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Building a FileMaker Stargate to new worlds - Nick Hunter

LivStream - 09.16.20 - Building a FileMaker Stargate to new worlds - Nick Hunter

Nick will showcase some of his most outstanding Card Style Windows UI constructions, opening a new Stargate to let FileMaker Pro to reach unknown new worlds.

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Building a FileMaker Stargate to new worlds - Nick Hunter

All right there we go hey everyone richard carlton here welcome to another great day of filemaker training at fmtraining. tv i'm the creator of fmtrain. tv where you can learn all about the filemaker platform and learn how to build better filemaker applications for you your customers your organization this broadcast is completely free to everyone and is being broadcast in high definition to discord youtube and to twitch this broadcast is being recorded which is really great of course we might clean up the recording a little bit so if we make a malfunction during the live stream then of course we reserve the right to clean that up on the recording later on however because it's a live broadcast we encourage you to ask questions in fact some people get aggravated when there's this dialogue with you and we ask questions we want questions if you have a question odds are other people have the question too and so i want to thank everyone for logging in

ken and tk and dave1 dave learning uh ed uh elzo carol jake mike all of you welcome once again to another great broadcast now as a reminder if you want to check out the upcoming broadcast go to fmtraining. tv press the left tab for the live button you can see the upcoming broadcast schedule that's pretty awesome additionally if you want to help support this channel right i always say this this broadcast is brought to you by fmtraining. tv bringing you the greatest and the most entertaining filemaker training videos available so the idea is that if you want to help support the channel make sure you check out our on-demand video bundles we have videos that cover the latest version of filemaker we have videos that cover the deploy course in fact we used to sell the courses individually anymore it's just much simpler to sell a complete bundle for a low price we do this on an annual basis so if you buy one of

the bundles that really helps support the channel it ensures that we can keep coming back every day because this podcast actually takes a lot of money to run the people here don't work for free as much as i would love that to be the case they uh they do want to get paid so moving along today's broadcast is being supported by the folks at the los osos office that would be hailing marine christian olson and the awesome coaching team down there they're originating the broadcast and so let's go ahead and cut over to them right now and get our guest speaker going as well hey willa welcome back to the stream everybody yeah this is christian olsen as richard said here in the low sosos office it's another foggy smoky we're not quite sure day uh but joining us for today's stream is uh is a favorite we've got nick hunter and and nick according to the topic uh you're building us some warp speed stargate new

technology you want to tell us a little bit about what today's stream is about i'm not another warp speed uh working on what warp speed but i'm uh definitely i have this target so uh that's cool so we don't need more speed if you have stargate you don't need more speed um so uh yeah so we uh i'm going that's the third day of for this uh topic of car star window so um so christian do you want to start or i'm i'm am i good to go or i'm gonna have you take over i just as richard said in the opening and i'm glad everyone got to see a little piece of richard in the future that we'll just have little bite-sized pieces of him uh but i want to very much encourage you guys to ask questions nick likes that we like it and as richard pointed out if you have the question there's there's a very good likelihood that someone else also asked that question so

i already see a few coming in nick i'm going to go ahead and hand it off to you and i'll chime in as needed as questions come in okay okay thank you christian yeah thank you everyone everybody for being here today yes so today um uh that's the first the third day of this topic of her uh cal star window okay i know it was kind of for a ride for many of you to fathom uh the the true interest of this okay and it was for many people it's uh it's it's impossible to imagine that a simple window style can change everything okay it's it's difficult right but in fact it is it's like um the difference between a computer with or without a mouse what's the mouse you know it's a little piece of nothing right uh but if you remove that from your computer you go back pre-1984 computers okay so um so everything uh the big difference is uh sometimes something makes a big

difference and i like to say the analogy about the the tv set for example uh do you know why we have a 500 channel today on tv why it's not because of the tv it's not because we have a new broadcast system and stuff like that is because somebody invented the remote control that's why we have 200 otherwise we still have four channels five channel because you have to get up and turn the channel if you have 200 channel without the remote control there's no way you can have the tour you need a 200 traveler so it's not the same way here a little thing can change everything so that's what that was my point here so let's um so let's uh move on here and so uh yesterday um some of you asked me uh when do you need when do you what the the decision taker about using popover using car star window using other other things right what the what the decision maker

the decision maker is like if i go to here for example and uh so here i have her uh two usage i'm using car style window and i'm using popover okay so for example um let's say i want here i have a new a new staff that nick hunter and i want this guy i want to enter his address okay so the address is uh it's simple it's uh streets city zip you know that address so it's very small it's very tiny it's controllable you know what i mean when i say controllable that means i know how many fields i'm going to show up when i click this i know it's on i have address one right address two city states you know california zip 95202 and uh you know and the cds and the car are for example you know uh so so see and you have the address showing up here right so i know this is controllable i i if i use a car

style window for that uh i'm trying to swap to swaddle mosquito with an atomic bomb it doesn't make any sense um the the the the increase of work uh to get the caster window for that and especially that those fields those fields here they are located um sorry it takes some time those fields are located in the same table as the layouts right they are local fields uh see um they are local fields you don't have the double the double uh see they are in the same table so it's okay you know it's like uh if i if i do this i move all of this and i move that outside that's the same thing right this uh it's just because i want to combine them in one row and that is a way to um to gain um to make the thing more understandable because an address when you see an address um uh when you see an address like that you know what happened okay

uh and then you can edit the address so this is par this would be part of her of a course so the yeah i have an announcement here i want to say so i'm working on with the staff here at rcc to to get a course to get kind of a week okay uh complete a week we are going to talk about design but not design like many people are thinking about the design uh because when we set design people understand multiple things they understand oh i don't care if the button looks good or i don't care if the background looks good uh no this is not the design when we call design on the computer science is the ui ux design you know the human interface and the user experience ui human interest interface and the ux that the human experience so we are going to lay down this so i'm going to explain all those things you know like i do for the here in

the in this example with the address so that will be in two weeks i guess uh a full week and we are going to start uh we are going to start talking about the the very fundamental the basic basic basic of design so that beginners and new people will like it and then crescendo i'm going to to go and do deep and go in depth okay so that was an announcement so here you see i'm looking i'm i'm using a popover for that to name the same thing you know uh see here nick m hunter you know nick m under okay so uh that's the same thing here the same for phones uh you have multiple phones here um and uh so there's no phone but if i put or you know or 510 or 408 uh five five five five five five okay so it shows here okay uh actually shows uh on the um add add an extra an extra five so you know so uh you

see it's formatting the is formatting the the cell phone for me so uh you don't need you you don't need a pop-up or pop-over is fine for that it's great actually it's great for that that is what the pop-over has been meant for they'll never be meant for to do what sometimes we're doing okay so now i'm going to show you another axe you know so that the decision maker is this you know it's the simplicity or fields on the same table and stuff like that so now let's show you another way that i'm using um the caster window by the way i'm using car style window here um you see here i have different kind of for assets here but here you have a this is the button it's a button here uh and uh so you don't you don't want that to be editable you know you don't want that to be editable so um so when you create a new entity you

want to add a new entity this is how i'm organizing this is how i'm organizing my value list in the in the system right so you have different entities that the this is out this is an organization by the way this is just for organization you say okay for for example categories you have all the categories and when you click here then you have all the categories here and you can uh reorganize uh you know you can put the values here this is a value list remember we had a course on this on the value list how you can create a value is based on records so this is how i'm doing this um so here let's say i want to add a new entity okay but this here this is another table this is i have a table called here uh i have a table called value list entity okay it's a table uh so let me show you uh if i go there i have a

value list entity see this is uh this is a table i have a table for that okay so whatever inside this is inside another table so yes i could have used a pop over right but this is much better right it's much better um because it's clean uh it's it pops so you can't you can't dismiss this uh clicking outside right and you know what you do so you give you give your user uh kind of a sense of what they can do okay um you you tell you you the user know what to do they create or they cancel you know so that is easy to understand what's going on here when in a pop over you know sometimes it's uh you create things you don't know you create things and and then you didn't you didn't intended to you didn't intend to create things but it's the thing already created and you don't have a you don't get you don't have a great control

because you are through a relationship here i am not so let me show you how i'm doing this so i click here i open a new window and i want to be in my value list entity table okay so i am directly on the on the table right so open a window i am in the table entity i created a new request and and then i go to the field uh that is there okay you see the the point here um i i go to the entity i i use new record it's not like using a relationship you understand so now the the record is created and you say okay yeah i created a record but i want to cancel this stuff i don't want this so what do cancer do uh it deletes whatever request record i just created the record so i cannot go away from that so i delete the record you know and i'd close the window and say okay sell you an error

um so you see the control is much simpler than a relationship with a pop-over right you open a window you are in the entity you create a new record and if you don't want it you delete it and you close and you go bye-bye okay so so this is easy uh to understand you know it's simple okay new window new request bomb a new new record so let's say i want to create um you know nick uh nick um okay yeah i need to close this i want to create nick okay now i want to validate this well i just feel i just set the field the global with the new value list id that i've just created i close and i refresh the portal then you see this one is is activated so let's do again without the with the other what's the name the the script debugger in the middle of the face i open a new window create a new record i said this is

nick when i cop when i go click ok it does exactly what the button i create the record to our new record and it does exactly what this doing it selects it selects the one that i just created to be the new one is the one created is the one select the new one created is the one selected so now that i have this one selected i can continue in doing the same thing because okay this is all the all the value lists for nick for example and all the nick value list so let's say i want uh you know um my hobbies you know for example so see now i have a new window going to another entity and doing exactly the same thing so let me let me show you what this does because i have one selected here and now now what i want i want everything that i'm going to create here to be related to this you know you see what i mean

this is a master detail kind of organization you you have a list here you select this you have another list so whatever whatever is here is is related to this category okay or this accounting there's nothing here but vendor timelines you know so nick has nothing for now okay so i'm adding a new value list that is attached that will be grouped inside nick those are groups okay so i created a new send principle i'm setting the new window a new request right but remember i have the id of i have the id of the group selected in a global see so just what i'm doing here now to link the new record i'm taking whatever is in this global and i'm setting the variable the id foreign key the foreign key for the value list entity with the one that is selected here so is doing this so now is linked whatever whatever i'm doing here now is linked to their to the nic

thinking so i want my hobbies for example okay so hobbies i have our filemaker um i have her uh in two i want are sailing um in free i want piano and uh you know whatever so that is my obvious okay so um oh pinball forget this one uh pinball okay so this is my hobbies so now i want another entity okay i want another value list in that end in that group i want another value list is a place i like to go for example you know places uh i like to go okay so um i don't know or paris you know uh nice this is the place i like to go uh etc um fool in greece etc so um you have that the place i like so you see now in nick i have two uh multiple but each time i create something here it opens a new it opens a new window right and it goes um to uh the the layouts the

entity and then i create i i just use new set v see you see what i mean when when you do this you use traditional easy to understand easy to use uh you know easy to debug uh kind of features like you know when you click here what a new window new request set field that's it you know it's not like doing fancy things and launchers in order it's it's very simple to understand why and why because i am in the context so do we have any question here question uh let me tell my um so far it's been so quiet uh mikhail had asked the question at the very beginning not related to the cards and we can come back with that if we want to uh but so far no questions on today's presentation yeah so and as you can see here you can position the window from wherever you want to be positioned okay so uh so you see i want that to be

positioned here and i want that to be positioned here so because it's i'm adding a value list and here i'm adding an entity so the window is positioned where i want it to be positioned so uh so how you do this for example see so when you when you hear uh when you click the new window uh you just put the the coordinate of the of the position of the of the of their muslim of the window okay so from the top from the left so it's uh it's easy to do right uh you have the position of the window um if you want something more fancy you can do something more fancy with but that is more advanced technique and i don't want to go there get wind on top please yeah yeah exactly yeah moki you're right that's what you need to do but i wanted to show simple things i don't want to go too too complicated here um so uh so this is another

way to use the uh caster window so now let's go further so so far so good so far okay now you understood the difference between popover and the kansai window uh popover you need to deal with her uh you know with with the with the popover you need to deal with the relationship and stuff like that with the caster window you just go to the context you want to be and then you have all the goodness of a new record delete record whatever set fields and stuff so it's easy to understand easy to manipulate right so um let me show you another way uh i can use um amusing cast actually i'm not the the main the main way the most the i'm using casa we know mostly for that okay so uh before i was using kind of a new window that was on top it was a nightmare uh but now it's uh it's way better so let's say see here i have her uh

this guy is a manager okay and he has staffers you know um as a manager he has people reporting to him and you have people in two categories in mayo people dealing with metals and stuff like that and people dealing with roofing okay so they're two different type of stuff okay so i have a i have a list of users here i have plenty of employees you can offer you know i will have a list of employees and sometimes a roofer staffer can be part of multiple teams right so i want to add you know i want to add or the the my team members right uh into my you know to my team so i open a new cast i window here and then you can see i have all the goodness of being in a layout and not through a portal okay and being in there in the in the native table not being through a relationship and you can see the benefits i

have the a sub summary with the initial here a b d e f you can do that with a portal uh i have a single search you know feature okay you can do that on portal but it's it's not just or a mere field with uh we researched uh can offer uh uh was named script step right and you have a show all and you can sort by city by state whatever by tyler but there's no there's no information here in that because this is a it's a dummy like kind of the um the it's in construction so it's not fully but you you got the point here you can sort um so now what i want to do i want to select people okay so i want to select jose i want to say that jose okay and now i want to select see these guys here i have a checkbox and you say okay oh our three people selected three people selected i have this

guy this guy this guy now i want uh roberto for example okay uh robert castillo um and uh whatever see so you can have you can select people like this and you can and select people select people and select you know so how how you get okay this is cool it's a nice ui and and you can do that big and it's easy to do because you are in a table if you want to do that with a with a poor uh it's doable but it's much much more complicated um so he says six selected members right so i selected my stuff and stuff like that and then i said okay oh by the way you know what i don't you know i don't know i just gotta i just got a phone call i need to go i can't finish that now oh let's cancel ben you go away because you you were in another you were in another kind of a context you were in another world

you know here you are here you land in you are in staff here see you are in the staff kind of table and when you open this you are in the uh stuff or also yeah but normally you know here this is on users um and so you land on the context right so let's say no i want to do i want this guy i want this guy this guy this guy i want this guy this guy and i want this guy so i have seven people selected okay so i'm selecting my people and now i want to validate those people and what i'm doing here is okay validate boom it's validated so i have those people now so i i selected people and then now i create i created a record to link those people to that staff okay and i can do the same for middle i click here this is for middle uh middle and so and you say this you say this this this

this this and you validate and you have the people right so so you see the benefit of this is is being in the being in the native table um you you are more freedom to do things like for example so selection this selection this is super simple uh you see you have here you click and i'm you know it's just a set variable i'm setting a variable uh with the you see with the the new staff ids that's it you know it's just uh it's just uh and then you refresh this button here see uh when you do this you refresh you select this and then you refresh this two button uh to make sure the counter you refresh the counter here and you refresh the check of the check mark here okay so you refresh so you have much more control because you are in the layout so let me show you this layout um i don't i don't remember the layout name on this one

so let's got it let's get the layout name okay so this is the layout i want to go okay so go to the layout here i want to go to this layer so um so this is a layout see it's it's it's a layout it's not a portal so i have the header right i have the sub summary i have the body and uh just fields right it's not like a portal it's not you don't have the complication of a pop over within a portal with all the filters and stuff like that this you are in the in the in the in the in the table okay in the table so uh is is much much easier to do that okay so we have question here you name add entity object get the position left yeah okay yeah yeah yeah based on the object position exam yeah the question was that we had a question about the the the position of the window i'm going to

show that uh now i'm going to show that how you position the window um uh because it's the positioning of window on filemaker it's kind of for uh voodoo a little bit and i'm going to show that if you want cut position based on the window initial yeah you need to yeah so yeah exactly so moki i'm going to explain that uh where where how what you have to do to position the window where it should be long okay a new window set the need to be right uh when yes uh so andre uh knudsen sorry for my accent in the new windows step uh you need to set the eight yeah i i explained that uh yesterday but i can explain again okay so let me explain the the car style window will automatically uh adjust his width and 8 based on the width and 8 of the layouts so when we say the width and the 8 of the layout is this plus

this plus this which means the layouts is 264 our pixel 8 okay this layout okay i mean is this this this and this okay the total is 264. and the the width is 644. uh this the width is this okay uh is this that the wheel okay if i increase i increase it okay the width of the layout so um the new car start window will adjust based on this addition of um eight the prime is when you are in the listview you need to say you need to because pharmaco we automatically so let's let's do it let's do a test here okay uh that's a group good question moki thank you moki or andre andre andre okay so let's say here i opened a new window okay and when i open a new window here i'm it's a list view the window will arrive in liz view okay so i need to define the eight okay so what i'm doing is whatever the main

window i'm starting with that take the eight of the contents and i subs and uh uh i remove 120 pixels so because let's say i don't do this okay let's say i don't do this see it says automatically that based on my understanding uh farmika says based on my understanding your layout is 264. remember the 264 is true the layout the header plus the sub-summary plus the body all together is 264. yes but it's a list view so i'm going to add many many bodies so in uh in if i if i show this liz view what leads you is i'm repeating body one two three four five see see a repeating body is that the least that the principle of leaves you right so if i don't say uh if i don't say the script here um if i don't say the script where is the script we don't have it anymore or i close it okay if i said if i don't send a

script to do this so let's say i do let's say i duplicate this and i say i don't care about that and i don't care about that okay i don't say anything about eight and we okay here what happened when i click here this happen you know it's showing one body is showing 264a but i don't want that i want to show multiple bodies so to make sure that you know i'm comfortable with the window here what i'm doing uh i take you know here i resize the window see i resize the window to make sure that i can show in my uh small screen today because i have a small screen to to do the the screen sharing so it takes whatever is between that line here and the bottom of the and the bottom of the from here to the bottom of the window of the of the layout so pretty much is taking this that eight from this to this the content of the window this

is what he's doing i'm getting the content the eight of the content of window not not including the bar here not including everything uh the content of windows real quick there's a conversation going on in discord but the person who asked the questions actually in youtube so i want to give you a chance actually to answer it mikel want to know if you validate it for uh if you select the same person if you select the same person twice i think is the question and our team over in discord is trying to answer it but i'm not sure that that answer is making it back to macau yeah i'm going to show that uh if people are interested in this i can show it uh it's off topic when i can do it so let me finish this so you people i think i think people understood what are going on here right so now let's let's let's do my way i mean the the normal way i

want whatever you know what what that says here i said whatever the window content 8 minus 120 that means it will remove automatically we'll take the win the size of this minus 60 pixel here and 60 pieces here why because 120 divided by 2 because automatically farm maker will position the cal star window in the center so if i says shrink take the window 8 content 8 and remove 120 pixels it will remove 60 pixels from the top and 60 pixels from the bottom because it tries to fit in the middle so now this is what i get so if i do if i put the window a little bit smaller this is what i get got it so it's always put the 60 here so that cool because it follows if i have the chance to have a big screen bam i have a big list which is cool right uh if i have a small screen automatically will adapt okay so that's why i'm using this window

content and because the wii the caster window by definition is inside the main window you know the the the it's inside the starting window that's why i'm using the window content eight because it's inside the content so i want to make sure that you know it's uh so let me explain how i'm doing this you know select and select yes i'm using the pattern count uh and that is one of the reason why uh i got away from the serial number because if you say patent count uh and you want to remove the sale number 11. it will remove 11 from their sale number 11 111 000 uh 100 um what was the name uh 12 1211 it will remove it 2 23 11 if we remove 11 11. each time we see 11 you will remove it and then everything breaks and it doesn't work uh um using uh uuids it's not possible to make that mistake because the uuid by definition is

unique okay so here i'm doing it so that's a trick here and that's a good question because it's it's a trick and i understand why i mean that's a way to do that okay you have a list okay i'm uh when i'm clicking here when i do this okay i have a list i have a list here so new it's a new it's the new staff id okay i have a list okay but that's a problem that's a problem you have the first row you have the first value you have the demand the middle values and you have the last value okay you have the first the middle value and the last value the last value doesn't end with a carriage return the middle values have carriage returned at the end and the beginning right by definition so so here's the problem if you use the pattern count technique here you need to address that so i said if the new if if the if

the the selected the one i just clicked or the one i'm in is already part of the of the list of news new stuff ids okay hear what he's doing that means he's there already if it's there remove it so how you do that you say okay you substitute from the list and okay so now you need to know that how substitute works you can put multiple success substitute values here and the and the first that is met the the first true if if this one is true he won't even try those two if he says okay this one doesn't work but this one's true then he won't even try the third and if he says okay this one not true this one not true and then finally this one's three we'll try it we will try this one if none of them is true it will do nothing okay so you need to know that first you need to know that you you need to find

out if the those are middle values see how it is those are the middle values you know the carry return and the the carriage return follows by the id that the middle values that is the first value the first the the id with a carriage return and that is the last one there's no carriage return at all so if you don't do that there's no way this system of patent count works no way or yes it will and you will get a bunch of blank space right so if you're interested in this technique i can do a video on this okay it it was it is worth a video because i tell you what if i don't do if i don't take care of this what i end up having what i end up having is is a is the list of id what i'm end up having is this okay let's copy let's copy her the current list here um new staff ids hey

nick if i can interrupt you just for a moment and just to add to it uh that that calculation you have there i don't know if you showed it in this specific demo is also great if people want to do a multi-select and things like a drop down or pop over so yeah yeah this technique here is something definitely that people need to to needs to use okay uh they need that um because this allows you so many things allows you to be fast allows you to be lean to be light to be not not using fields not using heavy calculation heavy relationship heavy whatever you want it's very very slick um and but it needs to it needs to follow strict rules that are not complicated because my script is not complicated you see so if i don't use that here what i get i get this it says okay remove this okay no problem so you remove this and and then remove this okay you

remove this then remove this you remove this so you have a blank a full of blanks okay so now yeah but you remember when you select things here other counter here i count how many people are selected so i rely on this list to give me who is selected because i'm doing this to get who is selected value counts on this you say eight no well it's not eight people you say eight because i didn't remove the value i remove the data but that didn't remove the value the value is whatever is inside the line and you remove the line is doing this this is removing the value this is removing the value this is removing the value no now i have five people i don't have eight so if you don't use the pattern count the way it should be used like a display here you went you say okay yeah that's fine i ca i keep the blanks yeah but no how you

count the people so you have a counter on the side that much that is matching no that will never work never work it's too complicated you understand the point so let me finish this so uh you know obviously this is what's uh so i'm putting i'm putting notes and i'm adding that in my calendar i'm going to address that particular system here okay because it's it's valid for many many ways um i'm using this because um this technique can be used for search can be used for uh uh so many things right and obviously after that when i validate because when i validate this i'm also counting on this on this c i'm doing a go to red records so to select to select those records right i'm doing a go to a record and then after that i'll rely on this list to create records so if i have blank records i will have blank records even in my list in my final list here i

will end up with blank blank blank blank so it's important so this is what this is what's uh uh of course so now so you have the uh you know so what i mean okay i have some time so this is the the way i'm using um cast iron but now you can have a other way to use cast style windows um let's say um where it is in work order in work order so uh i have time counts here and i want to add you know send hink here i want to add here i want to have staff here so i want to add this guy here as a reformant so automatically it comes with you know see because since i am here i am here in the what's the name um i'm in the po i'm in the context okay i'm not through a relationship so i can launch a bunch of go through our records you know i can reach records directly from the table

um just by setting a global with with the people i select here right i can just you know set a global and then i go through a record so i select those records and then i copy them and okay so so i selected the format here i have my crew members here and i can select i can select all the crew members and because i am in her because i am in the in a in a table i can add those refinements okay oh this guy is a foreman uh see this kind of performance so i tell you in in that in that list here this guy's formal okay uh this guy do this this guy do that okay whatever but this guy is a former i tell you okay uh so you can add multiple other members you know so the same and by the way by the way this window here is the same i'm using over there for adding stuff into the uh the

team it's the same layout i'm using the same layout here just the button changed based on where i'm from but it's a it's the same layout because it's a staff layout it's a pick a staff layout right so then my validate button based on where i'm from i can tell him to do whatever i want okay but the list is the same so i will have one each time i need to select staff i have one in unique window window for that and then my validate button validates another thing so let's say i'm adding more people so add more people here right and then i want to add time cards so see here are clean this is um it's cool it's clean i am in another context um so i can show the people and say okay because you know here i can say see our other seven crew members right so i want to add time card of those seven but i said okay you know

what that day that day uh jesus was sick and he wasn't there that day okay and then you can say okay validate this and because you know you are in there you see how freaking fast this is it's because you are already in the context you need to be and you don't you don't deal through many many relationships you don't have to um you know you know and and see here i i even say which week it is okay for example see here i'm sending a time card for that's the week free but this will be the week four of september see it counts the number a week here the week that the week four and i don't want this guy this guy this guy and i add i validate the new time counts so now i can have a week four and a half week three right so i've i i can see my time cards based on the week based on look it's you can

go far because and the ui is tremendous terrific you know it's clean you know what to do cancel add timecod uh the dates the time in the timeout everything clean if you do that on a popover it's a nightmare because you have a list you have buttons you have it's a nightmare do all of this here is native in the table i am in the table i am in the time entry the cross i am already i am already in the table i am already in the table that will link the staff to the time card see i have a cross reference table i am already there look here i am in the context work orders okay when i open this window here i am in the context uh cross reference parliamentary and staff okay and when i'm here i am already in the i am in the staff see i'm in staff here so it's native in stuff and when i'm here also

i will be in stop so look uh see the time the time the the the the window the caster window can go far now i can show you another way where the extreme way where we can do you can use the time card and and that will be my final demonstration um let's say i'm going to photos here so see here i have photos okay photos you remember the yesterday we were talking about uh yeah good talking for yeah so yesterday we were talking about a a file that is that was located in canada remember california canada okay so we were talking about this uh or not an extra file no another file so you have this is one file and here we have all the photos are inside another file because uh we call that the gallery it's a products that um uh allows you to display photo in a gallery mode like this okay so the that is another file so let's hide this it's

it's another file see i have our our external data source and this is in another file okay it's a it's linked to another file so let's hide this uh let's hide this for now um so those photos here are located in another file okay so and i want to i want to import photo i want to manage photo for example see i want to manage those photos here so i have plenty of photos here like this okay and i want to manage them so i go here and i'm editing i'm editing this and see how it is presented so i have a car style that displays photos from another file in in a grid view so the grid view is part of a product that i'm sending that called our fm gallery uh so you need fm gallery to do that but uh but you know what i mean it's it allows you to that's why i call that the stargate because you have access to

another file within the the one window where you were so so visually you don't lose the you don't have a disconnection between what you were doing and what you clicked you know here you know what you're doing you edit okay i'm editing and i'm i'm seeing my result here and then i have a what is the sign what is not assigned and stuff like that so and then i can you know i can just uh look what is unassigned select select the picture i need and then select whatever here and assign them okay so so this is what you can do with uh uh uh what's name a cast style window so and and you can do that because you are native into uh into the file here when i go to the manage database i am in the gallery schema if i close this here now i am in the def uh the roof central schema which is completely different see so uh

you you open another window and you open another file okay within so that was a demonstrate yesterday with the california canada kind of thing so now i can answer the question and nick walked under i got a couple for you nick but i also just want to comment those last two windows you showed us great ui in there i love the yellow box around it and the other way yeah this is this is part of fm gallery uh okay so it's a product that i i took me pretty much since fabrica nine to develop yeah so i'll let you count how many years uh so yeah so the demonstration of the gallery and make it see so it's the gallery you you have the the possibility to select to select to have a selection exactly like you have on on the apple photo or whatever photo app you use uh you click shift and you select the first and you select the last then and without you

can unselect this one and you can select another one here and then you can save your selection in a different uh yeah it's going it's going to put you can see you can uh once again save delete uh you know you can do whatever you want with this it's kind of cool uh yeah so um what was your question question sorry um he wants to know if you have to have the same credentials yeah yeah you of course yeah it's like when uh when you deal with two files you need to have the same credential on both files okay so or uh you need uh uh at least one credential in the file option here to open the thing uh in their uh to open that automatically without asking their uh you know the login if you don't want to see the login kind of dialogue popping up you need to make sure that both are synced together with the same uh credentials yeah um how do

you stop the calling script from continue when it opens the card window the calling script so um so when you hear and so when you stop it i don't do a pose i never use that technique i stopped using that technique with pharmaco7 so um you know when you i think is this the question you never do a pose you know people do okay go there pose the script and then continue the script when you validate for example no i stop it so this is what he's doing uh if i'm coming from foreman and go there you know this button here this this script here is doing two things if uh if the parameter number four uh the parameter number five or which one oh no no no um if the it's a variable already there so if the variable is formant that means if if i'm coming from foreman is doing this it go into that window the crew member or if it's not it's going

to the staff picker see i have the member picker and i have the staff picker there's two things different they all point to the same table but they're not the same um layout so that's it that's all what i'm doing here i'm not um um pausing so it's easy to you know when you if you launch this um you know you click here and that's it you know there's no more script running okay um so and when you click this uh then i have a script here the validate script that launched and then i'm doing kind of a loop blah blah blah and then you know i i create my records and uh and uh see here i'm not even using um see for example people i'm asking most of the time okay what is the decision the the decision taker okay uh for using a technique so this is a great example here you see here here i'm not even trying to go up pesos and

you know to go on server and to to get faster you know you know what i mean because i'm doing a loop here and i'm creating a i'm going i'm creating a succession of records by the way uh i'm here i'm you know i am still in that window i freeze the window i go to the layout i loop new new new new new and at the end i close the window from that window here from that car start window and you get and you don't see so i'll do my selection in this window then i go a freeze and then i go to another layer i do what i want and then at the end i close so i stay in the same car style window right so why why do why i don't even try to do kind of a pcos here to create that which normally is much faster why so here you hear the decision taker how many millions of records are you expecting

to create by clicking and selecting people another question how many millions of people how many hundred of thousands of records are you going to and the answer of that stupid question that i'm that i'm i'm asking is that you cannot have thousand a hundred thousand records just by because you select them you need two days to quickly click click click click to get hundred thousand records okay no you will have 10 12 records five records let's say oh maximum 20 records that's it that's all what you get because by definition that is a human selection thinking you will never have 200 million record to deal with okay it's predictable it's expected so why do you want me to go to the peaceos and stuff like that just to create 20 records top right so that is the decision maker uh i pre i it's predictable that the the level the number of fields of record will be very limited so i don't need to

go and uh and press the atomic button for for that you know you see what i mean uh it's the volume the volume is mostly um the what is driving the the decision maker okay well i think that's a great topic on kind of the ui and ux of you know knowing your audience knowing the use case uh when i coach customers on this sometimes what i'll say them is look we want to find the path of least resistance for you so let's make it just like you showed me or showed everybody here and i'll tell you what if you ever find that clicking these buttons and hitting that done is slow then let's come back and make it faster but like you said what what is the practical realities of this ever running slow with how many people they're gonna select there yeah it's like sometimes say oh why are you using for example the decision maker offer using a filter in a portal or using a

castle window with a fine and you know the decision maker will be how many records you deal with or how often you open the thing uh how long are you staying in the window for example here you stay in the window quite some time because you need to select people maybe you have to search people because here we have a limited amount of people but if you have 200 people 300 people and you need to select them you need to select five or six of them you're going to stu you you're going to do multiple searches here uh you know and you show or maybe you will salt you know uh by name uh you know you know what i mean it's uh so you stay quite some time in the same place so the popover is no longer great um so you see what i mean this is so sometimes the decision maker is how long it will stay up and sometime is you need to put yourself in

the driver's seat i mean um you know you need to be like uh okay let's say i'm a user and i'm going to use that and how would i feel comfortable the problem is um on ui ux and even with the cast and window and something when you have to build stuff like that it takes time everything takes time most of the people are reluctant to use those advanced technique and stuff like that because they say i don't have time for that yeah okay um true it's true maybe you don't have time for that uh but or you know um that's the difference between a dial a phone with a dial okay and an iphone they all do the same thing you know they call people you know so uh but uh one took much more time to to to build than the dialogue so yeah so it's uh uh the the the question when you when you have to take a decision you need to lay down

all the all the the most relevant questions you let you let them down uh you eliminate the ones that are not that much relevant when you think twice and then you need to answer most of them okay then that the decision will be taken okay thank you again for joining us nick if i'm not mistaken we are going to have you quite a few more times especially while richard uh is off fighting uh hurricanes and whatnot but uh thank you for your time i want to thank everybody for joining us again today and every day and uh this is going to go ahead and be a rcc signing off for wednesday thanks everybody bye bye and the guys just stepped up the whole way calm cool collected the quarterback great read good patience more importantly great job up front protecting this quarterback to give you a chance and that's all you can ask for trying to rally down 10. 9 25 to go here in the fourth short motion by amendola from the left brady takes the shotgun step stands in throws it left ramadan reaches up and snags a high throw and lands inside the tent rolling with an eye slightly behind him again he makes the ground

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LiveStream - 10.07.20 - FileMaker Anchor Buoy - For Beginner to intermediate users - With Nick Hunter - Day 2

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LiveStream - 10.08.20 - FileMaker Anchor Buoy - For Beginner to intermediate users - With Nick Hunter - Day 3

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