ii. Drawing limit for short term cash credit should be fixed based on the cropping pattern. The amount(s) for crop production, repair and maintenance of farm assets and consumption may be allowed to be drawn as per the convenience of the farmer. In case the revision of scale of finance for any year by the district level technical committee exceeds the notional hike of 10% contemplated while fixing the five year limit, a revised drawable limit may be fixed in consultation with the farmer. In case such revisions require the card limit itself to be enhanced (4th or 5th year), the same may be done and the farmer be so advised.

The short term credit limit and the term loan limit are two distinct components of the aggregate KCC limit bearing different rates of interest and repayment periods. Until a composite card could be issued with appropriate software to separately account transactions in the sub limits, two separate electronic cards may be issued for all new/renewed cards.

Krishi Card Abstract Download

Download File 🔥 https://urlin.us/2y7XP4 🔥

The beneficiaries under the scheme will be issued with a Smart card / Debit card (Biometric smart card compatible for use in the ATMs / Hand held Swipe Machines and capable of storing adequate information on farmers identity, assets, land holdings and credit profile etc). All KCC holders should be provided with any one or a combination of the following types of cards :

A magnetic stripe card with PIN (Personal Identification Number) with an ISO IIN (International Standards Organization International Identification Number) to enable access to all banks ATMs and micro ATMs

In cases where the Banks would want to utilize the centralized biometric authentication infrastructure of the UIDAI (Aadhaar authentication), debit cards with magnetic stripe and PIN with ISO IIN with biometric authentication of UIDAI can be provided.

Banks may choose to issue EMV (Europay, MasterCard and VISA, a global standard for interoperation of integrated circuit cards) and RUPAY compliant chip cards with magnetic stripe and pin with ISO IIN.

Further, the biometric authentication and smart cards may follow the common open standards prescribed by IDRBT and IBA. This will enable them to transact seamlessly with input dealers as also enable them to have the sales proceeds credited to their accounts when they sell their output at mandies, procurement centers, etc.

In addition, the banks having a call centre / Inter active Voice Response (IVR), may provide SMS based mobile banking with a call back facility from bank for mobile PIN (MPIN) verification through IVR, thus making a secured SMS based mobile banking facility available to card holders.

Indian Citizens may file RTI applications/first appeals online for all Ministries/Departments and few other Public Authorities of Central Government along with payment through internet banking of SBI & its associate banks, debit/credit cards of Master/Visa and RuPay cards Note: RTI applications/first appeals should not be filed for public authorities under the State Governments, including Government of NCT Delhi 006ab0faaa

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