Milestone 4

Essential Question for Milestone 4

What solutions can we as change agents take action on?

Welcome to the fourth milestone stage of our project based learning experience! In this stage, we will explore solutions for the problem of food waste and hunger and decide how we can take action as change agents. We will use our research and creativity to develop an authentic solution that is tangible for 4th graders to accomplish.

Project based learning (PBL) is a teaching method that engages students in solving real-world problems or answering complex questions through a project1. PBL helps students develop key knowledge, understanding, and success skills2. PBL also gives students voice and choice in their learning and makes it relevant to their lives3.

The fourth milestone stage of PBL is about authenticity and sustained inquiry. We will make sure our project involves real-world context, tasks and tools, quality standards, or impact, or speaks to personal concerns, interests, and issues in our lives. We will also engage in a rigorous, extended process of posing questions, finding resources, and applying information. We will not settle for simple answers or quick fixes, but dig deeper into the problem and the possible solutions.

We hope you are excited to see our progress and learn from it. Thank you for being part of our project based learning journey!

In this part of our project learning, we are exploring how we can contribute to a solution for our problem. We are doing a deep dive into the different pathways that could lead to a positive impact and choosing the one that sparks our interest and curiosity the most. We are also forming solutionary groups based on our common interests and passions. Some of the groups are working on composting, data collection, and awareness campaigns.