Creating expense reports in the SAP Concur mobile app is a very streamlined process. Other than the convenience of creating expense reports right on your mobile device, the SAP Concur mobile app synchronizes in real-time to the web-version of SAP Concur.

Note: Expense reports can be worked on over a period of time and do not need to be submitted the same day they are created. This allows you to work on your expense reports over a period of time and add expenses as you incur them or as they become available throughout the reporting period.

How To Download Report From Concur

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When I started working at my previous employer, they already had a ton of ad hoc Concur reports, and I used to frequently copy these reports to My Folder in Concur to modify them and create new reports. I am with a new company now, and all they have are the canned reports that Concur provides which can be difficult to modify if you are not well versed in doing so. How do I create a new report from scratch? I have several reports I need to create today.

We offer a customizable, end-to-end suite of products that can help manage complex business challenges, navigate global regulations, audit employee spending, and more. By automating the expense reporting process, your business can increase compliance, avoid risk, and be more efficient.

As we are preparing for year end, I've been trying to get a jump start on sending reminders to our users who have old transactions that haven't been submitted in an expense report yet. I've ended up working off of two different standard intelligence reports: Unsubmitted Expense Entry Analysis Details (grouped by employee) and Unassigned Credit Card Transactions.

What I'm trying to do is see ALL unsubmitted company card expenses, so that I can sort by the date and send reminders to everyone who has anything over 60 days. Since the Unsubmitted report doesn't appear to include items that are not in expense reports, and the Unassigned report doesn't include items that are, I have to work from both.

What do all of you use in terms of reporting for this task? Is there one that I'm missing that would give me all of that info in one place? Did you build a report from scratch? I've thought about doing that, but reporting is definitely not my strong suit in Concur.

DeanR makes a great suggestion. I'd like to add one that might be less time consuming. Try using an Email Reminder. That way you don't have to go to Cognos, build a report, run the report, look at all the data, then compose an email. With the reminder, you build the condition to look at all employees with unsubmitted transactions older than whatever amount of days you want. Once the reminder is built, that night a job will run and send out an email to all employees with the unsubmitted transactions. You set up the rule and reminder, SAP Concur does the emailing for you.

Hi @cgivens ! 

We currently have a single expense report reminder email for all users but I would really like to update our reminders to be three levels based on how overdue the report is, and the final one would say the card would be suspended. Would you be willing to share the audit rules you built for your reminders? I was going to open a case but I would rather just build them on my own. Thank you!

Yes building a new report in an option but another opton is to processs the Unsubmitted Expense Entry Analysis Details (grouped by employee) and Unassigned Credit Card Transactions re[prt amd then save as an excel file. THen you could select the columns of data the you want form each report into another excel file. Then you could sort the combined data to know what user to send the strongly worded overdue notification.

@SarahC you can proxy in as the user, if you have the Proxy permission. If you do not, your system administrator will either; 1. need to assign you the permisson or 2. Be the one to proxy in and take care of the expense reports.

When you navigate to the Expense module in Concur, the default View is for Active Reports, Expense Reports that have are not yet been submitted into workflow or those you already submitted into workflow but are awaiting approval. However, if you need to access older, fully approved reports, you can select Views for various date periods, including a date range that you can specify.

You can toggle between Active Reports or Sent for Payment (90 Days), the latter being those reports which have been fully approved and are being processed for payment. You can also select a different time period to review or specify your own time period.

The easiest way to start the Expense Report is from an approved Travel Request. Travelers or Travel Delegates (Representatives) can start an Expense Report and fill it out until it's "Ready to Submit", but the traveler must review and submit their own Expense Reports in Concur.

Concur Expense is now live across campus for all Faculty, Staff and Students. This new system was implemented to streamline the travel booking and expense reimbursement processes for faculty, staff, and students who are conducting University business. The Penn Travel & Expense Management (TEM) team rolled out Concur Expense, the expense report submission module of the Concur Travel & Expense Management application, to each of the University departments, Schools, and Centers over the past few months. An Advisory group made up of representative from the schools and centers will continue to offer feedback as users interact with the system.

first off, i am new not only to cognos report studio, but to working with databases/tables and queries in general. I am tasked with building reports using sap concur's implementation of IBM Cognos report studio (v10.2.1). That means the data model is defined by the concur people.

I am using 5 queries joined together in 4 Joins and now have all the columns and values the way i want them in the report (through more trial and error than i am comfortable with, to be honest), except for one thing:Adding the column "Comments" generates duplicate rows, one for each comment. There can be no comments, 1 comment or multiple comments per item.So what i want to achieve is concatenating all comments (if there are any) into the same row.

PS: Of course i used the available training resources (manuals & recorded training sessions) provided by concur concerning their reporting solution. However, these are rather low level and very light on the issue of joining multiple queries.

As to your issue, I'm not sure you can successfully do what you are trying to do which is take a multiple rows from a table and merge them into a single column. In theory, you could do multiple self-joins, one for each comment and then concatenate the results but this would be both unwieldy and you'd have to set a limit as to how many comments would be supported this way as you'd have to have a manually defined join for each.

Travelers may request reimbursement for costs incurred before the actual dates of any approved travel by submitting a completed travel expense report, including supporting documentation. You will follow this process below regardless of when the purchases took place.

Concur Expense Reference Guide Illustrated step-by-step instructions for working with expense reports. Viewing Your Expense Report History Illustrated step-by-step instructions for viewing expense report history

Concur Expense Quick Access Guide This guide gives new users a quick reference for getting started with the Expense module.How to Itemize Hotel Expenses Explains how to add and itemize hotel expenses on the expense report.How to Link a Request to an Expense Report This guide will show you the steps to get a request linked to your expense report.Unintended Transaction Report Guide Did you accidentally use your University card for a personal transaction? This guide will show you how to create a report to remove these transcations from your Concur profile.

Description: This course introduces travelers to the electronic travel and expense system. The content ensures they have the knowledge, skills and abilities to make a travel request, book travel and complete expense reports within Concur.

Description: This course is designed for staff who are travel delegates who arrange travel, create and review travel requests and expense reports in Concur Travel and Expense on behalf of the traveler. This course introduces participants to the electronic travel and expense system. The content ensures they have the knowledge, skills and abilities to make book travel segments and create a travel request. The expense report process is reviewed, which includes expense submission, receipt collection and reimbursements.

This job aid covers how to itemize hotel/lodging expenses and includes examples of a hotel bill with the same nightly rate and another for when the rate differs from night to night (including a segregated expense for exceeding policy thresholds).

Deleted reports cannot be recovered. Per the Confirm Delete pop-up that appears when you select the option to Delete Report: "This report will be permanently deleted."

Users can change the email notifications they receive under their Profile Settings > Expense Preferences and/or Request Preferences. There are different email notifications based on whether it is an expense report or a request.

Express emails will be sent from an domain. Please ensure your spam/junk mail settings are updated to allow these email addresses as safe senders: ff782bc1db

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