Francesco Camastra, PhD
Francesco Camastra was born at Polignano a mare, Italy in 1960. He has been Associate Professor in Computer Science (Italian ssd INF/01) at University Parthenope of Napoli since December 29th 2017. Since January 14th 2020 he has been the head (in Italian Coordinatore) of M. Sc. Studies in Applied Computer Science (Machine Learning and Big Data), where he is in charge of the courses of Machine Learning part I and Multimodal Machine Learning.
He is the director of the node Parthenope of CINI Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems. He is the head of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition “Alfredo Petrosino” laboratory, affiliated to CVPL, Italian Chapter of International Association of Pattern Recognition-IAPR. In 2005 he was the winner of Eduardo R. Caianiello Award 2005, promoted by Italian Neural Network Society (SIREN), for the best thesis of PhD on neural networks. He was the winner of PR awards 2008, as coauthor of best paper published in the journal Pattern Recognition. He was included in Top Reviewers of Pattern Recognition Letters in the period 2008-2012. He was included in 2020 by Plos Biology in the 100K top scientists of the world. He published about 70 papers on peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings and the book Machine Learning for Audio, Image and Video Analysis. His overall number of citations in Scopus is 2069 (H-index is 18) at September 11 2021.
He has been Guest Editor for Environmental Modeling and Software for the special issue Machine Learning advances Environmental Sciences. He was Leader Guest Editor for Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine and he has been in the editorial board of the following Scopus-indexed journals: Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Information, Inventions. He was the co-organizer of Workshop MAES@ICPR2020 (Machine Learning advances Environmental Science) on January 10 2021. He is senior IEEE member.