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FileMaker Accordion Style Windows with Nick Hunter

LiveStream - 09.18.20 - FileMaker Accordion Style Windows with Nick Hunter

Today Nick will talk with us about Accordion style windows. How they are used, and when they should be used.

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FileMaker Accordion Style Windows with Nick Hunter

All right there we go hey everyone richard carlton here welcome to another great day of filemaker training at fmtraining. tv i'm the creator of fmtrain. tv where you can learn all about the filemaker platform and learn how to build better filemaker applications for you your customers your organization this broadcast is completely free to everyone and is being broadcast in high definition to discord youtube and to twitch this broadcast is being recorded which is really great of course we might clean up the recording a little bit so if we make a malfunction during the live stream then of course we reserve the right to clean that up on the recording later on however because it's a live broadcast we encourage you to ask questions in fact some people get aggravated when there's this dialogue with you and we ask questions we want questions if you have a question odds are other people have the question too and so i want to thank everyone for logging in

ken and tk and dave dave one dave learning uh ed uh elzo carol jake mike all of you welcome once again to another great broadcast now as a reminder if you want to check out the upcoming broadcast go to fmtraining. tv press the left tab for the live button you can see the upcoming broadcast schedule that's pretty awesome additionally if you want to help support this channel right we always say this this broadcast is brought to you by fmtraining. tv bringing you the greatest and the most entertaining filemaker training videos available so the idea is that if you want to help support the channel make sure you check out our on-demand video bundles we have videos that cover the latest version of filemaker we have videos that cover the deploy course in fact we used to sell the courses individually anymore it's just much simpler to sell a complete bundle for a low price we do this on an annual basis so if you buy

one of the bundles that really helps support the channel it ensures that we can keep coming back every day because this podcast actually takes a lot of money to run the people here don't work for free as much as i would love that to be the case they uh they do want to get paid so moving along today's broadcast is being supported by the folks at the los oso's office that would be hailing marine christian olsen and the awesome coaching team down there they're originating the broadcast and so let's go ahead and cut over to them right now and get our guest speaker going as well all right everyone welcome so um we're just getting started so today's topic is accordion style right um so yeah so like richard mentioned in the opening we're broadcasting from los osos um so nick thanks for joining us today i know you got a day off yesterday and now you're back so take it away i'm back and next week

i have a big week right yes correct yes so uh hello everybody thank you for having me today and thank you for being there every day and we appreciate that and uh this is our uh reward is when you more and more and more you come to watch us um so uh today it's a sneak peek a little bit of what will happen next week okay so we we planned this um session today um and before we planned the big big session of next week so and we didn't want to uh to move that session we have today but next week i'm going to again talk about what i'm going to talk today uh in more detail so if something is missing from today don't worry next week all week uh it will be all about a human interface and a human experience a ui a new x um we call that design in general and uh but next week that would be a good week a good big

week because i'm going to try my best to make you a designer which is important and uh it's important to have a global uh understanding of what that means okay so and you will see that it's much more than choosing the color of of the buttons it's like uh designing your house is not just the color of the of the curtains it's much more than that okay so that next week this today this session is all about uh is all about uh their their accordion style right so many of you ask me accordion style it's a very special kind of her um uh uh control uh that is not out of the box from filemaker um and i want to get to take this opportunity uh of jumping here a little bit to explain you things uh what we call out of the box and uh what we call our uh constructive implementation okay um out of the box when uh you have an in

your toolbox you have a hammer screwdriver uh you have a drill you have you know that's what you have in your toolbox okay so normally a hammer is made to uh to put nails in the wall right but you can tear down a wall with a hammer uh you can you can do many things with a hammer it's not just uh the hammer as one function okay so what we call out of the box is fabric is giving you kind of for objects uh is giving you tools actually they call that layout tools okay uh the key they give you tools and then with those tools you can do pretty much what you want right um you you can do with like i said with the hammer you can do many many things with screwdriver we can do many many things not just screw and unscrew and unscrew screws you can do much more than that with a screwdriver so pharmacy is bringing you the screwdriver and

the hammer up to you now to do whatever you want with this um so it is not unusual that you have to build your own feature based on blocks you know so you have the building blocks from farmmaker right and uh here you go you can do whatever you want right here the concrete here the bricks you can build the house or office you can beat whatever you want right and so pretty much that's what farmica is doing so it is today we start with this accordion style and next week will be all about this about pharmaca bringing the the the tools and then you build what you want so let me show you a little bit what we are going to talk about today um so we are going to talk about uh something that we laid down in our one of our yuan design sample uh haley maybe you can uh uh you can put the the link of this uh file uh on

twitch and uh youtube and uh discord um so this is a free file there the ui ux this is a free file that i built two of two years ago and it's all about this it's all about the accordion style and we have uh inside this document here you have two videos here under the hood video part one and part two which is with there are videos explaining uh what those means you know so we have these videos here see uh so we explain in the videos here we explain what this is we explained the accordion we explained many many things here in this uh in the in those two videos so i encourage you to download this file this is completely free and you have and watch those two videos actually uh we explain in detail in depth what those elements are today we are going to talk about their accordion so what the according according you have many many applications with according

actually pharmaco has many accordion um this is an accordion that's what we call accordance see this this kind of technique here this is an accordion see what i mean okay so you have um expanding accordion like this one okay that expanding because he add more and add more and add more c you you expand you expand okay this is one style and you have the collapsing accordion that you can see uh if some of you are using this here you have the collapsing accordion okay which is this one see so uh here you have the chart and filemaker and you have the collapsing accordion see you have one here another one that is collapsing the first one see the first one is getting away and then you have the third the second one showing and when you click on the third one the second one is going away and then you have a third one i start again the first c and then the style

and then the data source if i go to the chart it's so if i go to data the data source show the data source immediately so here you see you have two kind of accolian we have you have the the expanding and the collapsing okay so far so good so what i'm showing here uh it is it is important because i'm showing what i'm showing here is that accordion style is not a nick hunter hack okay no it is a design it is or can offer a construction a control uh that is all over the place not only a nic hunter can offer a sample file filemaker doesn't have that object out of the box they don't okay so uh we need to build ourselves but there's not a problem with this um we are going to build ourselves we have all the tools to build our self the the the object right okay with the tool we have in filemaker we cannot build this one

so it's not the the expanding one we cannot do it i don't even want to try to do that because if i try to do something like that with pharmaco which will which is pretty much impossible anyway but even if i try it will be a hack uh and it won't work 100 like it work here okay what we can do we farm so the expanding one we cannot do this one so let's forget about this one uh we can do the collapsing one we can do this one this one we can do it and even better than this we can do something better than even farming has you know we can do better than this okay so here what we have so we have here we have this c here you have one tab here and then you have one two and four you know two three and four tabs right so one two three and four so far so good right so what happened here

when i click here this one here the text that is here that text we go underneath this one see up it go up and this one closes if i click on the third one it goes up the third one goes up and the second one collapse so see what we call the collapsing one okay and the fourth the same thing so if you want to show the second tab you show the second tab and the two following the third and the fourth go down and you have the text expanding so you say okay nick what the advantage of having uh accordion style instead of the tab control instead of you know what why this why this one is good and this one why we don't do this one tab one time two as i'm saying in the as i'm saying here in the title of those tabs okay look how large the tyre is how you can do that with a horizontal tab can you do that with

horizontal tab you can do that uh it's too there's too much text in the tab so and with the accordion here i can i'm showing accordion um i'm showing a lot of accordion and i can show you somewhere here where it is interesting to see because it's on the web okay so oh it's always interesting to see how things behave on uh i'm loading the um i'm uh signing up on the web here okay so this is how it looks like on the web so we are on a web drag here and those are accordion styles see so see how many tabs do i have here see how many times i have here so i have many tabs if you want to use vertical horizontal tabs like this object here you know if you want to use that good luck with it good luck to show as many many tabs okay because those are tabs when you click this you show when you click here

you collapse it so you have different way to build that uh you see if you want to show the timeline you see the timeline and inside each of them you can see different type of things text here i have kind of a portal with a different kind of for construction so in in in each one you can show different things see here i have a different construction here um the same here the same here see i have and i have a text that can scroll here inside this tab here right uh so you can see that the the accordion style add another dimension on the under under under on the construction of the layout uh because uh yes you have the horizontal tag control here then you have the slide control with button bars that i'm going to explain next week in depth okay and then today we are going to talk about this kind of um construction okay so now i'm pretty sure you see the

advantage of using that technique so do uh do we have some questions here or um so far ellie no so far no question okay so so so that was on the web okay so now um let's let's deconstruct this okay so to to to to make sure that people understand i'm going to uh i'm i'm going to build it for you okay so i'm going to create a new layout here and we're going to build it together so i don't need that let's expanding this okay and i don't need that and i don't okay so the accordion style is based on the slide control okay so slide control um is a actually they they call that a slide control but they could have called that a pain control like pain panel a panel control and that's why actually um fire maker doesn't doesn't talk about slide uh too much the object it's there it's it's called slal slide but as you can see here they

said on panel switch right so that is they call they talk about panels okay they don't talk about slide too much right they talk about panels so a slide is the possibility to show multiple panels okay we can choose to d to to um we can choose to um display that as a as a slide so um in that way you know if if you put or if you put a piece of text here you say hello and on the on on the other slide you say uh uh what's up okay uh and on the other slide you say uh i'm good okay so so now when you go in browse mode uh you have you know hello what's up i'm good so you have free panel because you and you navigate with those what's the name uh buttons here okay so that's one way to use the panels okay that is out that is what farmmaker gives you out of the box for free okay but as you

can see here famico show tells you oh okay you know what those dots here those big dots here pharmaco gives you the possibility to say hey you know what i don't need the boxes i don't need the dots i don't need that you know so why farmmaker will give you that possibility if it it if they didn't have an ulterior motive we don't so that means if i do that it will mean that the slide control is no longer usable useful right usable it's unusable no it is usable it is it is still usable right so but how the hell it could be usable so let me keep the let me keep the name here uh let me keep the uh yeah let me keep those so um the text here uh okay i'm good okay let me keep that so one two three and let's now what i want to do i want to eliminate the dots so now i don't have any ways

to navigate those slides it's uh it's uh it's you know so i can just slide with my the gesture see the gesture i can slide them with my mouse i have a mouse here see uh it's when i use the mouse here you see my mouse okay so i'm going here i'm using the mouse and i slide see i do this so then i can still navigate here okay that great that that's super great but as you can see pharmacists say okay hey you know what i don't want the swap gesture anymore okay so what this is a dead duck that's what it is yeah that it's uh i cannot slide anymore and i don't have the buttons to navigate for this okay so uh why pharmaco will do that why pharmacy will will hand off to you the the rope to hang yourself pretty much right that's what they do yes but no because the slide control has been invented by many people me included

okay and the slide controllers be intended to be moral that's just a slide control okay they they said they call it a slide control but it's much more than a slide control okay so you say okay nick uh uh yeah cool um but how i can navigate through the control the tab now you know the slide now because the panels you know how i can go to the panel number one two and three how i can how i can navigate for this in browse mode i don't have the dots i don't have the gsu i have nothing okay so here here how it works you see here you have panels your panel panel panel let's give them a name give a name rather one okay let's give another name here panel two you know the name panel three okay so now you give a name object have a name so you remember last week i had we had our kind of a course about how to

use the object tree so the object tree here it's uh it's important okay uh because it helps you navigate through this you can because you can navigate through panels doing this see you navigate through panel here with the slide control otherwise you can even double click on the object itself see here you double click on this and then you have the arrow here and you can add you know if you want to add more panels or remove panels right plus minus and you can navigate through panels but this is much better and you can name it of course you can still name the old the old style all the way you can still name the object here but this is much cooler okay it's better better okay so now i have names huh interesting so now i can have a button you know about just a button here or whatever yeah let's go like let's put an icon here i have a button here uh and

um i want to call this button here sorry i want to call this button um slide uh let's say pattern one okay at the name and the icon is this okay i have a button panel one here so what does button do okay it does single step you know and i want to go to the object panel one go to object you know go to objects and i want to go to the object panel one i gave a name to the object okay so that cool very cool very simple okay so let's say uh now i built another one and i said this one goes to the panel two okay i have another button going to the panel two okay and i want another button going to the panel number three since i have three panels i built three buttons okay great okay so now i go browse mode okay and here what happened i go panel i am in panel one the default is panel one okay

that's the default when you get inside the layout you land on the panel one so i go to panel two and i go to panel three oh i can navigate now with the slide control despite the fact that i don't have the dots despite the fact that i don't have the gesture anymore i still can navigate my slide control i can navigate the panel the panels okay so why the heck pharmaco will let you do that if it wasn't intended to do that it was intended okay so it is important to understand the philosophy behind it the philosophy behind it is okay you have the out of the box stuff okay and then you have the non out of the box stuff you know we have buttons we have buttons one brick okay that the brick we have okay first we have the panel control panel control that comes out of a slide control but now it's a panel controller it's no longer a slide control

that's why unfortunately you know fire maker didn't call the object the right way man because they were they were afraid to mislead because out of the box out of the box out of the box this is a slide control okay out of the box but then you can if you want you can remove the slide right and make it a panel control which is an object that is available on java it's available on xcode you can call a panel control okay there's plenty of those okay everywhere pattern controls actually uh this is the panel control see on the on the left here this it's a panel control and this is not the panel control right so that's why they call that paints to panel so now that this is this became a panel control i said okay i have my brick my first brick building block is the panel my second building block out of the tools that i have my toolbox right remember the toolbox

layout tools this is this is layout tools okay so it's in my toolbox okay out of my toolbox i have buttons so buttons available okay uh inside buttons i have icon available i have i have goto object can offer function available and i can name my panel the name i want that available it's another tool that i have and i can build as many i want corres corresponding to the amount of but one button is one panel and each button is going to the panel so far so good question do we have here i kind of hate sliding panels ahead how we can name them awful uh yeah you can name them very very you know moki you can name them you name them the way you want and moki says no yeah no you can't name this yeah no yeah but we don't care about naming the object itself the co this object here this is the path this is a the slide control this

you don't need to name it uh you need to name the panels inside that's what you need to name okay so i have like 10 slack control try to name it i do the slide control yeah okay look um wait uh this is not the point here you can name you can name the pair because uh go to the slide control slide control doesn't exist it's just a representation of multiple panels but the slide control is not an object existing it's uh it's a it's a container okay it's a container that displays panels if you go in you know i mean it's a it's very special it's very special okay so you have the same for button balls and stuff like anyway so that's not the point here the point here is that now that i have my panels i have my panel i have my buttons i have everything here in my in this um what's the name in this theme that i have in

that file in the right downtown i have a theme here that i built for you is pre-built okay it's a theme in that theme i have multiple styles here i have the large tab title active and i have the large panel title inactive okay so here what i want i want this to be active here on top right those two those two are inactive on the bottom okay pretty much okay so let's do this let's put her there's a point here you see the construction this one goes this one go to panel two this one goes supernova three check okay so uh where where oh i was in panel two sorry i was in panel two i need to move that in panel one so i need to position myself in panel one i'm the first panel i'm in the panel one here and i put that into the panel one this is the panel one you see the panel one is active this is

active active is red okay red this is grey that pin is not active because i am not in the panel number two now i duplicate those objects here okay i duplicate them i go to the pattern number two okay and i do the same thing i i put this here inside here but this one is no longer active this one is active and i push this one on top of this one so now this one is active and the title of the of the active panel is always on the top okay so pretty much if you look well this one was the first panel this one is the the second panel let's do the same thing for the third panel so you duplicate this you go to the third panel right you copy this you drag into the into the the the slide control and uh let me make it show that it's centered okay oops a little bit more okay and so here okay so

now this i am in the panel number three here so this one is no longer active okay the front panel is active so i put the third panel here okay and i'm and and i put this one active so see i'm playing with my uh what's name with the style to make the one active you know um the one active uh red okay so how this look like now pattern one panel two panel three panel one panel two panel three that's it it's very simple because all the buttons you duplicate the button always because they go to the panel they should go so you don't need to do them again so you duplicate them and you position them and then you put the one that needs to be on top on top and you distribute manually like that and because i have this nice theme for you uh you can just um what's the name you can just play with this now you can even go further

if you want uh you say yes okay i want to indicate that the icon that when the panel is open when it's showing it i want a different icon i want an icon going down for example i wonder i want the arrow down to show that this one is the one displaying so each time you have one that is active i want this like i want that icon here each time is i is active i want the icon like this so now you have something even better you have this this and this see very simple so what happens if you want to expand this okay say okay you know what now so this is the beauty of this um it's it allows you to have a third dimension um in your layout right uh because inside this so here i put stuff very simple here uh i put those but inside this you can go further okay uh you can put uh a portal if you want right

so you can put this kind of portal here okay so you can you have a portal and uh see you can put a portal you can put uh on this on the second one you can put fields right you can put fields oops okay i don't know why he's doing this uh uh i need to do this and it will do this oh because i feel the the name is too small it's okay so you got the point anyway uh right uh you have the fields here and uh you can put whatever so for example you can expand that uh to the infinite uh you can even put a a tab control inside here you know okay so see now you have a kind of a you have a more complex object so you have a in panel one you have a portal panel two you have fields panel three you have a tab control and you can go again and again and again okay so it's

uh it's an object that gives you another dimension so here in my example i'm using i'm using that um here in the in the in the in the complex object see you have the the tab control here right the the accordion style like this okay so um so it's a it's another way to to play with the slide control as a panel control okay so if you don't want to play with the spanner control you are removing from yourself you are preventing yourself to to use very um your useful uh kind of tool here um because if you want to rely on only on the out of the box you have one only object available is tab control but uh if you want to do something like this for example uh you know and something more elaborated uh with uh tab control inside and with a you know accordion so if you want to have something like that uh and you don't want to play

with a slide control other additional building block for additional feature you stack with the out of the box which is the tab control the prime of the tab control here if you want to replicate that as a tab control are so that means uh let's let's copy this let's say you want to make that a a tab controller i've done that that demonstration very often and it speaks to itself so if you want to make that the tap control uh this is how it ended up to be looking for looking like okay so that is the type control uh see so you need you need a lot of for it's not it's incomprehensible um you need to to say okay i need a smaller uh you know you need smaller fonts here you need to go to 10 even 10 see you go 10 you need to remove actually on the tab control uh tab control here uh always on the tab control you cannot add uh you

cannot add icons on the bottom on the button you can uh play with the eight and the you know you can play with this so and you see it's impossible it's not is no longer kind of usable uh so when here when here it was totally fine and good it's a tab control as well but it's vertical okay so so you see um you and you can go uh you can go much farther than this okay so i'm going to show you uh do you do we have our any question no no question yeah i know um oh there's okay hold on let me go above the bunny pictures thank you bunny um so moki was just saying i think this goes back a little bit a few minutes ago of what you were talking about but what happens when most content is one height but once in a while content is more than the height set no you can you don't you don't scroll within a slack

a slide controller you cannot scroll okay so um there's only one object where you can scroll inside so when you have her yeah i know what it means um obviously moki doesn't like the slide the slack control but you know uh i mean uh you know it's uh if i if i don't have slide control i can i you know i stopped developing funding i i don't you know it's uh it's like uh yeah okay you can type text but you cannot use a b and z and no you cannot use verbs you cannot use i you cannot use uh names so you can you know so how you can type if you you know it's the same thing so it's um it's so um you know it's so uh limiting without the slide control and i can show you i'm showing the same thing or again uh slide control look this um you have look how many data you have uh here you have a lot of

data showing up and you have the slide control here slide control without the slide control you have a panel also those are slide control as well those two here those slack control this is slide control this is slide control slide slide slide control all over the place all over the place if you if you if i have to rely on that on horizontal tab control um good luck with this i mean you can't i'm sorry you can't uh you know you can it can do anything if you want to rely on horizontal contact control no icon nothing you can how you can do that uh tell me you know maybe i don't know how you can replicate that layout with with that many objects um without being a big mess without slack control that just that's the challenge that the challenge and looking as good as this by the way okay so that's the challenge if you can challenge this i will be the first telling

you okay you know what i don't use slack control so good luck with this okay so um so the there's only one object that is allowing you to slide within a panel because this also this is you know the popover you know popover this is a paddle as well and moki maybe you don't like uh popover because you cannot rename a pop over oh yeah you can rename because it's a button uh yeah apology yeah only the slide control slide control type controller i think you cannot rename it um tab controller i think you can't rename it to let me see because this is a button that's why but here the the this one the tab control you can't rename it as well so you can you cannot use tap control and you can just use slide control so both of moki both of them you have to select them remove and you can even remove this from the custom bar and you can just remove that

you know you remove disk uh because you can use that right so you know because uh tap control slot control it's uh okay you know so i'm exaggerating here but you know you cannot i tried to convince you that say okay i don't want to use that because i cannot rename it um it's kind of for uh let's say violence uh you know come like argument uh so the the the the popover here so let's say here i have a popover and inside that popover i have a a poll for example uh polar is a bad example uh let's say i have a bunch of fields okay so okay hold on i need to make it bigger let's say i have a bunch of fields okay so i have those fields okay in the pop over and then i'm making the pop over smaller like this okay so now when i open the pop-over the pop-over will slide within because i have more i have to

show more you know i have more on the bottom right i have more on the bottom if if the panel can show all the content of the pop over it doesn't crawl anymore and that's valid on both axis the y-axis the vertical and the and the x-axis you know if the if the panel here is smaller see if i'm doing small like that and small like that okay so now the popover will scroll here vertically see he scroll in all directions okay but uh uh slack control are not doing the same thing at all that mean if you have a slide control and inside the slide you put fields right and let me see and let's say the slide is smaller it won't scroll right like the popover okay so the only thing is the thing so what i'm doing here um there's ways to address that uh once again um so far i'm listening a lot of things like uh like like yesterday during

the java for example uh g-ray was making a good demonstration of java and immediately what i was reading is oh okay i'm not using pharmaco anymore i'm using java everywhere uh buttons java tab control java por java only java i want to use only java i don't want to use filemaker anymore uh yeah this is not good at all because you go to the extreme okay now accordion i'm not saying that forget about everything and use only accordion i'm not saying that at all you need to and that and that is the the purpose of the course of next week next week i'm going to explain to you that you have to make a decision which object you are going to use in your layout each type of data has its design is you are you know you you cannot say i'm using only according no nothing else oh i'm not using script at all or i'm not using fields or i'm not using no

it's it's too extreme uh you need to you have all the tools and you need to use them wisely to make your uh your layout to look good and to perform well for example the example i was showing you here you know that's a lot of going on here okay there's a lot of going on but everything is streamlined right in the right way you know so you have a lot of things going on here for that purpose here accordion is perfect for that purpose here accordion doesn't make any sense for that purpose here okay the screen my screen is very small normally it looks like this okay so i don't make any sense to use uh type uh accordion style here doesn't make any sense okay any sense so for each the for each type of data you have uh what's the name you have the ui going with okay uh so it's you can't go to the extreme okay because otherwise you

it would be worse than not using them right so do we have any question here i think there's just um one comment from ron on twitch that was talking about if you had a fourth panel oh it says would you have a fourth panel with only the buttons the purpose of accordion is to get this panel when is active this title to move up so moki said that they think that ron means making the parents look like a list yeah in that case you okay you go there you have here uh it's another type of object uh this one uh here this is the same but vertical as a list the same uh it's a button there are buttons okay and they go to objects that's it you know so it's the same you have slide control here uh named here when you go to the object slide one two three four five etc right and this button here i'm going to slide one here i'm

going to slide two slide three slat four start five slack six etc okay so that one actually i'm using slide one slide two slide three i'm not using names that has a purpose you know i'm not using name like go to the panel contacts or go to the panel project go to the no because when you yeah it works you know i i can't say uh this panel here um you know uh this part this is a contract okay and i can't say okay i can i can say this one here um go to the panel contact you know uh okay go to the python i can do that you know no problem you still walk you know see here here it works i go to panel contact because i named i named the panel contacts and the panel itself is named contact the problem is okay i copy those i'm going i'm going to copy this object and i'm going to put somewhere else

but it's not at all about contacts it's not all about the same thing i want the object i want my construction i want the same construction i want to copy this right based on another layout and now okay if i pro contact project and then now i have inventory and so i have to rename everything i don't care about the name you know it doesn't matter uh i want just something that allows me to identify the object that's all what i need i don't i don't care you know i i know that the slide one you know it's okay you know uh slide one i don't know another two i don't need to name them i don't need to name them okay uh i mean i don't need to name them with a basic nation what just what i need it a way of identification okay uh then i have the go to layout uh can offer a script step that works uh if you don't name the

object go to layout scriptstep is useless it doesn't work okay um i have a question just for me personally if i wanted the accordion to be well i guess other people kind of have the question if i want the accordion to be collapsed completely could you click that little drop down like character arrow so that it closes the first uh yes yeah i know i know what i know what they want to do actually i'm doing it here uh i don't know i'm doing it here so in this uh in this uh um example here that i have what he wants you want this so they're all closed then you open one you close it open close open close open close open close you see they're all closed right so uh when you click on the when you click on one and you click again you close it when you click on one and you click again you close that was the icon here i put x to

symbolize that is closing here i symbolize that is opening is open okay because i wanted to simulate this one which is the collapsing but is not auto is not collapsing on itself it's not closing okay so that one way to have a control style control or the accordion style now we can uh also in the design industry you know in the design can offer um a field designer has this possibility to collapse to itself so that's very easy to build uh you add a fourth panel here at the end so you position yourself on the opposite on the on the panel number three you add a panel okay oh by the way uh let me show you something let's say you add a panel here between the panel number two and the panel number four you know here you see you you add a panel uh oops sorry uh okay hold on no no i did too much okay so i'm adding a panel here

between the panel number one and the panel two and three c number one i have the second one that is empty see this one here if you look the panel you have panel one panel two and i added another one but let's say i want to move that panel here at the end okay i want to move that panel number two i want that panel to become the panel number four and i want to move them i want to move it so you don't have to delete it to create it again no you show the navigation dots see and then you seize it you hold your mouse and then you drag it and you put it where you want so now this one becomes number four i can make it number three i can make it number two i can make it first see and it changes the panel you see now how it is so if i click here i'm making this one now is number

two is the second position here i move it now it's here if i move it now it's here so you you just show the dots and you're moving inside then you hide the dots and you can continue moving so that was kind of a trick here that i want to to give you um so now let's copy those see i have those three buttons here i copy them make a copy of them and i'm going to the panel number four you know that panel here that is empty i'm putting them here okay so now i have a pattern number four so i need to name that panel panel four okay one two three four now they're all named and that object here i i made it i make this object inactive as well and i put the icon that is going with the inactive which this one so they are all inactive okay they are all inactive okay so far so far so good yep so now

what i want to do is i want when when the panel is active like for example i am in panel number one so this panel is active if i click again on this one i want this object to go to the pattern number four that means where and i want the icon to be this one uh this one okay so now i do when you click on panel number one if i'm if i'm panel number two i'm going to panel number one you go to panel number one but if i click on panel number one again it collapse and he closed everything he goes to the panel number four it's just a matter of going to the right panel here number four number three two one four two three no you see so let's do the same for the panel number two when i am in the panel number two if i click on this button again i want this button to go to the panel number four

and i want the icon to be the you know the x icon here let's do the same for the pattern number four number three when this is active if i click on it i want to go to the pattern number four and when it's active right and i want the icon to be the icon the closing icon here so now i have another kind of object that collapse on itself okay so i open panel number three panel number i close open close open close open close see open close see it's very simple i think you can use button bar for all no no no you can't you can use button bar uh it's uh it's uh look uh using a button bar here doesn't make sense i tell you what um uh because uh the question was you can use button bar here uh you see the problem is you will be always being separating yourself you know you will have a here you will build a

button bar uh you will build a bottom bar we have two objects right so you have a button bar like that here on on top here and then you will have a button bar with a unique button here on the bottom you will be always playing with this uh when my solution of duplicating you duplicate and you move around you know you duplicate and you move around you do whatever you want with you know it's much easier uh also usage of yes sorry to cut you off i i think the main point of that is not necessarily to have a button bar for each one of those but just one that closes the whole thing um so that all no i don't understand how bottom back would be a a good way to close everything oh i'm not i'm not saying if it's that it's a good way i i think moki was just saying i think that you can use that to do this as well i don't

know uh maybe maybe i i i don't know it's uh i i can't i'm sorry i can't see where the button bar is fitting here because uh sometimes they are together but here they are no longer together the three is on bottom here they're no longer together the first here is on top okay when you are three four it's okay it's it's fine when you have three four like that uh but you want when you have much more like this or the example i'll show you online where you have all of those uh all of those patterns here uh good luck with this i mean uh the bottom bar that would be like a nightmare to use um also you have a problem with the bottom bar uh i mean the problem uh the bottom bar is useful yeah i wanna i wanna read like moki's message all together um just because i wanna make sure that we address the correct thing and aren't looking over it um

and so just going back to the first part where moki says at haley i think you can use the button bar for the all collapsed panel to reduce the amount of buttons in your object pane yeah but you still have the same amount of button i mean you have one button bar you have one bar with three buttons which is the same as free button you know your bottom bottom button see uh it doesn't make any any difference you see here input in panel i have button button button and here on the bottom bar you have button button button so for far for further further uh for as far as the complexity it doesn't help actually you are you are adding a fourth object which is a bar itself so you are adding complexity on the on the thing uh also the button bar here uh uh the there it's much more i mean you can look uh you know you can use whatever you want it's not

i mean i don't i just don't think it's fits but you you you know you're free i mean uh you don't have to follow me uh on this i mean you know it's uh yeah button bar we can let's use the bottom bar here and let's see if if it helps a lot a little bit so i want this so to be panel one uh i want this to be panel two okay and i want this to be panel free and uh so so i pretty much replicate this one uh you want the icon to be uh you want the icon to be here so it's the same i mean um to me i don't see that's the same amount of work um so yeah it's just that you have one object here um and you put that here and you have the yeah it's it works it works uh it works why not the primer with the button bar the button i'm using i've not used button bars

to replace buttons because button bars have a a function that buttons don't have uh but i'm using button bar when i need to use the active and inactive states uh button bar has the ability to to to use the the the theme uh and uh the style to display when it's active inactive let me let me explain uh here there's no active inactive kind of stuff they're all inactive pretty much so pretty much what you will have to do is to select this and make sure that the active style and the act the inactive see active style is like this inactive style like this so you need to make sure that they are both together the same um so if you don't need that active inactive stake button bar yeah they they don't they're not made much much use more useful um to be honest so uh there no because i really want people to know um you cannot use button bars like this you know uh

button bars are not replacing buttons um here uh if you go there you understand why here i use button bars because you have the active inactive see this is active this is inactive you know and you see so it makes sense to have bottom bars here because i have the active inactive and to do this active inactive state i don't use any tricks i don't use any conditional formatting and don't use any any tricks i'm just using the active inactive states of the object itself so if you don't need that uh well uh there's no much of an advantage and as i demonstrate here you have three buttons here and you have three buttons here a button bar is nothing else than it's like it's like the slide control okay it's a grouping it's a it's an object that group together multiple panels that slide control and the bottom bar is an object that groups multiple multiple buttons together but the button box has

the ability uh to do things that other other object doesn't do the for example uh so you have the active inactive states right and let's say here uh let's put that in another uh yeah so let's put this like this see so i have button bar up the bottom bar number one two and three okay so let's say i want to let's say i have a calculation that says uh i want to hide the objects so i'm selecting the bar here see for this segment because we have segments see segment for this segment i want i have a calculation that hides it okay so now we can see oh one three number two disappeared okay it disappeared so i can just say oh okay let's bring it back and now up is back so bottom bars are good for this you know i'm using a lot of bottom bars you know like it's the same thing when i say maybe the button bar is not useful

for that application i'm not saying oh i'm not using button bar door you know remove that icon from the top no no i'm not saying that uh because i'm using motherboard a lot everywhere i'm using buttermilk actually this is buttermark but it makes sense the button bar here this is the bottom bar here but it makes sense because i have the active inactive states and um just real quick sorry i don't want to cut you off but we are um at 210 uh yeah okay yeah in the prime yes so i just want to make sure that we move things along um i think yeah i i mean i understand what you're saying i think the you know the rest of the audience does too um it's just a matter of preferences um you know different people like different things yeah yeah tk is right i'm showing you can offer different things i'm sure you know hear what okay um because each time we talk about things like

that it's like we are not god we are not telling you we have we we are not saying we are go spell we are not saying that uh like yesterday for the for the the java or you know uh you know we we're not saying that oh forget about farmmaker is java and java no we're not saying that like we said we don't say oh forget about buttons it's bottom bar no we don't say that what and we don't say do this or we come to you and we in trouble no we are not saying that okay what we're saying is what we try to do is say okay hey look that cool object you don't like it forget it right yep you like it download sample you know you download the sample file there this red downtown and you have the video that explain you how it works and and how to use it you can use it you cannot use it there's no absolutely no

obligation next week i'm going to explain you things and you will say okay you know what i don't want to follow nick's uh recommendation fine right if they're all recommendations so that is important to understand that we don't we're not saying that you must do what we say otherwise you're in trouble no we don't say that but look i'm using that a lot so yeah absolutely okay um one thank you nick for all of that you know we always appreciate your tips and your insight into all the performance and you know making the design in the ui everything better i wanted to take a look at our schedule for next week to just kind of go over what we've already covered nick is going to be doing a week of ui ux day one on monday is going to be the fundamental principles of it so it's going to be for beginners but even if you're not a beginner and you just want a refresher on the

fundamental principles of the ui ux please join us um and then it will be four days following up next next week i really recommend to attend at least the first day uh because i'm going to uh and that for a beginners uh it's very important for beginners and even the advanced users you will learn something the first day will be very very cool yeah um so thank you for that and thank you everyone for joining today and i hope you all have a good weekend thank you emily thank you nick okay thank you see you next week thank you everyone so all right and the guys just stepped up the whole way calm cool collected the quarterback great read good patience more importantly great job up front protecting this quarterback to give you a chance and that's all you can ask for trying to rally down 10. 9 25 to go here in the fourth short motion by amendola from the left brady takes the shotgun step stands and throws it left ramadan reaches up and stacks a high throw and lands inside the tent with an eye slightly behind him again he makes the ground

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