For fast moving objects use frame interval 0.1 to 3 seconds. Clouds look good in 3 to 8 seconds interval. For flower/plant growth 30 seconds to 10 minutes. All other activities can be calculated similarly based on their speed as compared to these events.

If you have them enabled, as soon as recording starts they are locked and released when recording is finished. It helps to prevent flicker due to changing lighting condition.

No, you can view the video almost instantaneously without any delay.

The app does not store photos in video mode, only in image or both does it store them. It records to high quality compressed video and thus saves a lot of space and time. The default location is DCIM/Framelapse. All videos are displayed in your gallery as-well.

This app requires to be in the foreground for performance and privacy concerns. So if any other apps takes control, the recording will be stopped. If your device has block all notifications mode, it can be helpful. Airplane mode can also be helpful.

Reset or reinstall app if you have any issues after update.

On some low end devices with less ram the app might not work properply due to performance issues.

Yes, all purchases are linked to your account. So as long as you are using the same account you can install on multiple devices of yours, any number of times you like.