Live timetabled event: Wednesday 1 – Friday 3 September 2021
with a build-up week of keynote interview videos beginning Friday 27 August 2021
and a catch-up week to rewatch what you liked and watch what you missed till Sunday 12 September
Online international conference between the National University of Ireland, Galway / Ollscoil Na hÉireann, Gaillimh; The Irish Philosophical Society / Cumann Fealsúnachta Na Héireann; and the British Society for Phenomenology.
Welcome to the homepage for the online international conference ‘The Future as a Present Concern’ 2021 – a joint event convened by NUIG, IPS and BSP.
Six Keynote Speakers | 68 Panel Speakers Presenting 65 Papers | 150 Attendees
This conference explores the question of the future from phenomenological and other philosophical perspectives. There will be papers on various aspects of this question, whether ontological, ethical, aesthetic, epistemological, and in relation to political theory, gender theory, critical race theory, ecology, philosophy of religion, philosophy of science, and analytic philosophy – see full theme.
Call for Papers: closed 31 March 2021 | Registration: closed 22 August 2021