A font family is a group of fonts that share a typeface but differ in typestyle. So, for example, Times is the name of a font family (as well as the name of its typeface). Times roman and Times Italic are the names of two individual fonts belonging to the Times family. Figure 2-3 shows several of the fonts in the Times font family.

This specimen is a fragment of Roman Hypocaust box flue (tubuli) brick purchased from a private dealer of antiquities. Developed during the 1st century CE, the box flue was formed from a single piece of thick clay which was wrapped around a solid mold. Once fired, stacks of these hollow, rectangular ceramics formed the core of Roman bathhouse walls.

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The content plane classifies resources that areused when rendering EPUB content documents and foreign content documents. These types ofresources include embedded media, CSS style sheets, scripts, and fonts. These resources fallinto three categories based on their reading system support: core media type resources,foreign resources, and exempt resources.

EPUB creators MUST list the path to the obfuscated font in the CipherReference childof the CipherData element. As the obfuscation algorithm is restricted to fonts, theURI attribute of the CipherReference element MUST reference a Font core media type resource.

XHTML content documents support the embedding of SVG documentfragments [svg] by reference (embedding via reference, for example, froman img or object element) and by inclusion (embedding viadirect inclusion of the svg element in the XHTML content document). ff782bc1db

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