Master of Research

 MRes, Global Innovation and Sustainability in the Food Industry and Nutrition

Department of Food Science and Nutrition - University of the Aegean


Course Director

Dr Konstantinos (Kostas) Gkatzionis

Assoc. Professor

Head of Department of Food Science and Nutrition

Teaching staff

Faculty of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of the Aegean

Academics of collaborating academic institutions

Guest lecturers


The course is registered and administrated by the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of the Aegean.

There is an external advisory scientific committee.

The advisory scientific committee of the course

Dr. Konstantinos Gkatzionis

Head of Department

University of the Aegean, Greece

Dr Konstantinos (Kostas) Gkatzionis is an Associate Professor focusing on Consumer science, Sensory analysis and food biochemistry. His teaching and research take a multidisciplinary approach in applied research addressing industrial problems and challenges as well as fundamental investigations. Dr Kostas Gkatzionis has benefited from being exposed to a number of different industries, universities and cultural environments throughout his career. Prior to joining the University of the Aegean, he has worked as an Assistant Professor at the School of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham in the UK (2013-2018), and remains an Honorary Research Fellow. He received his Bachelor’s degree in food technology from ATEI, Thessaloniki, Greece and worked as food scientist and quality control manager in food industry. He completed his Ph.D. degree at the Division of Food Sciences, University of Nottingham, UK, and has held appointments as a KTP associate with Pepsico research centre and research associate with the University of Northampton.

Dr Kostas Gkatzionis has been involved in a number of successful research and infrastructural grants exceeding ~4.5 million euros including Horizon 2020, UK research council funding, national and industry funding. His academic citizenship includes links to and collaborations with Asia and Africa as well as partnerships within the EU, materialised through joint consortia, projects and consultancy with industries, academic institutions and food SMEs.

Dr Kostas Gkatzionis has been supervising an international and truly multicultural research group of doctorate candidate students from numerous countries including Indonesia, Italy, Lebanon, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Uganda, UK, Cyprus and of course Greece, many of which have now graduated and hold positions in academia and industries across the world.

Throughout his academic career, Dr Kostas Gkatzionis has supervised >40 MSc projects and post-doctoral researchers and has been involved in teaching at both undergraduate and post graduate level, through lectures, laboratory practicals and direct student supervision. 

Dr. Putu Virgina Partha Devanthi

Head of BioTechnology

Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences, Indonesia

Dr. Putu Virgina Partha Devanthi earned her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Birmingham, the United Kingdom. She received her master's degree in Biotechnology and bachelor's degree in Microbiology cum laude from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia, through an accelerated program funded by The Indonesian Ministry of Education Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI). She became an assistant professor at i3L and was assigned as Head of the Biotechnology Department. She is also been appointed as an adjunct lecturer at the UCSI University, Malaysia.

Dr. Putu's research interests revolve around food safety, fermentation, microbial encapsulation and probiotics of local origin, focusing on functionality characterization and formulation. Her research on microbial interaction and encapsulation and its applications in improving the flavor and aroma of reduced-salt soy sauce has been published in high ranked international journals. Dr. Putu's research group is active in bacterial cellulose production and development for applications in the food and pharmaceutical industries in collaboration with the University of Boras, Sweden. It is funded by the Ministry of Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia through the World Class Research scheme.

Dr. Diriisa (Eddie) Mugampoza

Dean of Faculty of Science

Kyambogo University, Uganda

Dr. Diriisa (Eddie) Mugampoza holds a Ph.D in Food Microbiology from the University of Nottingham. He is Associate Professor in the Department of Food Technology and Dean of the Faculty of Science, Kyampogo University, Uganda. Dr. Mugampoza has worked with various food industries and universities throughout his 20-year career as a Technologist. His research interests include food safety and quality. Current research focuses on microbiology and aroma development of traditional foods in Uganda. As Coordinator of graduate programmes in the Department, he initiated international collaborations which led to world-class training at the University.

Dr. Ioannis Mourtzinos

Assoc. Professor

Aristotle University, Greece

Dr. Mourtzinos is an Assistant Professor in Food Chemistry and Analysis in the Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He received his Bachelor in Chemistry (2001) and M.Sc. in Food Chemistry and Technology (2003) from the same University and Ph.D. (2007) from Harokopio University. He participated in courses in Ghent University (Belgium) and Corvinus University (Hungary) on issues related with food safety and health. He worked in the R&D department of PEPSICO, in the R&D department of Chr. Hansen and also in the R&D and QA/QC departments of APIVITA. His expertise include the extraction and characterization of plants’ bioactive ingredients, encapsulation of nutraceutical compounds and incorporation of nutraceuticals in foods using advanced techniques. He participated in 10 European and international research projects and have 3 patents.

Dr. Apinya Vanichpun

Dean of Faculty of Agro-Industry

Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Thailand

Dr.Apinya Vanichpun is a Professor in Food Science and Technology. Her research interests include food safety, functional foods and alternative proteins. Current research focuses on value-added products for large scale farms.

Dr. Siti Hajar Ariffin

Senior Lecturer

Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia

Dr. Siti Hajar Ariffin is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Process and Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). She got her BSc. in Chemical Engineering from Iowa State University, USA and her PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Birmingham, UK. Dr. Siti is the Head of Food Engineering Unit Operation Laboratory and she is the member of research groups; Packaging Engineering and Postharvest Engineering at the Department of Process and Food Engineering, UPM. She is also an Associate Researcher at HALAL Products Research Institute and Associate Member of Institution of Chemical Engineers, UK. Her areas of expertise include packaging engineering, postharvest handling, quality and shelf life, mathematical modeling, sensory and consumer studies, image processing and food security.

Dr. Muhammad Ikhsan Sulaiman

Head of Department 

University of Syiah Kuala, Indonesia

After earning Ph.D from University of Göttingen, Germany, Dr. Muhammad Ikhsan Sulaiman worked for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in the emergency rehabilitation of agriculture and food security programmes in several locations in Indonesia and Nepal. Now he is the head Department of Agricultural Product Technology. He teaches a broad range of topics, particularly in the product development technology, supply chain management, and project and risk management.  His research has been focused on underutilized crops attributed with environmental and  health benefit compounds. He is a member of Indonesian Expert of Food Technologist and International Food Technologist (IFT) as well as chairing the communication forum of food technology study programmes in Indonesia. 

Dr. Zacharias Ioannou

Ass. Professor

University of the Aegean, Greece

Dr. zacharias Ioannou is an Assistant Professor Mechanics in Agri-Food. 

Dr. Efstathios Kaloudis

Ass. Professor

University of the Aegean, Greece

Efstathios Kaloudis is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Food Science and Nutrition of the University of the Aegean, Greece. He received his B.Sc. in Physics from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece) and his Ph.D. from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics at the University of Patras (Greece), studying Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat transfer. Afterward, he continued his research activities as a Research Associate of the Solar & other Energy Systems Laboratory of NCSR Demokritos. Dr. Kaloudis ηασ worked as a Research and Development Engineer in Centaur, a startup company of the Ag-Tech industry. During this period, he developed several numerical models and analysis tools for pest management and grain quality applications.

Dr. Kaloudis’ research interests include computational modeling methods, fluid dynamics, heat and mass transfer, and data analysis in the fields of post-harvest quality, pest management, and traceability of agricultural commodities. He has participated in European and National funded programs. Dr. Kaloudis is also the co-inventor of two patents, where he developed new methods for post-harvest crop quality and pest management.

Dr. Kosmas Ellinas

Ass. Professor

University of the Aegean, Greece

Dr. Kosmas Ellinas is an Assistant Professor in applied Physic and Material Sciences in Agri-Food. 

Dr. Eleni Naziri

Ass. Professor

University of the Aegean, Greece

Dr. Eleni Naziri is an Assistant Professor in Food Biochemistry, in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition of the University of The Aegean. She received her Bachelor Degree in Chemistry, M.Sc. in Food Chemistry and Technology and her Ph.D from Chemistry Dept., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has participated in several European Cost Actions and National, European and International research projects in collaboration with industry. Before joining the University of the Aegean she was the Head of the R&D Department of a Metallurgical Industry. Her expertise includes the biotechnological production of functional lipids and value-added ingredients, their extraction with safe chemical means of low environmental impact than find application if food industry as well as the examination of antioxidant and/or pro-oxidant activities. The current research interests of Dr Eleni Naziri include the valorization of food industry by-products with biotechnological means for the production of functional foods and food ingredients applying the disciplines of circular economy and the process optimization of traditional fermented products for achieving sustainability in the food industry. 

Dr. Antonios Koutelidakis

Ass. Professor

University of the Aegean, Greece

Dr Antonios Koutelidakis graduated from the Department of Food Science and Nutrition at the Agricultural University of Athens and attended postgraduate studies at the same university department, with direction of Human Nutrition. He earned his PHD from Food Science and Nutrition Division, in the scientific area of Human Nutrition. The objective of his doctoral thesis was to study the effect of nutritional factors on the bioactivity of various food and beverages. Since 2007 he has participated to 10 national and European research programs and has published a scientific book entitled "Functional Foods: Their role in health promotion.". He was Research Associate of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics of Crete Technological Institution, and later became an Assistant Professor in Human Nutrition in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of the Aegean. He has supervised more than 90 graduate dissertation projects. His team won the first place nationally in Ecotrophelia 2020 food innovation competition and received the Silver Award (2nd place) in Europe.

Dr. Dimitris Sarris

Ass. Professor

University of the Aegean, Greece

Dr. Dimitris Sarris is an Assistant Professor in Molecular biology and Biotechnology. 

Lecturing staff

Faculty members of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of the Aegean, academics of collaborating academic institutions, guest lecturers and professionals from the industry.