall, D. (2016). Vous avez dit Homo Faber ? Tétralogiques, 21, 59-86.
Reynaud, E., Lesourd, M., Navarro, J., & Osiurak, F. (2016). On the neurocognitive origins of human tool use: A critical review of neuroimaging data. Neuroscience & BioBehavioral Reviews, 64, 421-437.
Jarry, C., Osiurak, F., Baumard, J., Lesourd, M., Croisile, B., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Chauviré, V., & Le Gall, D. (2016). Tool use in left brain damage and Alzheimer’s disease. What about function and manipulation knowledge? Journal of Neuropsychology, 10, 154-159.
Navarro, J., Lesourd, M., Osiurak, F., Reynaud, E. (2015). Nos performances de conduite sont-elles sous l’influence du tempo de la musique que nous écoutons ? Une étude sur simulateur. Recherche, Transports, Sécurité, 31, 211-221.
Osiurak, F., Bergot, M., & Chainay, H. (2015). Visual objects speak louder than words: Motor planning and weight in tool use and object transport. Acta Psychologica, 162, 76-80.
Faure, J., Joulain, M., & Osiurak, F. (2015). Validation en langue française des échelles de maximation et de regret de Schwartz et collaborateurs. Psychologie Française, 60, 301-316.
Badets, A., & Osiurak, F. (2015). The lowest common denominator between species for teaching behaviors. Commentary on "How to learn about teaching: An evolutionary framework for the study of teaching behavior in humans and other animals" by Kline. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 38, e33.
Osiurak, F., Faure, J., Rabeyron, T., Morange, D., Dumet, N., Tapiero, I., Poussin, M., Navarro, J., Reynaud, E., & Finkel, A. (2015). Déterminants de la procrastination académique: Motivation autodéterminée, estime de soi et degré de maximation. Pratiques Psychologiques, 21, 19-33.
Badets, A., & Osiurak, F. (2015). A goal-based mechanism for delayed motor intention: Considerations from motor skills, tool use and action memory. Psychological Research, 79, 345-360.
Osiurak, F., & Le Gall, D. (2015). Apraxia: A gestural or a cognitive disorder? Brain, 138, e333.
Navarro, J., & Osiurak, F. (2015). When do use automatic tools rather than doing a task manually? Influence of automatic tool speed. American Journal of Psychology, 128, 77-88.
Jarry, C., Osiurak, F., Baumard, J., Lesourd, M., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Chauviré, V., & Le Gall, D. (2015). Mechanical problem solving and imitation of meaningless postures in left brain damaged patients. Two sides of the same coin? Cortex, 63, 214-216.
Chainay, H., Brüers, S., Martin, H., & Osiurak, F. (2014). Transport and use of common objects: Influence of weight on action planning. Visual Cognition, 22, 1154-1172.
Osiurak, F., & Lesourd, M. (2014). What about mechanical knowledge? Comment on "Action semantics: A unifying conceptual framework for the selective use of multimodal and modality-specific object knowledge" by van Elk, van Schie, and Bekkering. Physics of Life reviews, 11, 269-270.
Osiurak, F. (2014). Tool use and manual actions: The human body as a means versus an end. Cortex, 57, 281-282.
Osiurak, F. (2014). Mechanical knowledge, but not manipulation knowledge, might support action prediction. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 737.
Osiurak, F. & Massen, C. (2014). The cognitive and neural bases of human tool use. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1107.
Baumard, J., Osiurak, F., Lesourd, M., & Le Gall, D. (2014). Tool use disorders after left brain damage. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 473.
Osiurak, F. (2014). What neuropsychology tells us about human tool use? The four constraints theory (4CT): Mechanics, space, time, and effort. Neuropsychology Review, 24, 88-115.
Osiurak, F., Morgado, N., Vallet, G., Drot, M., & Palluel-Germain, R. (2014). Getting a tool gives wings: Overestimation of tool-related benefits in a motor imagery task and a decision task. Psychological Research, 78, 1-9.
Osiurak, F., & Badets, A. (2014). Pliers, not fingers: Tool-action effect in a motor intention paradigm. Cognition, 130, 66-73.
Griot, M., Poussin, M., & Osiurak, F. (2013). L’expérience fraternelle confrontée à la déficience intellectuelle. Pratiques Psychologiques, 19, 245-263.
Osiurak, F. (2013). Apraxia of tool use is not a matter of affordances. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 890.
Lesourd, M., Le Gall, D., Baumard, J., Croisile, B., Jarry, C., & Osiurak, F. (2013). Apraxie et maladie d’Alzheimer. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 5, 213-222.
Osiurak, F., Wagner, C., Djerbi, S., & Navarro, J. (2013). To do it or to let an automatic tool do it? The priority of control over effort. Experimental Psychology, 60, 453-468.
Jarry, C., Osiurak, F., Delafuys, D., Chauviré, V., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., & Le Gall, D. (2013). Apraxia of tool use: More evidence for the technical reasoning hypothesis. Cortex, 49, 2322-2333.
Morgado, N., Gentaz, E., Guinet, E., Osiurak, F., & Palluel-Germain, R. (2013). Within reach but no so reachable: Obstacles matter in visual perception of reaching distances. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 20, 462-467.
Lesourd, M., Le Gall, D., Baumard, J., Croisile, B., Jarry, C., & Osiurak, F. (2013). Apraxia and Alzheimer’s disease: Review and perspectives. Neuropsychology Review, 23, 234-256.
Osiurak, F., Jarry, C., Lesourd, M., Baumard, J., & Le Gall, D. (2013). Mechanical problem-solving strategies in left brain-damaged patients and apraxia of tool use. Neuropsychologia, 51, 1964-1972.
Osiurak, F., Roche, K., Ramone, J., & Chainay, H. (2013). Handing a tool to someone can take more time than using it. Cognition, 128, 76-81.
Bohlhalter, S., & Osiurak, F. (2013). Limb apraxia in neurodegenerative diseases. Neurodegenerative Disease Management, 3, 353-361.
Faure, J., & Osiurak, F. (2013). L’appropriation de l’espace chez des personnes âgées dépendantes résidants en EHPAD. Pratiques Psychologiques, 19, 135-146.
Palluel-Germain, R., Morgado, N., Osiurak, F., & Gentaz, E. (2012). Physical constraints of action matter: Their effect on perceived distance. Cognitive Processing, 13, S66.
Le Gall, D., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., & Osiurak, F. (2012). Les apraxies: Synthèse et nouvelles perspectives. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 4, 174-185.
Osiurak, F., Morgado, N., & Palluel-Germain, R. (2012). Tool use and perceived distance: When unreachable becomes spontaneously reachable. Experimental Brain Research, 218, 331-339.
Osiurak, F., Jarry, C., Baltenneck, N., Boudin, B., & Le Gall, D. (2012). Make a gesture and I will tell you what you are miming: Pantomime recognition in healthy subjects. Cortex, 48, 584-592.
Baltenneck, N., Portalier, S., Chapon, P. -M., & Osiurak, F. (2012). Parcourir la ville sans voir: Effet de l’environnement urbain sur la perception et le ressenti des personnes aveugles lors d’un déplacement in situ. Année Psychologique, 112, 403-433.
Osiurak, F., Jarry, C., & Le Gall, D. (2011). Re-examining the gesture engram hypothesis: New perspectives on apraxia of tool use. Neuropsychologia, 49, 299-312.
Gaymard, S., Allain, P., Osiurak, F., & Le Gall, D. (2011). The conditions of respect of rules in young and elderly drivers: An exploratory study. European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context, 3, 11-28.
Osiurak, F., Jarry, C., & Le Gall, D. (2010). De l’ouvrage à l’usage: Réflexions sur les concepts d’improvisation et de pérennité. Tétralogiques, 18, 15-27.
Besnard, J., Allain, P., Aubin, G., Osiurak, F., V., Chauviré, Etcharry-Bouyx, F., & Le Gall, D. (2010). Utilization behaviour: Clinical and theoretical approach. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 16, 1-10.
Osiurak, F., Jarry, C., & Le Gall, D. (2010). Grasping the affordances, understanding the reasoning: Toward a dialectical theory of human tool use. Psychological Review, 117, 517-540.
Besnard, J., Allain, P., Osiurak, F., Aubin, G., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., & Le Gall, D. (2009). Contrôle exécutif et comportement d’utilisation d’objets: Vers une dissociation. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 1, 120-132.
Osiurak, F., Jarry, C., Allain, P., Aubin, G., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Richard, I., Bernard, I., & Le Gall, D. (2009). Unusual use of objects after unilateral brain damage: The technical reasoning model. Cortex, 45, 769-783.
Osiurak, F., Aubin, G., Allain, P., Jarry, C., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Richard, I., & Le Gall, D. (2008). Different constraints on grip selection in brain-damaged patients: Object use versus object transport. Neuropsychologia, 46, 2431-2434.
Osiurak, F., Aubin, G., Allain, P., Jarry, C., Richard, I., & Le Gall, D. (2008). Object utilization and object usage: A single-case study. Neurocase, 14, 169-183.
Osiurak, F., Jarry, C., Allain, P., Aubin, G., Etcharry-Bouyx, F., Richard, I., & Le Gall, D. (2007). Des troubles praxiques aux troubles techniques: Une étude de deux cas. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 17, 231-259.
Bonnaud, V., Bouston, A., Osiurak, F., & Gil, R. (2004). Le syndrome dysexécutif chez la personne âgée: De la théorie à la pratique. La Revue Francophone de Gériatrie et de Gérontologie, 103, 147-149.