This small family farm started in 1997 in Watsonville, CA by farmer Ruben Avila and Dominga, a husband and wife team. Now they are eight with six children all helping out with the farm. In 2002, they upgraded from 5 to 20 acres of produce and sold to local markets in the Bay Area.

They moved their farm to Hollister 12 years ago and have been managing 30 acres of organically grown produce. They aren’t certified yet but practice all organic procedures and don’t use pesticides and they are GMO Free along with using organic fertilizers.


360 Cowden Rd, Hollister, CA 95023

Phone: 831-325-1835

Serving Options:

Deliveries: Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays

Farmers Markets: Saratoga Farmers Market on Saturdays, Campbell Farmers’ Market on Sundays,Civic Center Wednesdays and Sundays, Fremont on Sundays, and Mountain View Market on Sundays, and Blossom Hill on Wednesdays and Sundays


  • Mon-Fri: 8-4:30 pm