The Mega Program (the National Infrastructure Project Assistance program) supports large, complex projects that are difficult to fund by other means and likely to generate national or regional economic, mobility, or safety benefits.

Mega-City One is a fictional city that features in the Judge Dredd comic book series and related media. A post-nuclear megalopolis covering much of what is now the Eastern United States and some of Canada, the city's exact geography depends on the writer and artist working the story. From its first appearance it has been associated with New York City's urban sprawl; originally presented as a future New York, it was retconned as the centre of a "Mega-City One" in the third issue.[1]

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While the first Judge Dredd story is set in "New York 2099AD", prog 3 retconned that and said New York was just part of Mega-City One.[4] The back of prog 3 included an Ezquerra "Futuregraph" poster of Mega-City One (a page from an unused Dredd story), which said the city stretched from Montreal to Georgia and had 150 million citizens; it was part of the "United States of the West" (USW).[5] Prog 4 then established that Mega-City One was surrounded by wildernesses from the Atomic Wars. The 150 million population was later revised to 100 million in earlier strips[citation needed] and abruptly bumped to 800 million later on.[6] The United States of the West concept was dropped entirely; a "United Cities of North America" of three megacities was mentioned in prog 42 and then itself dropped in favour of Mega-City One being an independent entity.

In early strips, the Judges existed alongside a regular police force,[7] were popular with the citizens, and the people enjoyed robots doing the work, with the "Grand Judge" saying they would not consent to work more than ten hours a week.[8] Over time, the strip would have the Judges as a feared police-state force with sole power; prog 118 (written when unemployment was going up in Britain) established that citizens resented being unemployed and took up bizarre crazes to deal with the boredom, and this remained part of the strip from then on.

Mega-City One was one of three major areas to survive the nuclear war in 2070, due to an experimental laser missile-defense system built not long before. The other two being Mega-City Two (encompassing California, Washington and Oregon) and Texas City. Apart from those megacities, the United States has been reduced to the Cursed Earth.

Eventually, Mega-City One extended to Miami, Florida, which became a holiday resort,[9] and spread west into Ohio and/or West Virginia.[10] The megacity was built over the top of the old cities and the polluted Ohio River, creating the lawless Undercity,[11] though a few buildings like the Empire State Building and Statue of Liberty were moved to Mega-City One for the tourists.[12] Maps of the city[13] show that in the early 22nd century, it stretched roughly from southern Maine down through Florida and to the north-east has absorbed the Quebec City-Windsor Corridor in Canada. 800 million citizens lived in the city at this point.

When a street judge retires from service at the end of his career, he may choose to take the "Long Walk," leaving Mega-City One for exile outside its borders. He may do this either in the Cursed Earth, a radioactive desert outside the city walls, or in the Undercity, the ruins of New York that lie beneath the mega-city. The Long Walk begins with a brief ceremony at the city gates, wherein the retiring judge walks through an honour guard of judges as they discharge their firearms into the air, while another judge formally bids him farewell. Judges who take the Long Walk are expected never to return, but to die "bringing law to the lawless." Alternatively, retiring judges may instead be placed in administrative or teaching posts instead of taking the Long Walk.

As Judge Dredd stories are set 122 years into the future and progress forward in 'real time' (stories from 1977 are set in 2099, and stories from 2023 are set in 2145), they have an extensive fictional chronology.

The first mention of other megacities came in Robot Wars, with a Texas City Oil freighter.[114] In the later Luna 1, when Dredd was appointed Judge-Marshall of the Luna-1 colony, the narration states that the colony is run by "the 3 great cities of North America"[115] of which one is Texas City in the next issue. The First Luna Olympics would introduce "the Sov-Cities".[116] Mega-City Two on the West coast was introduced in the story The Cursed Earth (1978). Since then, the exact number, location, nature, and even name of megacities fluctuates depending on the writer and strip.

Mega-City One is the setting of the 2012 film Dredd, though it occupies a smaller area than described in the comics. According to Judge Dredd (Karl Urban), the boundaries of Mega-City One reach "from Boston to Washington D.C." (similar to the real-life concept of the Northeast megalopolis) and contains a population of 800 million. The city blocks are large, brutalist structures that tend to be slum areas; each block can seal itself off with blast shields and communications blackouts in case of war.[117] Technology is much less advanced (outside of Justice Department equipment) and all non-Judge vehicles resemble early-21st-century models.

This program is designed for outstanding undergraduate students and allows students to pursue a master of science (MS) degree in Hospitality Management while completing their bachelor of science (BS) degree in Hospitality Management.

Students enrolled in the 4+1 program may count up to 12 credit hours of graduate courses as credits for both the BS and MS degrees. The courses must be 5000- or 6000-level hospitality and tourism management graduate courses. For each of the graduate courses counted as credits for both BS and MS degrees, a minimum grade of B is required.

For more information about the accelerated program, please contact an advisor in HM 106 or schedule an appointment by clicking the link below. This program is available at the Biscayne Bay Campus (BBC) and fully online.

MegaRed Advanced Ultra Strength 4 in 1 Omega-3 Fish & Krill Oil 900 mg is a special combination of high concentration fish oil and easily absorbed krill oil that has 2 times more omega 3s vs. standard fish oil alone. Our omega-3 supplement is brought to you by one of the leaders in omega-3 supplements, MegaRed. This unique formula goes beyond just supporting heart health. MegaRed 4in1 900 mg supports 4 benefits in these key areas of the body - heart, joint, brain and eyes.* Joint- Promotes joint comfort* Brain - Supports brain health.* Eyes - Building block for eye health.* Heart - May reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

I'm okay from the electrical side of it, as in I can reference everything and figure out how it works. But I'm apparently very deficient on the programming side. The ONLY experience I have with this is the documentation which came with the kit. And from what I can tell, it is very poorly written for someone with zero previous experience. I learn best by taking examples and taking them apart and reverse engineering them, to figure out what does what.

So, I have gone through the documentation that came with this kit and am now on Lesson 4, trying to figure out the software to blink and RGB LED different colors. I have everything wired up correctly, I just need the sample program so that I can tinker with it.

I made the same purchase so exactly understand the confusion. The Elegoo tutorial PDF says: "please open the program in the code folder- Lesson 4 RGB LED, and click UPLOAD...". And then you can't find anything named that.

Hello guys!

I am having the following error as I am trying to upload my sketch on the Arduino Mega board:

Arduino: 1.8.10 (Windows 10), Board: "Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560, ATmega2560 (Mega 2560)"

Sketch uses 2966 bytes (1%) of program storage space. Maximum is 253952 bytes.

Global variables use 220 bytes (2%) of dynamic memory, leaving 7972 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 8192 bytes.

An error occurred while uploading the sketch

If you originally did see Arduino Mega (COM3) and now only see COM3, I suspect that the 16U2 has lost its firmware or is damaged. You can try to restore the firmware using a programmer, but I have never done it so can't advise; there are a few articles on the web: uno 16u2 restore firmware - Google Search

I think I will trust this one and I think it will work although the author states that it's no longer maintained: -to-Restore-the-Arduino-UNO-R3-ATmega16U2-Firmw/ . The firmware will be C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\firmwares\atmegaxxu2, for me it will be trial-and-error to find the correct Mega hex file.

Objective:  The Prevention Awareness Counselling Evaluation (PACE) Diabetes Project is a large scale community based project carried out to increase awareness of diabetes and its complications in Chennai city (population: 4.7 million) through 1) public education 2) media campaigns 3) general practitioner training 4) blood sugar screening and 5) community based "real life" prevention program

Methods:  Education took place in multiple forms and venues over the three-year period of the PACE project between 2004-2007. With the help of the community, awareness programs were conducted at residential sites, worksites, places of worship, public places and educational institutions through lectures, skits and street plays. Messages were also conveyed through popular local television and radio channels and print media. The General Practitioners (GPs) program included training in diabetes prevention, treatment and the advantages of early detection of complications. Free random capillary blood glucose testing was done for individuals who attended the awareness programs using glucose meter.

Results:  Over a three-year period, we conducted 774 education sessions, 675 of which were coupled with opportunistic blood glucose screening. A total of 76,645 individuals underwent blood glucose screening. We also set up 176 "PACE Diabetes Education Counters" across Chennai, which were regularly replenished with educational materials. In addition, we trained 232 general practitioners in diabetology prevention, treatment and screening for complications. Multiple television and radio shows were given and messages about diabetes sent as Short Message Service (SMS) through mobile phones. Overall, we estimate that we reached diabetes prevention messages to nearly two million people in Chennai through the PACE Diabetes Project, making it one of the largest diabetes awareness and prevention programs ever conducted in India. 2351a5e196

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