Frequently Asked Questions

Is this online training?

Yes, Training will conducted on platforms like Google Meet/Zoom Meeting/Cisco Webex, etc.

Is the credibility of online and offline training same or not ?

YES. There is no difference between online and offline training. Both of them have the same content and same certificate. Offline training is more expensive than online training.

Can I get job after FoSTaC training?

No, FoSTaC not give any such promise.

Is there any exam after FoSTaC training?

Yes, Training and exam will conducted on same day. You need to score more than 50% mark to avail a certificate.

What is exam pattern?

Exam contains 20 MCQ type questions. You get 30-60 minutes to solve those questions. Most of the time exam will be conducted on Google Forms.

Certificate have expiry date?

Yes, Certificate is valid for 2 years. After expiring the certificate you need to renew the certificate by again completing the training.

Can I get hard copy of certificate?

Yes, you can get door step delivery of laminated hard copy of certificate for EXTRA charges. Availability of this service is depend on training partner.