UAV Simulation

Watch these series of short videos to understand the full process of flying a UAV to collect data for the study area.

  1. Prepare the UAV for flight

Perform an inspection of all the elements of the UAV before flight to ensure it is functioning properly and the batteries are fully charged.

Also, check the weather reports for the area to ensure there is no expected precipitation or strong winds.

2. Set up the flight path using the UAV'a app.

We use the UAVs corresponding app on the iPad connected to the controller to determine the area the UAV will fly to collect images.

3. Launch the UAV using the app.

4. The UAV collects information by taking pictures at various points along its flight path.

5. Land the UAV using the return home button on its controller.

6. Offload the images from the UAV.

Now that drone has landed, we can put the UAV back in its case and pull out the memory card that contains the images it took of the Tiger Band Plaza. We can put the memory card into our computer and then open them in Metashape to create products from the images, which you will do in Part 3.