Either as a puppet, partner, or subordinate, the sheriff was aligned with the auditor till his death in avenger. Even if he was a bit of a coward, often running off in both madness combat 2 and 3, he was complacent in The auditor's plans and experiments that he most likely was told to oversee and even manage due to his position. The lawful aspect I have little evidence for besides him being a Sheriff and following except the brief Tidbit from Madness: Project Nexus 2- "Zed City, South End: The Industrial Zone. The now-militarized sector of what was once Zed City's fabrication district. The Sheriff resides here and rules with an iron gauntlet of terrible justice".

The Auditor is one of the evilest characters seen in the series with a goal to make the A.A.G.W an army under his control in Nevada according to the wiki, though personally, I would like to imagine that he wants to take over Nevada (or the world if it exists) or absorb everything, gaining more powers after each absorption. The neutrality bit comes into the fact that he doesn't play by any rules and can be rather chaotic, as seen in madness combat 9, possessing two engineers, flipping and subsequently breaking a table in half while ordering 3 agents to leave while finally slicing a grunts head off with a katana possibly because the agents were playing a card game. While his actions are seen to be inherently selfish, having a heavy hand in making Nevada the new hell that only a select few psychotic Nevadans could enjoy. He isn't chaotic evil either as his actions aren't for the fun or chaotic element of it but for an overarching goal, even using what basically is a chaos machine only at half power until Madness combat 7 ( Chaos meter went to lots to Oh shit).

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This is how the Sleepwalker's (The enemies from Madness: Project Nexus) device work, who I will be quoting from Krinkels: "The device on Sleepwalkers is used to contain foreign s3lf matter and prevent it from going nuts. Abominations are what happens when there's "too much, too fast, too soon." It detonates them because the rate combat trauma dumps training data into them outpaces their ability to process it effectively. Being harmed accelerates the training, making them immediately more effective, that's the 'revival'."

The characters who can deadlift the most in madness is: 1st place: Mag Agents (any. They're all built the same, monumentally stronger than any living creature, physically speaking), 2nd place: Mag Hank, 3rd place: Church, 4th place: Standard G0L3M (Jorge falls into here), 5th place: Sanford (physically stronger than nearly anyone he meets but by such a tiny margin in the grand scheme of things it's hardly a 'talent' to speak of, just an edge) .

Okay, so here goes. I tried to map out the world of nevada in madness combat, and i'm extremely proud of what I've come up with. I've done some searching around and I havent seen many other people do what i've tried here, so I don't really have anything to base this off of. So, using several hints from observations and meta references, here's your madness combat map. Red x's are where hank has died, Yellow is where sanford has died (I think), blue is for deimos and green is for tricky. I forgot to add jebus's deaths, but that should be somewhere near the building marked with a 3. Each large number represents the area an episode takes place in, and I added the "Hideout" building because I know the squad has to have some place to store their wares (Misc. Weapons, Deimos's radio backpack, and multiple stolen vehicles such as the helicopter, the jeep from MC 5.5, the sedan from Experiment and MC 9, and the old car that I speculate hank took in MC 4. Also, the hideout building is where I'm proposing dissenter takes place, because doc says "Hank doesn't even live here anymore". It's also the only cannon location where AAHW agents are the invading team. (Also, as a side note, buildings 1, 2, and 4 were placed randomly because they do not directly correlate to another location. Building 1 [madness combat 1 park] might be placed diagonally to building 3 due to the tree seen in the first shot of MC3, but I think there are two trees.])

so yall might remember I found the files for madness combat 1 right? imma be honest, I was holding back. (ACTUAL CORRECT LINK THIS TIME!) no fla's except for madness combat 1 this time, if you have a tool for converting the rest into fla files dm me. It is still missing some swf files as well, this is due to a few reasons depending on the file, a: I just cant get a hold of the files, b: they aren't a swf (madness combat 11, madness combat 9.5, I think dedmos adventures as well I might be wrong on that though) or c: features nsfw, example being Tricky Bangbanggooberblat. thats all for now!

A rare sight, the Prominence's mechanics are pretty much grunts with an apron above body armor and suit, protective goggles and a toolbelt. They are mostly seen trying to engage enemies in melee range, although their weapon choice mostly consists of low-tier blunt weapons or tools such as bats, wrenches, crowbars and hammers, and their combat capabilities are just a centimeter above a grunt's.

Not a combat unit, however, these scientist-like staff may wear bodyarmor in ocassion for survivability, and are often equipped with medkits to heal the security forces. Despite their key role in keeping allies alive, they're quite cowardly.

Non-combat units, usually doing research for the Prominence. They wear either a standard white labcoat, or a Nexus labcoat, sometimes wearing a mask. If ever caught in the crossfire of battle, their preferred weapon is a handgun.

Soldiers clad in metallic armor and masks, the Prominence's Mechanized Troopers are tough combat units who wear helmets, a heavy gas mask and uniform. They come equipped with rifles or melee weapons and are often mixed with other units in squads.

Anyone want to help make a game like madness combat? Obviously the hand physics are imposibble with how makecode works. I mainly would need help with the weapons, mechanics (like bullet time in madness interactive or the utility bar in the new Project Nexus) and how to make weapons throwable

Alongside Hank, Sanford, and Deimos, killing Phobos for good before he merged with the Other Place/Hell

Tries to stop the madness in Nevada by trying to defeat the Auditor and activating the normality restoration

He was an agent of A.A.H.W. and the rival of Hank J. Wimbleton, seeing him as the cause of the madness in Nevada and seeking to kill him to restore order. Later on he rebels against the leader of the A.A.H.W., the Auditor, in order to end his machinations of causing chaos. Though he ultimately died during his defection against the Auditor, he succeeded in bringing about the destruction of one of the Drives, commencing a Normality Restoration event that is ongoing, and will conclude when the other drives are destroyed or otherwise incapacitated. 006ab0faaa

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