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FileMaker Anchor Buoy - For Beginner to Intermediate users - With Nick Hunter - 3 days Training


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FileMaker Anchor Bouy - For Beginner to intermediate users - With Nick Hunter - Day 1

all right there we go hey everyone richard carlton here welcome to another great day of filemaker training at fmtraining. tv i'm the creator of fmtrain. tv where you can learn all about the filemaker platform and learn how to build better filemaker applications for you your customers your organization this broadcast is completely free to everyone and is being broadcast in high definition to discord youtube and to twitch this broadcast is being recorded which is really great of course we might clean up the recording a little bit so if we make a malfunction during the live stream then of course we reserve the right to clean that up on the recording later on however because it's a live broadcast we encourage you to ask questions in fact some people get aggravated when there's this dialogue with you and we ask questions i we want questions if you have a question odds are other people have the question too and so i want to thank everyone for logging in


ken and tk and dave dave one dave learning uh ed uh elzo carol jake mike all of you welcome once again to another great broadcast now as a reminder if you want to check out the upcoming broadcast go to fmtraining. tv press the left tab for the live button you can see the upcoming broadcast schedule that's pretty awesome additionally if you want to help support this channel right i always say this this broadcast is brought to you by fmtraining. tv bringing you the greatest and the most entertaining filemaker training videos available so the idea is that if you want to help support the channel make sure you check out our on-demand video bundles we have videos that cover the latest version of filemaker we have videos that cover the deploy course in fact we used to sell the courses individually anymore it's just much simpler to sell a complete bundle for a low price we do this on an annual basis so if you buy


one of the bundles that really helps support the channel it ensures that we can keep coming back every day because this podcast actually takes a lot of money to run the people here don't work for free as much as i would love that to be the case they uh they do want to get paid so moving along today's broadcast is being supported by the folks at the los oso's office that would be hailing marine christian olsen and the awesome coaching team down there they're originating the broadcast and so let's go ahead and cut over to them right now and get our guest speaker going as well all right welcome everyone today is tuesday and we have a great three day presentation with nick hunter where we are going to be talking about anchor buoys so today will be day one of that i'm really excited to hear what nick has to say about that so take it away okay thank you hayley um welcome everybody for this


first day of the three day session um so i'm very excited about this one because uh many people ask me for this uh not only on the webinar but even outside and that for me many times now so i decided to do it in three days and i hope i'm going to cover everything uh in three days and normally i will um so today uh good news and the boss will have been very happy because today is is good for beginners very beginners very very very very beginners people never even started yet to work with farming i mean it's for a very entertaining entry-level people and intermediate people and uh i walked all over the weekend and even last week to to to think about the right angle to start to uh to explain the relationship and stuff like that and i think i found one which is funny uh it may be the theme of what i'm going to use is outdated but it's not


to me it's still my favorite tv show so i'm using um i'm going to use a family kind of her paradigm to explain the relationship which is the best in my opinion the best can offer a way to explain relationship right family um so if you hear my my gardeners in the back sorry for that they arrived just in the wrong time uh so if you hear that sorry it's not going to stay long um so um so today i'm going to explain uh what we're going to start with the beginning okay what is the database and what is a table and what is what we call a table occurrence okay so i'm going to explain to you that so if you are very experienced with farmwrecker maybe that's not a good day for you but you can stay with me and enjoy my company so um i'm going to stop explaining what is the database okay for that i'm going to open filemaker which is a


good start and i'm going to create a new file right here uh and i'm going to call its um relationship database okay so i'm going to open this so i have a new file database here a brand new file so let me share my screen whoops share my screen um i hope you guys see my screen yes you do um that's that's great um so what is a database not a good question a database is um a file where inside the file you have what we call tables okay so if you want to if you want to um explain what the table is you can go to excel right table will be the equivalent of a sheet okay so this would be tables for pharmaker what what you call in excel sheets that are tables okay and inside tables you have columns which is this will be records that will be fields and then you have rows that would be a record so let me explain


that would be tables the column in excel will be fields and rows would be records table fields records so this is what the database is so we have table here i have one table called database okay and i can rename it so i'm going to uh use the theme i'm going to use i'm going to use one of the most famous family in the in the farm in the american culture is the the tv show tv show dallas family it's a the ewings family and stuff like that so i'm going to use this because it's still my one of my favorite tv shows so um so i'm going to use that okay as a theme everything i'm going to say i'm going basically i'm going to show you in this in this webinar is they are fictionary people okay so don't be mad they are fictionary people um so i'm going to use this and so let me explain what is a table so you have


a table you can have multiple tables you can create a table say okay you have a uh mix table okay or nick devo you can have a hailey table and for each table here you can have you have fields inside okay so so inside database for example i can create a field name a name and uh i can have a first name uh last name you know whatever or whatever you want to call the what's the name the whatever you want to call the field so the fields the table so table has fields see inside and then now that you have a table and a field you can um have what we call a relationship by default filemaker is creating a relationship what we call relationship uh but is the the terminology is not very accurate here uh that is a relationship but this here we call t. o. s table of occurrence not the name of this so let me let me show what a


solution without without to look like okay i have tables i have fields but i have no to's i have no table of occurrence okay so what do that means for a solution like this okay it means that i have absolutely no way to display data i have no way to call anything if i create the scripts i create a script and i call i want to set fields i have no way see to call a field i have no way to access data pretty much i have no end reports to data a a table of occurrence that a t o it's a net report it's where you connect the physical world the face of the of the your solution right the you connect you what you see and what you interact with you connect that to the table so the table here has the fields the table has the records so but if i want to access if i want to have a port of entry


like an airport let's say you know to if you want to land in san francisco you need to land at sfo this is a port of entry to land in san francisco so this is so a to will be a port of entry so let's create a to so i'm creating a new one here and i want the port of entry to go to the uh the nic for example uh table okay so i create a to so now i have i have a port of entry to nick that is nick table okay so now that i have this i can go and start having showing records and shows things because i have a port of entry so now i can have a layout that points to that to okay and i can now i can have access to fields and now my script here i can say set field and i can set field now to nick because i have at least i have one so by


default by default filemaker is naming when you create let's say let me do it again when you create the to and you call heli for example by default pharmaco will name the to with the name of the table this is a table this is the name of the tio but i can say hello how are you okay i can call it that way i can call it this right this a t o can i have a different name from the table why because i can have multiple tos that point to the same file to the same table they are all pointing to ali all of them but they have different names and they can be used each of them each of them can be used as a port of entry let's go there so if i go here you see here i can have all of those can be used as a port of entry okay all of them can be used so this is what is the role


of the tos okay so now the tos also have another role here but first i want to check if we have some questions um haley um not a question i was waiting to see if you would get to this one point but um something nate brought up was that if you created a few records and exported it to a csv file and then opened with an excel it would really hit the point of the concept that you were trying to show there um but i thought at one point you would get to that yeah maybe not this is maybe off topic yeah uh it's not related to your relationship uh i just wanted to make a next i just want to explain the the excel metaphor to to explain so people with uh new people newbies with excel experience they can now identify what it was in firemaker so i might i might do if they won't you know you know the rules now you


have the buzzer you can press the brother if you want her a csv if you want an export as excel or export whatever uh i can explain to you i can have a webinar for that i can have a session for that but i don't want to spoil this one with this um this is too much off topic okay that's fine um so then another question sorry um bilbo asked if can you confirm that if we change the name of a table it doesn't break the to or any other relationship yeah you can name the table as you know you can name the table everything you can do whatever you want you can we never tears a tio there's absolutely no incidents you can rename a field no incidents um uh whatsoever um so um if if you have the if the fire has been built in the right way because there's many there's some ways where you can break things but you need to do a very bad


thing uh to do that uh but otherwise if you use farming naturally naturally it won't break so i can rename this and change it and nothing gets broken i mean it's still it's following you see so no yeah so the answer is no you don't break it uh so let me continue now so let so now we understand what is a gl so now let's see what is a relationship okay a relationship is let's say i have a let me rename this one okay so what is the relationship okay so let's say uh inhaling here i'm calling here a foreign key okay i have a foreign let me remove those this pollution here i have the primary key the foreign key uh and here i have only the primary key uh here i have a name and here i have her address for example okay so uh i have two two tables so let's let's put some names here let's say here i have contacts


okay so let's put some real names here i have contacts okay and here i have addresses okay so for example this is what i have so now here i'm going to create so i have two tables here right so i want to create a relationship between those two so i create i have the other to for contact and another to for addresses okay and now i'm saying that primary key here becomes the foreign key here right and i want to create records from this but i'm not going to explain too much here uh since i'm going to come back to that okay so that's pretty much a traditional kind of um relationship that we have so you establish so to establish a relationship you just click here see you select this you select this here and then you drag here on top of this and then you really you you create a relationship and then here you have some options okay oh i want to create a


record here okay um so uh and then i will show you what what what that does so let's say now i'm going to i'm going to the context layout so i'm creating a layout here from the contacts uh part of entry so i i have now i have my to my tl okay contact that points to the contact database contact table so now i can create or i can have a layout a port of entry to that okay so i have the contact and i see the name here okay and then i have a related table from contacts how i know it is related because when i select the way to access the way to access related related data is to use a portal okay so we call that portal this is a portal this tool here portal display record from related table on the layout see it tells you what it is so you have a portal kind of a port of entry and you


want to use a re the related table see because i have i have one related address since it's related so if i if i had other let's say i have uh i have this one for example see database uh let's rename uh blah whatever okay so uh this this occurrence here let's say i have it is not linked see that is not related there's no relationship between those two there's there's no real relationship like this one's here right so now uh if i have if i draw here the portal it says oh address is related but blah is not so and i cannot access blah it's not related so this is how you recognize what you can access from contact and what you cannot access right got it so far so good so if i say i want i want address and i want the address here so now i have a portal with this so i created a new record i said nick and i have


her address blar you know and i have a blah and i have blog a blog a blog so now i create records i create related records in the in the in the in the address so if you go to the table here you see that contacts has one record right and addresses i have five records so this record those records here are linked to nick if i create a new record and i say hey right now those i put numbers okay those records here are linked to any if i go back to nick i have the one related to name so this is what relationship does the here i'm explaining to you um what i want to explain is not too much of the relationship and stuff it's not i don't want to explain you this this guy here i'm not going to explain you this guy today but i'm going to explain you those people not those this is that's another cause for that but i'm


going to explain you how those work you know the tios you see here i have a blog and offer a chio here let's call it um i don't know um uh let's call it projects okay project here okay and i want to related contacts to project as well so i'll rename this project okay and i can now i can relay the so i need to create in the project uh let's remove this and let's uh this is a project name and this is a foreign key let's say uh whatever delete uh let's this is text and i want the foreign key okay the foreign key that will be the key i'm going to use in the relationship to link the contacts so i have my contacts and i want to link to the foreign key as well so you can see now i have one contact right and i have two related geos so now uh so now here i can have two table this will


be address right and here i have my projects so i have two tables now so this so now i have this and then this is a project uh project one and uh project two and project three etc okay so now i have addresses and project related to heli now nick and our next project related to nick right so this is how this is how relationship works uh could be interesting while this database expand need to use the standardized naming yeah yeah don't worry billboard billboard coming i'm coming to this naming is tomorrow okay you are free we have three days don't go back to now i'm going to show you something interesting sorry i just want to lay down the foundation of this you know just to remind you people what the relationship is doing yes but this demo is easier for the beginner yeah exactly so this was for the beginners i want to please everybody so now i'm going to engage the


the second speed okay so i assume that everybody knows now what a t or c is for it's support it's a point of entry it's a point of entry um to access the related data it's a point of entry also for layout for example uh you see i have a port of entry for database yeah i have a other layout that points to uh i have a layout here that points to contact but i want a layout now that points to their address for example okay and i want this to be a table a table view and so now i'm creating c i'm accessing address so now i have another layout okay i have another layout with the the addresses so now i have two access points so those tos dolls are point of entry for layout and each of them can be a point of entry and i can have multiple layout pointing to the same uh uh port of entry you may you


may want or that you may want one that shows this and you went wrong another one that shows differently because it's played on iphone or ipad or whatever okay so a to you can access uh from anywhere uh and you can have a layout you can have anything attached to it so now i want to destroy this uh and i want uh maybe not destroyed let's put on the side for now and i want to explain to you so you remember i told you i want to explain to you what the spiderweb is what is the difference between spiderweb spiderweb a relationship map and anchor buoy relationship now so this is where everything starts so back it up this is when when it starts to be interesting so remember i said i want to take you know i needed to use a large family that many people knows and sorry for youngers uh but uh but anyway it's a family so i want i create this


and i say okay let's talk uh with the father of the family so you have a joke ewing okay as a son named jr okay and he has another son named bobby okay so now all are related together this guy and this guy together right bobby has uh a wife named pamela okay but has a father named diego and diego has a son named cliff so pamela is linked to bigger because family is she's the daughter of digger and digger is linked to cliff because cliff is the son of vigor but pamela is also married to bob ewing so now i started creating one block of entity and another wall block of entity and now those two are related together because i link pamela to uh to bob to bobby because they are married now you have another family you have another son here named gary okay so that's that's the first song of jock so their job is the son of


of gary okay gary is with one one girl named uh valeen okay they're married and lucy um is the daughter of gary and valine but also lucy is the niece of jr and here you have the problem now that because everything related together so pretty much all everybody linked to everybody okay because uh because you know it's like it's the family so pamela and bob and jen and josh. jack john and and j. r and okay but now the problem is okay you need lucy lucy is you have lucy which is uh the the daughter of valeen but she's also uh related to jr but you cannot have uh those two together because they are already linked together this one this one this one this one this one they are related so you create a new entity saying this is jr ewing this is the anchor right so you start having multiple port of entry multiple you have multiple to pointing to


the same entity machine which is to the same table okay but they have different purposes this one is is it's because lucy is she's his uncle and this one is because uh and and here is because she's she is also the so you could have done also if you do this now you create a new lucy and you say okay lucy now she's a niece so you see the problem of her and i can i can go on and on and on and on now you see the problem of of of the of of this kind of relationship let's say let's continue right you have uh you you have patricia okay okay she has a daughter named christine and she has another daughter we know her very well and she's stu ellen okay so they are all together so now i have a group of entity here but the problem is sue ellen is also married to jr right so now again i create a new dependency


where sue ellen because sweden is married to jail now i have a relationship between patricia shepard and christian shepard because they are related to sewell and so again i'm now i'm adding more and more and more and more by the end of the day by the end of the day okay all of those all of those are related together all of those you know let's say i'm creating if i create something like this here if i create a new a new layout right and i start from uh projects and i want to have a portal um yeah but why is not projects oh sorry if i start with joke doing not project okay and i want to to draw a relationship like a portal okay i'm i'm starting from jock i'm here i start from here right and i want to create a portal see what happened everything is related they're all related all of them okay all of them so another problem and


whatever even if i'm i'm choosing let's say i'm choosing another part of entry i want the port of entry from lucy nice so i'm starting i'm starting the port of entry will be this one this will be the port of entry of of now you know so here this one is where i'm starting this is a i have a layout pointing to that one okay and still when i'm there you see here they're all related that means that means that means you have no way to know where you are in this kind of uh map here and can you imagine if you want to you are from lucy and you want to display things um uh from you want to display a related record to christine sheppard you have to go from here to here to here right then you have to go to here you need it's no so you need to go to here to here and then go back there there and there so you have


to go down six relationship to get the data you need so at the end by the end of the day if you do something like that if you are if you have a portal okay and you want to take this information here this poll this poll will be like if you want to display that portal you have you have the time to do your laundry of the week okay just to show one record in this portal it will be slow to death because and you have no way to you have no way to to to identify where you are so what you do you put some names of crazy names and stuff like that right you to to know where you're from and i know many many developers still using the the the name the spider web as her as a relationship map they constantly constantly call the the relationship map to see physically where they are you know physically you need to you need to consult


where they are where you are because you don't know where you are unless you use naming and stuff like that but still because everything related together you are slowing down your your solution very very much so you tell me why a filemaker let the the relationship to be a spiderweb the answer is in pharmaco7 pharmaco7 that's this is where you um uh this is where you um uh famico invented the the this relationship happened before seven we didn't have a relationship map like this i when i was a farmer i met the guy who invented this chris he invented this invented the relationship man when he first saw people using the ankle buoy he was horrified horrified because he never intended the software to uh pharmaco7 but he never intended the relationship to be used that way it intended the relationship to be used the way i'm showing you right now but that was great in 20 years ago today


is no longer something you can use why is because our solutions database whatever you want to call it are way too complex if you have a little file like a small file like you know we have two tables three tables and two or three relationships yeah fine you can use spiderweb don't you don't need to bother with the on google if you have a very small file no problem you know like a like i said five table and uh ten field and uh two relationships oh that that's fine but if you have a giant humongous solution like i'm working on and you use spider web uh you you need to buy a big big chunk of tylenol because you you will need it so now uh you say okay nick this is great uh but what can i do what what is your freaking ankle booty okay so let's take that on the side i'm keeping everything then i can give the file to the people


uh you know uh for download at the end okay now i'm going to use uh i'm going to use the ecoboost so let's say i'm starting with oh yeah i need you unfortunately i need to destroy that otherwise the name will be um so uh so i'm i'm starting with jock he's a father oh i still have a joke somewhere where shouldn't have done that but anyway oh i want this okay yeah so i'm starting from here and now i'm saying okay you have uh you have jr okay which is you know first of all you have her uh missily okay and then you have another wife and then you have jr okay and then you have bobby please ken or whatever other fox ejects and and then you have our whatever uh you have a gary which is a half you know the song has a illegitimate son and you have her wasn't it um no that guy no you have a great right right


uh idiot sound okay so you have all those people so all those people they're all linked to jock okay uh they're holding to jock like this okay okay so they're all linked to joke like this and uh so you can present that way that way that way okay so this is it okay then you have another family remember we have we have the bronze okay so bigger bronze has a sound cliff okay first of all he has a white rebecca and uh and then he has the song cliff actually uh he's rebecca when one wolf went with or is this an importance here uh cliff bounce family so it's family bonds here okay and then uh that's it okay so that's another family so they're all related to to digger so now we have one quick question uh david said do you create different anchor buoy relations for every layout yes so i'm i'm coming here okay okay so here you can see i


have anchor buoy anchor buoy so let's say now uh you can see i have two different entities i have job you win the ewing family here and i have the bond family okay and to finish my demonstration i have the shepherd family which is uh uh you have uh patricia okay okay and she has um christine right and you have sweden okay okay so and they are so i have another one here for the moment like i said we don't care about the relationship here what is important here to see that i have free anchor board i have the ewing the bonds and the shippers okay so this is what i have so let's say now i'm i'm uh validating english and i want to start with joking so i start with jock so i'm starting with this one okay this guy's here okay and i want to i want to have a relationship okay oh related table bobby gary jr miss eddie and


rey but all the cliffs and all the bones is and all their shepherds they're not they're not with it so you can see here the big difference so i know where i'm going here you know i know what i'm saying so now so you see let's say i'm talking i'm i'm starting with another anchor i'm starting with uh the anchor offer the name of digger now i'm creating a a portal here say hey i have cliff famine and rebecca and you and you guessed it if i say i want if i say i want um patricia shepard okay and here i have uh if i open this now i have those two related so now i know the question the one million dollar question nick pamela she's married to bobby ewing true so what you guys do and this is wrong very wrong wrong wrong right very wrong is to do this okay now is no longer ankle boy it's back to the freaking spider web


and i tell you why now you remember i i start from joke ewing and now i'm doing this and look i have oh i have the bounces in the middle now just because you put a relationship between uh pamela and and and bobby now you have all the bounce family in the middle and you don't want that transfer okay so um no no no no no no there's two ways to do this first way okay you say yeah bobby is married he's but he's not married to pamela brown she's mad she's married to family ewing because she's married so that's it now it's clear it's very clear that bobby is married to pamela and that said he's not married with clip bonds or rebecca he's not right so now the big difference is this is when you hear and you ask for relationship here you can see you are bobby gary jr and pamela that's it you don't have uh you don't have the


diggers and all the other people okay same here okay so that's the first way to do this okay that's the first way to do this this is when you don't need an anchor for bobby let me explain this is an anchor that means this is a main part of entry this is where you're going to set the layout you're going to see the layout you're going to attach a layout to those those on that way you have the layout and those are related records this is a layout and those related records is this is a layout jockeying this is the main it's the main one okay and then you have all the relationship you say oh i want the bobby units and uh and i want and i want their uh and i want here i want their gary and you know what i mean so those are related records related to jock ewing so you know what you know where you are you hear and then


you can access those okay so now that is when let's say now i want to create the marriage of pamela and bobby okay but i want to create a new anchor buoy that i call bobby ewing obi-wan 2 which is normal because i cannot name and then i have the permanent ewing okay two also and then i have another anchor buoy with one relationship i have this one and this one okay and now you can do something else you say okay yes it's true family arguing but bobby also has a son christopher okay oops i'm christopher okay so it has a son christopher so you can attach so if you need a a point of entry to bobby that if i need if i needed layouts that points to bobby two now my relationship here will be those two now if i am in jock okay that i'm back to the first one and i want to say yes bobby is married to pamela


and he has a son christopher okay then i can do this so now i have very very explicit relationship i know that those are related to bobby right and by jock so the ankle boo is jock when i start from here i can access to bobby and from bobby i can access to pamela and and and christopher but if i start from bobby i can have access to pamela and christopher with those entities with those teals so you can see the big difference we have before we have a giant freaking mess with the ankle buoy and uh and a big mess and and we fix the mess sorry a big mess with the spider web and we have a we clean the mess with the ankle buoy so now if you do crazy thing like this you link those together right go back to the spider web madness and now everybody again is linked together everybody and you don't want that you want to


have very distinct uh access to this but and i can assure you here with that and i think this this family kind of relationship was the best way to to demonstrate that that you can have access to the same data from different points uh of entries very clearly before with the with the with the ankle buoy i have another example i kept a copy of it see with this kind of stuff who is woo and where and when and what yeah this is it's ugly it's a mess yes you don't know okay you have clip bonds here and then you have another clip bounce here and you have another keyboard there i mean i mean you see how you can how do you know where you are what you know it's a big mess here very clear very clear everything is identified there's no problem and if you need something for example okay from here from patrice's shepherd i need to know that sue ellen is with jr


no problem you create a relationship to jr and that's it that the promise resolved up i have one i don't need to say i want patricia to be linked to jrr like this because if you do this you go back again to the spider web and we don't want that right so each entities each blocks like that i call that cleanse and i'm going to use that terminology tomorrow because tomorrow we are going to learn how to name things okay in every single relationship between human beings calling things putting knowing who is woo to whom you are making you are you are making much less mistakes and you have a better relationship when you know who is where who is who and and what is doing is the same in a company you have a relationship with company you you know you're a manager or you are colleagues and stuff like that you know so so you have a relationship okay and uh so and


you need to name the thing you need to put things right tomorrow we are going to learn how to name things to make all of this even simpler and even more let's say um obvious that what it is now okay so any questions here okay yeah um how many levels can we have sorry this one person's asking yeah how many levels can we have and tk clarified which is what i was thinking is how many grandchildren so how far can you okay so yeah okay so i won't go too far but it depends it depends of many things let's say let's say you have a you have a you have a solution where you are displaying things here from this to this this is okay if you start doing something like this i've been joking okay and i want to go to christopher that means i'm going 2 level deep let me explain i'm going 2 level deep i'm in here through bobby i'm going to christopher if


i'm doing this this will be slow this will be very very slow but let's say in in the bobby table let's say i have a calculation i have a auto entry calculation that needs to question uh christopher that's okay if if the relationship that if uh the there was name if you don't display the field that is here from here anywhere that okay so you have many uh uh you cannot display things like this like this like this like this if you do this uh you do even worse it becomes even worse than our spiderweb but if you have to do this if you have to do this that means you have a design flaw that means something is wrong that means something maybe you could have done things differently in that case i'm doing things like let's say i absolutely need to display things from this guy here okay uh in this in here in that case i'm doing this um i'm making i'm making


my possible to get a relationship directly from jock to christopher not through bobby so there's many ways you can do that um so i would say you can go um somewhat far there but not too far otherwise uh it won't work but uh i can show you something here i can show you real once again i'm not going to distribute this file but actually oh let's let's take um let's take the the fm launch pad this is a file which is which has so the you know you see what i mean so you have one anchor buoy and then you have one you have this one is the main one and this one i use it for you know uh consultation through whatever um you know here i have a script for example that's um a set of field from from here from that context i'm setting a field with an information that i get from here so it's okay because i'm the set field occurs from


here so i can't go there but you see i never go down never you know the most i go is this you know one level always always always and i can even show you even bigger files where um what's the name um where i'm never go more than this if i do that means i have a problem and at one point i need to fix it okay uh sometimes i do we do because you you know you know you you you run out of time or stuff like that and you need to to to deliver to the customer but most of the time i don't do that um so one important thing is several currencies group tube is cascading the leads it only takes one year okay now i need to start watching this yes yeah yeah well the show is good uh you mean grandchildren yeah uh thanks so okay okay so uh question it doesn't use notes you use the foot of bunch of teal remember


as well uh yeah but i use it everybody is talking about the dallas tv show yes uh so we don't have any question in this i mean uh is people uh do you guys understand this or are you not interested [Laughter] right no yeah i think i think that we have like a handful of people in here who this is helpful for that they're new to the relationships and the anchor buoy and so i think they're just taking it all in maybe they'll have questions but maybe not right now and you know for some of our you know long time listeners i'm sure they've yeah of course you have anything if you know filemaker for years this this day wasn't uh very helpful but i cannot do because you know the boss uh you know told me many times that i need to you know stop slow and go gradually tomorrow we are going to show we are going to learn things more


interesting than this um and we are going to i'm going to show you okay one of the way to use that uh of course everybody can do uh can use their own whatever um they're you know they can everybody you can do whatever you want but uh you have people like me where we we have a 30 35 plus experience and we have learned to optimize our way to work to save time uh avoid bugs um make things uh easier uh you know something i want to show before we go if you have two minutes uh you see the advantage of this system here let's say i want let's say i want i create a new entity let's say i have a new table and i call it uh whatever nick okay and i want this here i want exactly the same uh relationship this i want that to be related to nick also you select this you duplicate and now you can just select and you


you can replicate replicate the same schema uh to another and you see this stays you see the every secondary stays together uh so uh you see the point here so there's something you cannot do with this you know you can't do that with this uh because it's uh the you know the spider web you can you can do that so you see it's uh this the anchor boo is very very powerful uh so i encourage you to stop uh using it tonight and tomorrow we are going to learn how to name and to exploit those this thing okay perfect and just a note from ken that something that would be helpful is address switching an already existing spiderweb to anchor buoy yeah okay we can talk about that on on day three this is super advanced thing so day three that will be more about uh if people have questions and want me to do something show something i can i can i can do


that on the third day that's one that's one thing i can do on the first on the third day uh because i've done that many times uh and sometimes it's not possible at all you need to replicate the uh what's the name you need to replicate the the wall thing right yeah sometimes you cannot savage it uh and you don't and you shouldn't sometimes you shouldn't savage because it's dirty so but anyway uh we can discuss that on the third day so that will be on thursday perfect sounds good well nick thank you for today um i know i i definitely still learned a little bit um which is always good it's always good to learn yes um but yeah thank you everyone else for joining us today and we'll see you tomorrow for day two okay see you tomorrow thank you bye bye bye and the guys just stepped up the whole way calm cool collected the quarterback great read good patience more importantly great job up front protecting this quarterback to give you a chance and that's all you can ask for try to rally down 10. 9 25 to go here in the fourth short motion by amendola from the left brady takes the shot they'll step stands and throws it left ramadan reaches up and starts a high throw and lands inside the tent with an eye slightly behind him again he makes the ground you 


FileMaker Anchor Bouy - For Beginner to intermediate users - With Nick Hunter - Day 2

All right everyone hello richard carlton here welcome that's miles oh there i am it's clarisse we're here for some more awesome filemaker training welcome to another day nick hunter is going to be continuing day two of his broadcast reminder that this broadcast is a daily live stream in high definition in 1080 should be 1080 uh to youtube discord and twitch if you want more information about our upcoming broadcast schedule you can go to fmtraining. tv you press the left tab on the screen there that you can see file that is driving data to the filemaker data api so once again we eat our own dog food we have our own filemaker database that manages our upcoming broadcast schedule it's pretty cool um if you want to help support this channel we really ask that you uh check out our training bundles if you go to fmtraining. tv once again and then you go down to the bundle section press the button over there you can


see the uh the bundles right there uh and there's a complete bundle which includes a copy of filemaker it's an annual subscription because it's a special version of our crm and includes all the training for a year if all you need is just the video training than the bundle on the right we'll be happy to give you a discount coupon for that if you're interested make sure that we post that information as well so uh that's how you support the channel keep us going here because it costs money to run this uh we have to pay miles we have to pay nick um they don't work for free despite what any anyone might hope or wish today's broadcast nick hunter are you there you ready to take us to day two of our learning about the relational diagrams right yeah uh continue the day two so yeah as you said yesterday uh yesterday was a very very kind of a beginner compliant uh so and today


is for everybody too because uh we're not going to talk much about farm maker per se we are going to talk about good methodology and uh and we are going to stop stop good did you say manageability methodology methodology got it got it got it got it got it i had no idea what the hell that was so so it's good methodology all right hey miles will translate if it gets out of hand here okay so okay so uh pretty much uh this is the the the the result of for 30 plus years of experience that we are going to to show you here but before we continue we i need to inform you about something okay first of all we have two uh there's two filemaker outside there's a filemaker before pharmaco14 and the filemaker after pharmacy 14. so what happened with 14 14 or 13 uh type over i don't remember uh whatever uh 13 or 14 but there's two farmmakers so when farmworkers


started in um uh so when farmworkers started in uh 1980s um we they had a calculation dialogue and and see until uh recently pharmaco never are never worked on this dialogue again okay so it was the same dialogue when you wanted to type something where you wanted to you want to go and you want to type the name of the field you you have to take to type the name of the field so what we did for um uh 30 years is to type you know project is not only a project it's pg okay pj okay that project contact is not contact it's ct okay uh why because you want to do you want to go to pj underscore ct underscore our name okay that was the name of the relationship we were going we were putting there and yesterday it's funny because i had this discus discussion with her with somebody we talked over the phone and shame he's string like this and he


had this methodology this naming that that was coming from the past and it was so abbreviated uh all the name was so abbreviated he had kind of a legend on the side on his uh you know on his let me share my screen uh he had kind of her a legend uh on the side of his screen uh describing what the what the abbreviation was like a ct equal contact uh pj igor project pretty much he built something like that on the side because it was so abbreviated that uh he needed something like that to remain to to remind himself what that means right so that was before farming 14. now with pharmaco14 we don't need that and now we need to name things differently so today it will all be it will it all the session will be about naming things and i will i'm going to explain you why we need to name that way okay so i'm going to continue to use


the same uh uh the same kind of for example of the ewing family and the dallas tv show because i like it uh and i needed a large family to explain you things so uh so and that's an example that came to my mind but i think it's funny so uh and you're going to learn about dallas tv shows here so um well you said that really fast yeah what was ballard really really bad i said you're going to learn about the dallas tv show also the dallas tv show dallas jr oh got it you know you just dated yourself very badly nick i mean that was a big deal my grandmother who's passed away i thought that was the thing in 19 what 80 whatever year that was yeah start in 76 ended in 2004 or something like that so sorry for yeah so i use the dallas uh tv show can offer um whatever uh example because i'm in the middle of for watching and and by


the way uh bilbo something bilbo in the episode 14 of the season seven uh jr called bobby bob three times okay so i watched it yesterday so anyway so that was the funny part so okay so let's start it now okay so you on when you use a spider web you have the tendency and we all had in the past to name the thing for what they were doing you know like for example uh this is uh collects info uh from uh jr this is what the this is what the link was doing okay so you you are you we were calling naming relationship like uh focus i'm not going to explain what the topic table occurrence is because i've done that yesterday okay so um so we were naming things for what they were doing but not for what they were i want to name something for what it is and not for what is doing i don't care what it's doing i want


to name what it is for example uh can you recognize me if i say yeah i'm i'm the guy playing piano and playing pinball okay that's something but if i want that don't tell me what who i am if i'm telling that i'm the guy working at rcc making uh making session webinars every day now you know who i am but you if i tell you okay that the guy is pinball and you don't know so you want to tell you want to call your relationship for what they are and not for what they do okay so now let's have a demonstration a little bit so let's say okay so jockey wing here is the father okay the main is the top of the line it's the the the the top of the yara key okay and then we have me said okay me saying where's ms misery okay me said he she is the uh there wasn't the wife okay she's a wife and mother okay


so this is what miss it is uh now jr is the son okay and bobby is also a son so now you see i'm telling what pretty much but something is missing here in this relationship yes i know jack here is the father but i need to know that i'm coming from jock okay and to miss ellie and his wife and mother so so here in that case is more we can remove mother we can put wife only so i'm training and in this relationship here i'm telling that joke is we we start from jock okay so this is the relationship jock we start from jock and we go we we went to miss ellie here this is miss ellie this is jock okay and they are related together by because they're a wife you know they she's a wife okay that's the relationship between those two you know between those two entities that their relationship took from jack to miss ellie wife here we say the


same thing from joe you know to jail son and here the same we say from drug you know uh to bobby son okay so now and the same here from uh from um jog to uh gary and son right so now and array the same okay so now i know things like this and i have more information about what they are you know uh even if i was telling you that uh this is the foreman of south fault ranch you you don't know unless you know the tv show you don't know what this guy is now i can tell you you can tell yourself what who is this guy what he's doing exactly because uh what i mean you know why is there because it's related to jack his name is ray and he's a son so you know now what what this stuff do you have the information because here what happened let's say you see here i have uh i have another relationship here um


okay let's say i want to add a i want to add here the relationship so i have bobby a wing okay and now i have the same thing uh i have uh i can i'll do the same thing bobby pamela and i'm saying uh a wife okay so now see see the difference here now if i'm if i'm coming from here and i'm adding bobby attached to pamela so from bobby to pamela this relationship is wife from pamela to bobby that relationship will be familiar okay and that will be now you guessed it husband so the the the ankle buoy system okay heavily relied on how you name things to make sure you understand where they're from and where they go and what the relationship between them so this is exactly what we did here they come from bobby from bobby to pamela that's his wife from pamina to bobby that is husband you understand the difference here so this is the the relationship between


those two this is it we cannot say permanent to bobby his wife no because bobby is not the wife of pamela right you know what i mean i mean in 1980s not now maybe but uh but in in the 80s no so um there was the name there we cannot call that so the the the the success of the the anchor buoy relationship is how you name things so pretty much i can let me let me uh gather all all together here and explain you how to name things a relationship is a relationship between two occurrences so you have the t o you have the main let's say let's call that the anchor that's the anchor okay so you are the anchor one okay not the anchor that's the thing that is here this is where you start the buoys you know the buoys are attached to one anchor okay all of them so you have the anchor and then here you have the buoy


uh one okay i don't know how we call we named this this is you all right yeah you are okay so as you have the buoy um oh i don't know if you are or you i don't remember okay nevermind uh so um so you have the buoy number one and you have the buoy number two and you have the buoy number three okay so this is where you come from so you say i'm coming from the anchor number one to okay buoy number two number okay so from the anchor number one to the buoy number one here i'm going to i'm coming from the anchor number one to the buoy number two okay let's let's call this stuff like this and then here i'm coming from the anchor number one also to the buoy number three okay so this is what i'm doing so this is it i have uh okay foreign key primary key foreign key primary key foreign key primary key okay so i have


free relationship here okay they start from anchor one and they go from anchor one to buoy one from anchor one to buoy two and from anchor one to buoy um to buoy free okay so now i can recognize them and the name tells me from where is coming and where it's going now we add another we add another information here and we say they are linked together by the foreign key this this here is attached by the foreign key you see when you open the relationship here you see primary key foreign key okay you see those two you put whatever the the name of the key on this relationship you say is foreign okay what matters it's the it's the key of the targets table uh what matter is that you put the key of that side of the relationship of that side because this is a side of the relationship you are naming see on top you are on the anchor one buoy one foreign


key so this is where you are you want to put the key that they that have the name here now so you do the same thing here okay so um you put you put the same thing here uh whatever the key if the key change let's say you have another key okay uh i don't know you have a uh i don't know the contact id you can say the contact id if you want you know you can put whatever the key here you you you use you can you can you put the name of the key here of the of the field that you use as key okay so you put the same thing here whatever whatever it is uh let's keep the foreign key example okay so now you see you know this is where i'm starting this is where my layout is attached to you know i explained you yesterday you attached the layout to the anchor i'm going to i'm going to demonstrate that to you


shortly okay so you have the anchor and you have the buoys now in the name of the buoy you need to tell me you need to tell the user you are in the anchor buoy one from the you you start from the anchor buoy one on the left and you say we want buoy okay so now why are you doing this okay um why we need to do this for some simple reason that now we have a system a type of system where we can just type over here and say anchor now i'll see so for example which relationship do you want to use the anchor one from the ankle one to buoy one or from the ankle one to buoy two or from the ankle one to buoy free which one you want to use which relationship you want to use and you know now what they are you don't care about what they do you know what physically the relationship is doing pretty


much what you're doing by naming things like this you are pretty much writing down what the relationship is doing physically in filemaker they are linked together by from anchor one to buoy one in the middle they are connected by the foreign key okay here and then you can even now start giving more information for example this let's say the relationship here is creating a record in this table so i informed the name of my relationship that i tell the relationship the name that the anchor one from the anchor one to the buoy one by the foreign key and i have an options i have an option is creation and you guessed it let's say you want to a low creation and delete record you guessed it you keep you keep going you keep going and sometimes i i'm using that you need to sort things you need to solve the relationship i'm explaining when maybe another day also if you need if you


want this to to happen you have the buzzer here you need to buzz if you want me to explain the difference between sorting tables and sorting the relationship this is very important matter so um so if you want to sort you need to inform your relationship that also you sort and then you can keep going giving information you give information so now now when i am using filemaker and i'm i'm calling for i'm calling for um uh what's the name uh the the relationship i know oh okay that relationship i know it creates it deletes and it starts right i know it's right because maybe i have another relationship some you know sometimes i can have i can have the same relationship but it doesn't salt you know you can have this you can have a relationship like this but it doesn't do all of this okay so because i don't i want another rashi that doesn't salt okay for example i can have this


option okay i can i can have something like that right so i can have the same oh i can have another relationship going with an or another uh muslim another field okay for example you have a you have a relationship that come from the anchor one to the buoy one but with a different uh with with a different uh field as a uh as a key right so a project name for example so uh what project name one project you see you can have this example okay so now uh do we have any question here yeah i think we have it's okay boy okay i was i was right i was right okay uh so question mars on youtube there is uh there's one on discord uh what about when the relationships connected with multiple fields what would you get in the name i love it okay so when you connect something with uh i love the question i was going to explain that but it's


a good question that means uh who asked bilbo it was a agent chevy okay so that means agent chevy is uh following what i'm saying um so uh yeah i'm not going to tell you to write here all the keys no you don't do that because otherwise it's important impossible sometimes i have five or six keys in the relationship and i cannot what i'm doing i'm selecting let's say i have two let's say i have this this and this you know that's it right afrina i'm selecting the one that i judge i judge as a developer i'm selecting the key that will give me that will be more relevant to give me information about the relationship uh you know the key that is the main kind of our purpose of that because most of the time when we have a relationship like that we uh we have a you know uh for example when it's about linking a project to let's say you have a uh invoices


to items for example in invoice but you want only the items that are active for example okay uh the most important uh so you have active you know to to keep the relationship to show active but the most relevant uh key is uh the the id of the invoice because this is the main kind of our key the main relationship is the main key that keep the thing together right so in the name to give you information that you have multiple keys you use this character to say okay hey i have multiple keys so now i know visually that i have multiple keys in that relationship if i want to know what are the keys i open this and i see i give the information that the most relevant key is this one and there's some others okay so you will tell me nick uh if i have to do that for all my relationship it will take me a long time yes it does but uh if


the time that you will uh the time that you will spend naming things like this okay you will save it two billion times when you start using pharmic okay because now you have uh you know like if you say let's say you don't have this system and you type you type ewing for example okay you don't know you have your crystal for two the wives the husband the the jock and you okay so you don't you don't know you don't know but if type anchor now i know i have only the anchors the one to void okay so now if we don't have if we don't have another question i can for i can continue right okay yeah the one other question bilbo asked was just which you may get to this was just about colors in the future yeah okay i love this question thank you that's a problem here the color the color doesn't help and i'll show you why uh let's say i put


that green uh or yellow and uh green and uh uh um here and uh here okay that great we have a nice christmas tree uh at one point it doesn't mean anything anymore because you you know uh and uh but that's a problem when i go here and i type here it doesn't give me a clue about what it is i don't have the color i don't have the color maybe that would be could be a an improvement that tarmac could do to show the color of the text but i don't i don't know the color here you know what i mean uh so it doesn't give me the the purpose of the naming of the relationship is when you use a filemaker to retrieve your baby so now now here's the problem with this the problem is simple let's say i've anchored two right ankle two and go two okay anchor two and anchor tube okay so now i have two angle anchor two


anchor one if i'm going there and i'm using and i'm calling the the calculation dialogue and i tap anchor i say okay now i haven't come to anchor you know so now i need to type anchor one to anchor one two to you know to be uh you know and i can't even do that because there's a space right so that's a problem so that's why uh we we use that system but now we need to add something else on top of it we need to add another mean of identification it's just a mean of identification let's say this is t01 this is the anchor 201 okay so um t01 anchor one okay and here i'm saying t01 t4 table or table occurrence okay that that's the mean of t and i'm going to explain why we we do we put the t and why we don't put the number right right before first of all because fabrika doesn't like it see you cannot


start a relationship with a number you can't as you cannot start a relationship you cannot end the relationship with a space okay so or you cannot start with a space neither farmworker doesn't like it so that's why we put the t okay so that now we know why we have the t t for table okay so t01 so this one is a tz1a okay this is now the t01b okay and this is the teas01c oops okay and the t01 d okay so now it doesn't matter if he follows uh you know you can it can be like that i mean you know it doesn't matter really because uh filemaker will do that for me um but uh and it doesn't matter either sometime you know it happens that you delete the relationship and then you have a gap this becomes uh f you know and you have uh between c and f three so you know you have a space here that one day


if you want to add one you can add one right you know what i mean right so you you you you can do whatever you want here this is just a mean of identification there's nothing magical that's what i'm saying is that has no influence in how pharmacy works this is a human can offer method to uh to retrieve your babies and to label things okay it's uh it's a like like you have an inventory kind of a system uh okay that's what you do you are cataloging uh and in you are doing the inventory of your own t or ctos you know so now i'm doing the same here so now guess what this is t02 it's you know it's easier to and and now you guessed it this is t02a this is t02 uh b and this is t02 c etc right so p0c 0 to d okay okay oops oh yeah easier to be okay so now why this because now


we have a mean of identification uh you know uh you know like uh you know like the borg in star trek you know third or five or whatever it's uh you know four or seven whatever we have a mean of identification okay so we say p01 okay i have all the t01 whatever i don't care ankle i don't care i don't care no it's easier one so now and i know now i tap t01 and i have all the tz01 that i need okay and i know what they're doing i have a written representation of the map i have the i have a written representation of the map what i'm seeing here you know the map it's not in written is now in text i translated what i see visually in a text okay from from here to there by this with those options okay so do we have any questions here now or three pipes is by accident yeah free pups is that not true yeah


okay so here we hear what i'm doing because um okay i i like to be clear and i want to be uh you know hear what i'm saying here how i'm naming things uh because the question was uh you have the pipes okay yeah we i use pipes and we use pipes and stuff like that and underscore but that's that's a way that's a way to do that let's say i'm saying uh i have t100 okay 200a and let's say this is coming from jock ewing i'm taking the same okay and the score is go to bobby ewing okay pipe pipe two pipes is the relationship is sum okay five pipe create delete okay so here i'm doing you can see uh so i'm using an underscore to separate blocks of entities from that entity to that one okay so so you can you can just reproduce this and i'm using double pipes double pipes to separate from what they are you know this is all


about this this here this section here okay it's about this and this okay so pretty much i'm using uh i'm i'm using the underscore to separate those two you know uh visually you know what i mean okay so from jock to bobby from anchor to boy you know from anchor to buoy okay then i have double pipes because this is where i put the key and then i have double pipes double pipe when i put my my options okay now i have a trick here okay normally i'm ending this is a mistake i'm ending with one pipe see okay why i have one pipe one here i have two i want pipe because this is the end i don't have additional things if i put additional thing i put a double pipe and i put my additional things okay look here what doesn't matter really what you do this is the way i'm doing it uh it doesn't matter what you need to do you need


to adopt the t zero something or t12 t20 t40 whatever you need to adopt the numbering and you need to adopt also to say from where to where by what and options okay that is the that is the success of the anchor buoy relationship map will go there if you don't use this and you start saying um hello this is the guy that do this and that okay or if you have a relationship that says uh if you if you start again b j and just go u y underscore c t underscore you know if you do something like that again you lose the point you know you miss the point uh the and the anchor buoy will be a nightmare for you okay so ankle buoy uh success is for by the how you name things so let me um take some time here to show you a real world explain uh before but we can do the question here currency nick does


he knows why framework does not allow command c command v in relationship diagram good question i don't know why uh nate schneider why we cannot copy paste this to another yeah you have to do copy this you know copy this and paste in another solution that will be like awesome but no famicom doesn't want that what what you can do uh and that is very powerful um let's say i have um you know i have a i have a relationship like this see let's say i have this relationship i i want to duplicate that relationship right and to put it here right and i want to link those two i can do that those two relationships this will still work so you can duplicate kind of a schema and and attached it to another to another part of the schema this is kind of very very powerful so let me redo it i want this though this part of the schema today is related to job but


i want to relate it to cliff for example so i press alt right i press i or you can even duplicate this i think you can do click here yeah duplicate selector object see you have duplicate here duplicate selected job object so but you can just uh press alt and move out or click duplicate here so you duplicate this and now you link this uh to another and to another block to another anchor so i'm using that a lot and uh because i have some time very complex interaction here and i'm doing this another question here i don't know um okay nick said okay three part back here i didn't know that one but i want to capture to the clipboard and then with an xml editor yeah i don't know i have an ex uh impression that is more readable than double pap you do whatever you want uh bilbo no problem as i said it's just a matter um i don't yeah so that's


a problem uh billboard you have a problem here you can use this which character you want to use uh the the because we cannot use none of those so that's why we use pipe because pipe is not part of their and we cannot say and or not okay we cannot say uh we cannot we cannot call or what's the name a relationship or okay we can't do that okay so um which one is the the you cannot use i don't think you can you also you can you can i don't think you can use this um you see yeah you can you cannot use those character billboards so that that's why pipe is good because pipe is is not part of there i don't think you can even use this one see uh you cannot you cannot use all of those yeah this one this one you can uh but anyway pretty much uh you you can use the naming convention you want here uh to separate


you know pipe is good uh because you have to you have to look something uh bible and very important to everybody we don't care how it looks here we don't we don't give a damn about how it looks here what we care is how it looks here why cannot i lost the focus on this window okay so uh what what matters here is how it looks here okay and here double pipe is perfect see what i mean right uh so it matters here it matters when you have something like this uh and you have you know you know when you have when you start having complicated things like this uh the pipe is good because it's not invasive the double chevron i think it will be like uh and okay it's a forbidden character uh we cannot have it but uh you know it won't it would be extremely disruptive i mean okay look it's up to you i mean i mean uh okay so the


use double chevron people um you know it's bad it's fine it's fine with me um but uh there there's no no there's no incidents what what matters here and one and also you know you see you can use whatever you want okay just this is 30 35 plus years of experience uh and using pretty huge solution i'm going to open two c two two solution one that is not adopting the naming and what is where it is okay so this solution here i have a schema here okay and so you can see uh we have a pretty large schema okay so uh it's not small it's kind of big okay so why this is a great system because when i need to call something um okay t45 work orders and i have all them and you can see i have some time i have additional uh behind a level two three levels behind okay also the naming is showing me this okay so let me show you


some something here before we continue i think i skipped it too much let's say you have another another relationship here okay uh that goes to another table okay and let's say you go to contact okay and you start from buoy one okay and this is t01 e1 right uh why it doesn't like oh space okay so um so now i have uh let's change the color of this because it's uh it's annoying uh okay so um and we can use another you know another key here okay and it's name the key okay so now i have i have a sub can offer a relationship here okay and uh i have a sub relationship be between t the t01e and the t01 e1 because that can have t01e12 and e13 and stuff like that okay and and then you can even have some prime sometime it happens you have 1 e 1 e e o you have t 0 1 e 1 a because you have


something behind this one here okay so you say one number one letter then one number then one letter when one so if i can't if i want to continue again that will become t zero one e one a one right so okay i never go that deep but you got the point so we say okay oh nick this is insane no it's not that is not it's not insane sure because once again uh you need to see this as this you need to keep in mind that i'm going to use a system like this but let's say i want all the a b now i know here i know that i have the t0 t45ab right and then i have behind the t45ab i have the t45 ab1 so the ab come from walk order to x-fref that's what he's doing that is coming from that table and going to that table now the ab1 comes from the x f2 to the staff so i have to


so now by the name just sing this i can represent the graph in my mind because i know where they're from where they go and related by what and i can select them just by the name if i want all the a for example let's say i want all the 45 a are all the a's all the way and here for example c let's say i want the two this is insane for example you have the t you have the eight the a two t for example okay the a a two no it was a w which was the a uh with the one that was um this one see so the the the you have the at2 at2 so c so here you have a lot of complexity because you have a lot of interaction here right but uh you can select by the name and you know where they come from and where they go right you know for example that the c1 is is ahead of the


c you know that the d1 is ahead of this of the d you know in the relationship this one the d comes before the d1 and the d1 is attached to the d you know that because by the name the the the the letter because the letter matches you got the point here um if you don't have this identification with the letter and the name and the and the number there's no way you can know that that's table is linked to that one just by the name unless you put an insane name okay so if you have any questions at the moment yeah bilbo that is a french character that's why we don't have the you know the the this you need to use a shift uh option um uh yeah it's a special character anyway um do we have question marks nope uh twitching youtube i think you're just all listening and learning okay so yeah so it's very important the the name


the name makes all the difference um it sounds crazy he looks crazy but he's not um look if i want a field i can have a field like in in one click okay like for example if i go there and i ask here that the tata viewer okay uh and i want to watch whatever field i need okay so i want to watch you know um t22 i know that is inspection sections okay and uh and i know it's a c something oh i have you know you know what i mean so uh or d or e c e i have multiple so the the the name is very important how how it how the name looks okay um also you need to you you want to know um you you want to know who is the who is the anchor that that also something we we use to know you see i know that is the that the main anchor why because it's alone there's no a


b c it's a straight number and then i have nothing behind it it's accounts okay then i know okay those are linked to account and i put this one in capital letters because when you look at it in the um wasn't it in the in the in the list here you put in capital letter where the relationship is attached to the t07 account okay the t07 account is related sorry t07 account is related to account okay so that was is in capital letters so now sorry now this one i know this i know this one is attached to invoices why because it's capital letters capital letters so this is attached to invoices and i put in capital letter in the name the name of the table that this is attached to okay it's very important so now you can see by then by vision v visually you see you know where you you know this is document there's no no question asked document and i know


it's document by id account and this relationship okay is deleting records can you imagine this saved my but 100 billion times to name to put the thing that did it how many times do you have a schema where when you delete an account you get all related record deleted and you don't know why and you don't know who you don't know which um uh what's the name you don't know which uh relationship is doing this so what you do for hours and hours you chase it oh it's not this one oh it's not this one oh it's not this one oh it's not the see you chase you chase and sometimes it could be the other side of the of the planet right uh so and and it really really set time so now i want to show you something um that is cool okay the why the why of the um why we put this letter and why this letter is super


cool okay let's say i have a giant giant uh relationship map like this one right so how you navigate from this one to this one how you navigate it okay okay you have the choice by okay you have a choice by doing this chasing you know chasing see we can see and we can see much okay it's a nightmare you can shade okay okay i want to go to work order okay i want to go to the to the anchor where i have the the work order here we go what got it now i want to go to t22 okay hold on 22 inspection now i want to go to account i'm in account i have to go i want to go to global i mean global uh no because this one t01 yeah this one is miss yeah d01 is not global it's site sorry sites okay so uh you know t36 or do what what number do we oh we have 237 okay let's


go there and you want 237. so you you navigate uh you navigate uh to the what's name to the uh from from spot to spot just by typing over in the map the first three letters see t45 e22 p07 no so it lands where you find the tc t07 t22 c if you have um uh uh what's the name uh by name this doesn't work or it doesn't work well then you need to do like we do before with the command g you know the command g goes to the next next next back with the same type over thing right so before we waste we were typing the name and then we were changing we command g command g command g command command goes to the next with the same command g does this uh uh goes to the next um what's the name um he goes to the next uh thing with the name is the same name you know you type over it goes with the


same name you type okay command g the we don't have any question yeah we have a question here the name is the roman to future success yeah yeah nate schneider you named it the name is the you you will you will save billions of hours of work um doing this and i can show you the difference here very quickly um if i go to a solution where unfortunately i i inherited the solution from another company and they don't use that that relationship system so it's a it's a big nightmare see uh it's it's uh so i i inherited this and uh and i kept going using the same uh so everything that i create myself is using this naming but they have they have their own things okay uh so uh you see so it's not it's not as easy uh like you know when you type something over you want deals uh okay you have deals you have this you know so i cannot


say i want something you know um specific uh i need to type the the thing you know i need to tell say deal web you know and even though it's not see i've i have to know the names so something you need to understand people say oh you you won't i won't remember the t07 yeah you will you will remember you you will remember the the numbers 10 times faster than names 10 times faster you will remember that the t7 t45 is working you you will rename it that t22 is you will remember that okay uh because you will be typing that typing that typing that again and again and again okay it's like oh yeah i don't remember my the number of my street where i'm living yeah you do remember uh you remember the fun your phone number and you know that fine you remember thing you remember your social security numbers okay so and that will be exactly the same


now uh you will start using the same pattern uh in even when you use multiple solutions you will you will start calling things the same name uh uh especially for what is uh like globals like a system like users you know you will you will stop calling the thing the same name so let's continue does this sometime happen when you like 30 boys that you ask yourself why them are set for yeah okay bilbo good question the question is uh question is let's say you have a solution okay and like this one and you create buoys and then you don't remember what they're for okay that you don't remember and people the answer will who cares who cares we don't you don't care you don't care you it's there it's not it's there if you don't use it it's there if one day you need it it's there you know what i mean so in pharmaco we have a a rule here a general rule


you never delete something when you're not 100 sure that you can delete it um so uh you know so if you don't remember first of all you have tools to say okay this is used by nothing you can use the you know the the the you can run a report you know you can run a report and say okay this one is used by nobody but you know what sometimes it happened to me i have something that never i don't use it i use it before i don't use it anymore and for two years i don't use it and then after two years oh here it is i have it right i reuse it it's there because it's it's named by what it is and not for what is doing so that means i know what it is so i need if i need the same and sometimes you know when i create a relationship let's say i create a new relationship and what i'm doing is oh i'm


do i have one uh do i have one that do that yeah do i have one that goes from asset to type by time oh yeah i'm on you know i'm looking i'm looking so here because because it's easy to read so i'm looking and say okay yeah i can do it i can you know so who cares you know if uh if something doesn't you know or whatever sometime what i'm doing i'm doing this look i know i know i even know you did when i know it's deactivated okay and i don't really need it anymore i'm doing this i know this one is deactivated right or what i can do sometime what i'm doing here i'm putting retired but i don't feel it i keep it right i keep it because uh we know maybe i will hear maybe i will need it you know maybe i need one day and i can put it back right so it doesn't doesn't hurt to keep things and uh


people say yeah but at one point you have so many so uh and my answer will be so what you know so if you have a lot of things um for example if i go to uh yeah so this one all done see i want to go to the to the projects right so i'm loading here okay t60 not projects but this 60 uh i don't know if you know but i have all of those can you imagine that i have uh you know a a b c d e until z and then i start a a a b a c because i turn the 26th letter of the alphabet so now is a b a c you know a um and i turn twice the alphabet and i arrive to b a i have a z right so now i'm i'm ba bbc who cares because with the naming you you're good to go you you're very good to go you know you don't care uh because you


have the naming and you know okay oh i need the the t60dk okay that that's what i need okay so oh it's t60 d something you know let's say oh i don't remember this one it's t60 it's 360 d something okay so which one you have all the ds and now you know oh it's the d is the dh okay yeah it's the dh because you know by name but you can constrain you you know you remember that is a d something but and then you can choose it's very cool it's very it's very powerful i mean it's i'm saving tons of time with this you say the next question does it sometime happen okay they wrote this stuff okay yeah you will remember those ones you use them repeatedly trust me some don't but must i do yeah uh johnson 24. yeah you're right uh the uh uh m johnson24 said is you're going to remember okay it's uh it's a human stuff we have


difficulties to remember letters but we have much more abilities to remember numbers numbers easier for the graphics that mike petrovsky used the double chevron that confuses you a lot yeah see i'm just yeah i agree with them johnson the double chevron look it's a matter of preferences here uh we don't really care about the separators or which one you want to use what what you i really suggest you to do is to use the the naming like the t60 a b c d this is key and and give the name from where you come to where you go the the the from the the one you where you come to be in small capital a small cap so small characters and where you go where this is attached to to be in capital letters that will use in which filemaker lets you know where the to is used in which farmer could let you know where a teal is used press c uh uh no you


don't you you know here in tables uh you know um who is used but it's when you have a lot it doesn't give you a clue too much when you have a lot but here for example you see address is used nowhere um so um yeah you need to david angel you need to write i i think you need to um sometimes i'm doing developer utilities but but pretty much you know i don't i don't really i don't really care if something is retired or not used i keep it nick can you speak to the new user about renaming your existing tos there might be a fear to rename things and break script and said okay okay uh do we have uh uh we don't have any okay nate schneider we need her okay so we need um miles can uh let me write uh we have we have two new topic here okay give them to me okay so we have our so the salt pour or versus salting


relationship okay okay but very important we have this one and we have uh nate schneider's uh renaming tos and what can breaks let's say what can get broken breaking let's say breaking solution renaming things okay okay so uh it would be a short one uh nate but i neither and either an either you know if if you use pharmacy correctly uh there's if you use pharmacy correctly there's no way you can break something by you by renaming a uh here okay but there's ways where you can break them and you're right to uh to mention it i'm going to you know i'm going to make a session for that okay um some i don't must do the remember starting point yeah so something before we go uh guys something you need to know is when uh uh oleg uh my friend oleg at pharmaker and all the developers we all gather together and start to something you need to know and this is i'm


not kidding i'm not lying it's i created that the dialogue i designed it i i built it i mean i did the dialogue this okay the new dialogue the type of dialogue so i know very well how it works um and by example that's something i ask because it's very cool when you type something hello uh i'm nick okay and you select this you select the text you click on the on the quotes here and he quotes this the selection you have i'm i'm pretty sure many of you don't even know that i've specifically asked this okay so um so anyway um like so the dialogue is something i created that designing and with oleg and all the people over there farming so when we decided to create this we took as a model fm starting point that's the model we took we took the model of fm starting point uh as um make sure that the system the type of system will work okay so


uh this is this is what we used okay so that's why our i strongly recommend using that the fm starting point kind of naming convention stuff and we've got one last question on twitch i don't know if you want to answer now or next time it was just uh it says how's the way when you want a self-relationship oh they're very easy actually i'm using that a lot um let's let's say uh let's go to this this relationship map here um and let me show you which one i'm using for self uh hold on uh okay the t01 bh for the let's take one's easier yeah they'll use a t t 12 p okay so i'm going okay look look how how look how this work okay uh i'm here t12p palm i'm right there okay see that's the one selected are we do again t12p um t12 t bomb you know p 12 r t 12 e et cetera okay so p to f so


this is a this is a self relationship so uh pretty much you point to the same relationship user and user and you can say here is name user to users and at the end i put kind of a little reminder hey it's a self relationship so this is the self this is the self sometimes it says self join okay it depends uh by my mood but we can say going itself uh so see i have many self uh that happened sometime i'm putting gtr here for my reminder uh so yeah but pretty much self you know i'm doing this you know i'm saying uh when it's self i'm i'm putting self uh here here right and then you know um that it's a self relationship this one for example you know that's multiple uh you see here i know that there's multiple fields okay and bingo oh see is off he should he shouldn't show that um but uh you know you know most most of


the time is correct sometimes the thing gets off because i don't rename the thing correctly uh but anyway uh see here is that this one has two right and there's a little uh thing here um you know so if i go there this one has multiple as i know i know because this right uh so yeah so the only the only thing what what i wish from farm maker to be honest with you uh is that farmwrecker says okay i'm naming this automatically for you and you know i mean she she they can come with uh automatic naming things system that you can override you know that would be awesome so you can petition with me if you want that farming group uh this has been great i had an idea how and why of okay so uh ken tully this has been great i had an idea of the how and why of uncle buoy design but this really fun view okay yeah yeah i hope


though i hope that uh you so tomorrow we are going to we are going to learn how we can use the this maps here and have kind of a practical application um and and see why you have this sometime you know why why you have a double you know you have a secondary level here and we are going to build a layout with a simple interaction and we are going to build this for tomorrow awesome um yeah thanks everyone for tuning in um thanks nick for all of that great information so we got a lot of good feedback today um as nick said tomorrow he's gonna continue with some more relationships uh so we'll be back same place same time on discord twitch and youtube and hope everyone has an awesome wednesday okay thank you bye and the guys just stepped up the whole way calm cool collected the quarterback great read good patience more importantly great job up front protecting this quarterback to give you a chance and that's all you can ask for trying to rally down 10. 9 25 to go here in the fourth short motion by amendola from the left brady takes the shotgun snap stands in throws it left ramadan reaches up and starts a high throw and lands inside the tent with an eye slightly behind him but danny makes the ground 


FileMaker Anchor Bouy - For Beginner to intermediate users - With Nick Hunter - Day 3

All right there we go hey everyone richard carlton here welcome to another great day of filemaker training at fm training dot tv i'm the creator of fmtrain. tv where you can learn all about the filemaker platform and learn how to build better filemaker applications for you your customers your organization this broadcast is completely free to everyone and is being broadcast in high definition to discord youtube and to twitch this broadcast is being recorded which is really great of course we might clean up the recording a little bit so if we make a malfunction during the live stream then of course we reserve the right to clean that up on the recording later on however because it's a live broadcast we encourage you to ask questions in fact some people get aggravated when there's this dialogue with you and we ask questions i we want questions if you have a question odds are other people have the question too and so i want to thank everyone


for logging in ken and tk and dave dave one dave learning uh ed uh elzo uh carol jake mike all of you welcome once again to another great broadcast now as a reminder if you want to check out the upcoming broadcast go to fmtraining. tv press the left tab for the live button you can see the upcoming broadcast schedule that's pretty awesome additionally if you want to help support this channel right we always say this this broadcast is brought to you by fmtraining. tv bringing you the greatest and the most entertaining filemaker training videos available so the idea is that if you want to help support the channel make sure you check out our on-demand video bundles we have videos that cover the latest version of filemaker we have videos that cover the deploy course in fact we used to sell the courses individually anymore it's just much simpler to sell a complete bundle for a low price we do this on an annual basis


so if you buy one of the bundles that really helps support the channel it ensures that we can keep coming back every day because this podcast actually takes a lot of money to run the people here don't work for free as much as i would love that to be the case they uh they do want to get paid so moving along today's broadcast is being supported by the folks at the los osos office that would be hailing marine christian olsen and the awesome coaching team down there they're originating the broadcast and so let's go ahead and cut over to them right now and get our guest speaker going as well well thank you very much richard uh this is christian olsen from the los sosos uh broadcast center joining you guys again i guess he's decided to bring me back as you guys can tell we've got the wonderful nick hunter joining us for another day of uh anchor bowie right nick yes um so thank you christian


i'm taking uh taking over here oh give me one give me one second nick you can tell me just a moment i was just just introducing you in case no one knew who you were um so a couple couple shameless plugs here uh so as richard brings up in the opening video not all this stuff is free so keep in mind as nick showing you these cool and wonderful techniques you might think to yourself ah i've got something i'm working on maybe you've got clients yourself and you could use a little extra professional uh help um we've got a couple things to help you with that number one we've got our coaching department i've literally got an office here full of coaches as well as other parts of the country and in fact we've got a top tier coach right now who happens to be taking projects on this is really unusual but the great nick hunter at this moment is looking for for any type of projects


nick normally does development but uh nick based on what i've kind of heard you say in some of the recent streams you seem to actually like this uh this coaching program actually actually that was that's why i'm not uh that busy right right now um it's because uh i want to switch from pure coding to more coaching mentoring uh being there being the guy guiding kind of a project manager can offer if you have a you have a project you want to make some you want to to get things done actually i can help you there i can help you organize yourself i can help you uh i can guard you to go to the right the right direction i can start cutting put in place the foundation and then you take over oh i can do the wall the the job for you um so yeah i'd like to because i explained that the the the coaching a lot i love to do that i discovered i didn't know


that i would love to do that so i'd like to switch more on this um i have two or three right now but i like to ramp up more so uh if you need me for anything it can be two hours five hours ten hours you you know whenever you want uh you can reach me okay okay don't ask me to create a table for you but um you can hire me for uh design guidance and uh you know if you want to to to get your architecture dawn and you if you if you have for example you have an aging kind of a date dated solution and you say hey i need to rebuild everything i can help you not rebuild but i can help you do the transition from the all these old solutions to the new new one without rebuilding things right so i can save you a lot of time a lot of money uh so yeah you're right uh i want to transition


to that kind of work uh it's that the moment because after it will arrive at the moment a time where i will be busy and then we'll be too late and and i highly recommend this before nick was really doing even coaching with our clients i had a number of projects that i reached out to you nick like you said at the beginning there was some design that needed to be done and nick would really make sure that i was headed myself in the right direction versus maybe being in the weeds and i continue to to reach out to nick for this type of support i know that for myself most of most of my customers today are actually business owners themselves or developers and we meet two to four hours a week usually two sessions and they'll basically have a list of things that they've been working on that they've kind of been stuck and like nick said i'll either help kind of set them straight


as to the direction we can go or i'll just remote in and actually help them write a specific thing that they're stuck on yeah um so highly recommend that and you have the opportunity right now if nick is someone to be valuable yeah because i i i decided to transition i talked to the boss and stuff like that and you say hey if you do that you might stay uh you know unbusy for some times right so i said okay this is the time to do um you know with the covet and stuff like that it's a good transition time for me okay so that's why i decided to do that something you you mentioned um and i thought i'm telling that many many many times um even if i only help you to get to take the right decision now this is a huge help you know because uh when you take the right decision at the beginning of your project okay all along you will say okay


oh thanks god we we went there right because if you take wrong decision at the beginning you will have to live with those wrong decisions and to the end or redo it right rebuild the world thing so you yeah taking decision foundation design organization whatever you need that's the time okay um christian do you want to add something else uh not not at the moment if i need to interrupt you nick i'll do my very best but otherwise i'm putting you on the big screen i'm gonna monitor the questions thank you for the hellos from everyone else as well okay thank you okay so the last two days we explored so from the very beginning whether what the table of occurrence is and then we explore uh uh how the difference between spiderweb and uh in the in the other name um anchor buoy so we i hope i lay down the thing in a way a funny way and informative way that you


can understand and you can get the difference between both okay you understood uh that it's highly recommended that you get rid of the spider web um so even though i still using it you know as i said if you have a two table solution you know a first name last name and uh you know you you don't need to go to the crazy things but as soon as you have more let's say more than five tables and uh some uh complex organization or you know interaction between you have a many relationships and stuff like that you need to get rid of the spider web and go to their um to their uh muslim uh the ankle buoy so for some of you uh i want to mention that because i was thinking that yesterday for some of you that are in the in the pharmacy business for some time you could you could get confused because for years myself included we are i was and we were


all at uh you know in the pharmaceutical community we were all against the spider the ankle buoy kind of methodology why because he was getting pharmaco very slow and he was even crushing farm maker there but something happened uh between that time and now the what happened is famicom 13. in pharmacy 13 um claire mckill and the other engineer over there they completely completely revamped and rewrote their how the cash management happened in uh under the hood of farming so so and that being said they optimized their um all the their you know the relationship organization and they completely re-uh revamped how far maker is loading this okay so when it was before 13 a big issue if you had um wasn't a an anco buoy kind of a relationship map system uh it could be crushing the solution especially when people were um com complaining about the the renko buoy on go you know farmweek ago and web direct swim so


now what i'm saying that it's saying that because it doesn't matter now if you have hundred and hundred and hundred of occurrences it doesn't matter you can have as many occurrences you want um it won't affect their their the solution in fact it will help your solution more more you have better is that mean you don't need you don't have those uh you know one link to another those chain of relationship one one one one one no what you have you are one directly to this one right so you want one directly linked so you can add as many you want that's why yesterday somebody i don't remember would say that but uh if you have a relationship for example you have a table of occurrence that doesn't it doesn't that you don't need anymore you can just leave it uh leave it there right uh it doesn't matter okay so i'm going to uh i'm going to share my screen real quick here and so


yesterday so now today i'm going to pretty much okay answer questions okay and uh so if you have questions at the time i'm going to answer a question i'm going to apply to myself we're going to build uh we are going to build something using their um what's the name the anchor canon system so i'm taking this saw this uh this here i have many tables here okay i have the contact table i have the department table i have project i have plenty right so let's start so let's select all of this put that on the side and let's start from scratch with a new uh occurrence so i want to start with from account here so i'm going to call that t01 you know accounts okay so this is the the buoy the anchor of my uncle buoy system which means now i'm going there okay in layout mode right and i'm going to create a new layouts okay attached to accounts which i want i'm


going to call l 0 1 accounts okay data entry so pretty much you know i like to do this is to link the the name of the anchor or the name of the main layout that is attached to the anchor t as a table of occurrence zero one and l as layout zero one then you know you create kind of linkage between two uh the two entity so now you in the few then in the future you know that there if you are in t01 if you want the layout is l01 okay so you can this is something addition that you can use but it's not it's not it's not mandatory that you do this you can do otherwise so let's say i'm a form for with the t01 so here i have this and um okay so i want to insert uh i want the name of the you know um i want the layout name here here i want the layout name and then i want the


uh the field so i'm going here and i start i start putting fields so i want i want the the first name okay uh i don't know if i i have the name yeah because i am in the account right and i have the city i think okay yeah so i have all the cities of the city let's say i want i want things like this you know i wonder do i have the address or phone or whatever i don't have the phone okay never mind so this is what i have set is for example status okay that that that that's okay for now that's enough for now so i have those information here right and um and uh so this is what i have okay so i have this and i have all of this okay so i can go to the end uh and then you have those okay so so here i have my um information account now what i want to do i want to


connect for example all the contacts out of this account so i'm here i'm creating a new one and i go to contacts okay and i said okay this is a t01a i'm going i'm coming from accounts okay and i'm going to contact see accounts oops accounts no accounts uh i'm going to contact and i'm going to link this with the idf accounts which is the foreign key the id form of the account okay so i'm going here see i have this and i have my idf account that goes with the id account okay so now i have this okay here so let's let's see what happened now okay so now i can go here i can create a portal here with my t01 as you can see uh i have only one related table on the on on the entire solution right so i have my account here i can sort by whatever i want and so i have my contacts list and i can select whatever


whatever i want so or let's say full name phone and state for example okay so let's say i have i want this so those are my contacts okay those are my contacts okay yeah i know i can even even for demo i like to be nice so i might contact here so everybody everything okay everything good so i don't have a state okay maybe oh yeah because i uh let's put the phone and we have emails normally let's put email okay okay then i have something here so i have a name phone email so it's not my contacts so you can see my consent came here with this okay so now as you can see here uh hello always and uh as you can see here i cannot create a new you know i cannot create a new contact from here and i would like to create a new contact from here right so let me uh do this so i want to create a new contact


from here right so i'm going here and i'm saying okay not only i want the contact to be created but i want also when uh an account is deleted i want all the account all the contact of this account to be deleted as well so i'm creating from there and i delete so here now i'm going here and i'm giving this information here let's say i'm creating an ability so now i know that relationship here is creating and deleting okay so i'm going here and see now i can say i can knee i can say knee hunter and blah blah okay so now i can create an account now i'm going to to do the same thing for my projects so i'm doing here i have projects here and i say okay t02 b because the a was contact right so t02 b uh i'm coming from accounts underscore i'm going to projects okay and that will be still the id f uh accounts you know


so here i'm doing the same thing okay doing the same thing so this is the thing so i'm going account with idf account oops sorry idf account so now once again i go here and i say okay a new poll okay new poll here it's pointing to t02b accounts project see how easy it is now to to to recognize who is who is who what is what right so now you know because when now that you know what the link is it is for real okay you can use it and reuse it right because you know what what the thing is doing you know from accounts to project you know uh using the idf account as a main key as a key relationship okay so i'm doing this and i say okay i want the date and i want the title and i want the cd for example okay so here we go so i have my account i have my contacts i have pro my projects right


right so and for now so that's cool so that that that so far so it's very easy so now let's see how their ankle buoy system works okay let's say now so i have this this is one buoy let's say now i want to come okay i want to come from contacts right so now this is t02 and this is contacts oops contacts on packs okay i have another i have another another anchor okay so i'm creating a new layout and the anchor is t02 so same pattern here l02 you got it uh it's context data entry okay and it's a phone view so now i have a new anchor okay that means a new layout okay same thing here i can have the layout name and uh and i can have uh for example um so i have a last name and first name and uh where's the first first here and i have her our phone you know i can offer and i


have a do i have a full address somewhere i should have the the address address display okay uh okay though so i have this okay so this is what i want to have on my uh contact uh thing okay this is my contact so i have two layout now okay so now i want to show the accounts of this contact for example okay if this contact has oh for example let's say i want to show uh the projects of this contact okay so i'm going there okay so i'm a duplicate so you can duplicate one or you can just create a new one it's okay the same thing okay create a new one that go to project so this is 202 a okay because you restart the the the letter because you switched to two okay sorry that was a mistake here this is t01 oh t 0 1 b sorry so now i want to have the t 0 to a because it's a new entity right


so project see so you said uh t 0 2 a and that is coming from contracts those two projects right and it's the idf account that is still the key between the project right so to to link the project so i want from the account of this guy so pretty much everybody that is in the same account i want to see the you know the project of this account right so this is what i'm doing here so i have another entity now he's still going to project see but i have a different type of but they come they don't come from the same person they don't come from the same anchor and um and so they're completely different so i didn't i didn't do i didn't do this i didn't do this this is wrong because now this this this this they're all linked this is spiderweb now what i've done is this i i created my own project entity my own project table occurrence and


i'm using that one i'm not going to use that one okay normally from now from that level from this layout it's prohibited to use anything from this see this block here you only use the t0 to something if you need a link to somewhere you need to click to create to create a link for that entity you cannot go oh yeah i have one here uh let's do this no you cannot do this okay you can so let's let's see how it goes now so i'm going here my projects uh all the project of this guy and uh so i want to show uh the date the city the the date the title and the cd for example okay and this is what i have this is my projects so now i have all the projects of that contacts okay that are on the same account okay this is how it works that's why you have an account table because you have a contact from that


account you have project of that account so now you have the project that goes with the account okay so that goes with this this contact so you see what i mean so now now let's say let's say i want to do something um bigger than this yes it's cool it's cool i have this i have this list of contacts but of of project but when i click a project here i want to have the list of all the contacts in that project okay uh i mean sorry i'm here i have the projects now i want to so i have all the contacts here of this account but i want here all the contact oh we can start we can start from here that's the same i have this project i want to see all the people involving these projects beside me beside this guy i want to see all the other people or for one project for one selected project so before we do that do we


have a question here's a question before i start with this there's a couple things one i don't think you need to do this right now but one of our members was wanting to know if you were gonna and it seems like you're doing this but if you can make another table in order to manage email addresses and maybe track the changing in someone's address um the other question that you might be able to address is from oregon dean wanting to know if you make these new tables and relationships is there some way to go in and update his existing scripts yes it is uh you need some skills there um uh also you need a a good uh knowledge of your solution um the problem here uh so when you do most of the time when you when you want to switch from one design like this which is pretty much what many people see uh all day long and you want to go there there's no magic


magic wand that you can use unfortunately so most of the time hear what i'm saying to people no no you cannot reuse this and it's not it and you shouldn't you shouldn't because even though let's say i'm taking this account here i'm moving here and i'm renaming here let's say i'm using that's i will have still all those linkage to it okay so it won't help here what i'm saying to to the people asking me this question let's put you you select all and you do exactly what i've done you know you put that on the side completely okay and you rebuild a new schema on the side okay you rebuild the schema on the side but you still use the same table that means you don't lose the data you keep the data you have you keep the structure of your data you have already right and but you use those table in a different way now okay and then you build so that


mean you need to re because if you if you uh if you move to from a spider web organization to a to our or what's the name or anchor buoy organization you will have to rebuild your layouts because your layout will reflect will reflect the mess you have on the schema there's no way that you can have a clean layout if you have a mess on the schema most of the time you have a plenty of problems and you have a plenty of triggers that fix the problem of the schema for you you know when you have a let's say when you have a on an object exit or stuff like that a trigger that helps you update another fields are for you otherwise you miss the link is not done that means you have a schema issue okay so so you need when when you when you want to switch from a spider web organization to a non-kombui you need to be ready to abandon


your layout as well okay so unfortunately you have to abandon the script as well too but you will see uh if you use you will say okay oh that's insane nick i don't want to do that yeah okay so that means you're not ready to switch your solution to that kind of schema uh sometime it's not possible yesterday i show um i've show you a solution that's uh hold on let me open here uh yesterday i'll show you a solution um weather filemaker here uh okay which one okay so um the schema wasn't possible or it's not possible as is to switch to a nankobui kind of system uh it's not it's not it's not possible okay uh so here what i'm well here what you can do not possible because the cost will be uh crazy you know i mean so that's why uh you don't you don't do that you don't you don't you don't change but what you can do sorry i'm i'm loading


this okay here we go so what you can do is okay let's say you don't have this is the old mess that you have before okay it looks like a little bit and then kombu a little bit but the naming and stuff like that is not there and you have a plenty of one two three four you see this is no longer an encore buoy right so but what i've done here is everything new everything new is and kubui you know i mean so uh every so let's say from now on everything you build okay everything you build you can um uh what's the name uh you can use the ancopui dick would you be able to zoom out on the schema here a little bit so we can see the old versus the new oh yeah yeah um a little bit too much oh wow but it's this wasn't that bad by the way okay it wasn't that i have i have even worse than this


okay uh in terms of mess okay so um this is this is okay okay i have a i have more mess than that unfortunately i cannot show that because it's confidential system i cannot show that publicly but this is clean um what um so do we have another question uh yeah so like john hagerty on discord says uh it's in a hybrid yeah you can do that and little by little what you do you do the new one with the anchor buoy and little belly you say all let's rebuild this layout with anchor buoy you know one at a time one one other time you know little by little you start you you you start now and you modernize your code and and you retire all code we do that all the time actually i do that myself uh even though i have a clean solution and stuff like that my techniques of two years ago completely evolved thanks to you guys because you you push me


to innovate and come and create things so i don't do things like i was doing two years ago you know so and that is unfortunate fortunately and unfortunately this is due to the computer uh kind of our world uh people doing java that don't call java now the way they do two years ago right uh it's the same for everybody you know so it's always evolving and it's great that you hear learning new things and then you can apply those new things to from now on keeping the old style together you know in the past you can keep under you know your old style and that's it that's okay i agree yeah i hybrid that's that's great not really a construction new house uh jack jack dr drd reaper uh not rebuilding but reconstruction the new house new on the sample yeah exactly uh let's say you have a you have a campus or you have our buildings right and uh you build a new building


next to another one with a new technique you know one one was built in uh 1950 and uh now we build we don't build the same way in 1950 right that's the same thing uh okay so anything else christian where i can move on yeah i would say continue okay so now i want to show you um the how we can use um the relationship now in a way to help doing what we call the master details okay i want when i click here i want to see all the uh all the contact of this project okay so uh those are projects sorry um let me put the the the title here the other projects you know okay those are projects so i need two things first of all i need the list i need the list of the contacts okay so yeah i'm duplicating okay let me show you why i'm doing this i'm going to build the t0 to be uh from from here right


so i duplicate this so so you duplicate you have multiple what you do you click here and duplicate right or you just click you hold alt and you drag okay very easy so why i'm duplicating because let's change that to b let's send that to contacts okay and it will still still be the account uh id is not the same and but i go to contact okay but now so this is all the contacts from one project okay so now what i'm doing here i need a i need here a global selected projects so what will happen here it's a global field okay that means global so now i want to show the contacts okay so i want to show the contacts of whatever accounts uh uh what so i want to sort the contact to whatever account a project i selected okay but i don't have an id project here so uh i can't do that because i don't have the id project here


so i cannot do this sorry guys so let me uh i think i can do that with with the notes yeah let me let me recreate okay sorry is that uh i forgot that i didn't have the the the thing i need but uh here i can do i can do the uh which one is um i can do a little oops where's the um where's the layout that was using for uh the contacts which one contact here okay no not this one not this one okay here yeah okay i'm going to recreate this note system here okay so this node system here you know i want to recreate this i'm selecting here and i have the node here okay so i'm selecting this i have notes you know each node each time you create okay i'm going to recreate those system here okay so um because i can do that from the contact layout okay so let me see where how it was before it


was by id contact okay so i want to go to the notes i want all the notes of that contacts okay about all the note of that contact so i'm going here i'm saying b okay b this is context two notes okay and it's idf from okay because the notes uh it's uh it's that the name of the of the of the id of the field i'm using so in the notes okay so t0 to be from contact to notes okay so i'm doing this here and i want all the accounts uh all the contact id with from okay this is what i want all the all the contact that you wear from so that means now here i have the possibility in this layout here to create the notes can offer a portal okay so i'm going here and i have the node portal i'm going there i'm selecting the notes so see i have two occurrence here so i'm selecting the note right and


i have the note and i say okay i want the title okay okay so this is where i have all the notes so if i'm going to the last i will found notes it's this one has notes okay so i have notes here see so now that great but i want now to when i click on one i want to see the text of the notes that i selected so how you do that no you don't do this and you add a new one behind this one it's not how you do that because if you do that you get out of the anchor buoy kind of organization and you don't want to have too much on the side here what you do okay you duplicate this because you you still go to notes okay but you want to see the notes that are selected okay so here i'm going to build i'm going to build a button first sorry i'm going to build the button so i'm going to


change this as a button it's a button and i'm going to put this here i want the little icon like this and i want to so that's a trick that i'm giving you remember buttons here you can put only merge fields so how you how you get the merge fields very quickly because a merge field this is a merge field okay this is the merge field it's a text okay okay how you get a merged field very quickly you i want to this is a real field i want to transform that as a merge field you double click on the field and you revalidate it see you double click and you click ok now you go to insert merge field and automatically the dialog will land there and now you can just say ok and you have a field a merger do it again i want a merge field out of this last i click on last i'll click ok now i merge insert merge and it's


last again i want this one with t02a i want that to be a merge field i select i go merge and now it's a t02 so uh this is a real is it's a good way to get the thing very quickly uh to get a field in a merge field very quickly so now i'm co i copy this and i put that in the name of the button and i want my button to be transparent so i'm we are going to to make a kind of a session uh about uh theme and stuff like that so don't worry i'm not uh explaining what i'm doing here but uh we will have a session very very very shortly so i so for example here i want to make this inside the poll so c is too big now the button is too big and i cannot get smaller okay so what you do you use the coordinate here and you say okay let's put 12. oh it's smaller see now


it now is inside the is inside the portal i forced it to be 12. so we say okay now how you get this okay how you get this to fit perfectly so first of all that's a trick here to if you want to know the eighth of this okay you want to know the eighth of that uh space here you cannot get here because here it gives you the eight of the portal okay so you double click here you you show one row and you say 27 that one row is 27 you cancel and now look what you do you click here and you say one two three and four perfect match oops perfect match okay so i'm going that is a thing i'm going to show you that in the you know in the what's the name um you know you know next next session i'm going to show that when i do the the theme i'm going to give you plenty of tricks


like the tips like that you know and that that awesome that you know is you saw in in a matter of seconds i got my my button to to to fit the thing without touching uh anything so now i have my button here okay i can even lock it but so now my button okay so uh my button here is going to set the field okay set field and i want to set a global i have a global selected nodes right so i have a global that says selected nodes and here i'm putting the id of the note of the one that's selected under in the row so i'm going to the t02b relationship uh and this one and i say i want the id of the node okay so now now i've done that let's go back to our purpose here so now you know for the nodes the nodes it's now whatever the id from and i have another i have a two fields


now for the notes yes i still want the note from that contact okay but i only want the notes that is selected so i'm selecting here in the list the selected note and i want the id of the notes so now i have two two link two links the contact because that what we narrow down for from that contact and then i have the id of the node i want one node particular the one that i clicked on okay so now you see my name i changed it it's note idea from with the tilled kind of uh thing here and because i want to you know give myself some information i'd say this is a selected one that means this is the link that shows the note that i have selected demonstration uh oh by the way uh i forgot to change the letter so it's t02c okay so now that i have the t0 to see i can go there select my field go to


the t02c select my text right so and i have my my text here okay and when i click here i change the note correct see okay so it's not pretty but you got the point right uh select here select here select here yourself here so this is what i wanted to do and i can change this one and i can go there and go back see okay so now what i wanted to show you is the combination of the anco buoy system and the rights schema the right ui when you have the right ui right and you use the anchor buoy you have all of this with two relationship that are one directly linked you don't need this to be behind this one you know what i mean if you do this you in big do do you still you start to be slow you slow down everything when you are too behind you slow down everything when you're too behind okay so uh any any


question here uh christian no not at the moment okay so you will say now why sometime in many of my schemas uh you know i i show people that i have a second a second level okay i have a second level okay so sometimes you need something for example okay let's say in the notes you know in the note here um notes i want the name of somebody okay and i want the idf of a contact that is attached to a name okay so i want the uh what's the name yeah i'm i'm okay so here no other parentheses i can make i'm using underscores here and double underscore here this is a this is the uuid of the notes itself those are foreign those are foreign key sorry uh you missed the f here those are foreign key that mean they are receiving the key of the one that are related this is the key the main key of it so why i'm doing


this is because whatever you do whatever you do those always go on top and the first one is always this one the first is always this one because there's double that's a double underscores then one underscore and then nothing okay but all the ids i put the ids on top always and i use that that naming system okay so i want the i want the contact name okay contact name and i want and when i select the contact name i want the id contact to come okay so to make that happen uh i'm not going to explain this just showing how to use the the schema i'm not explaining how you get the the value list because i've done that two weeks ago last week you know the value list kind of recession i explained that all of this in that session about the value list okay so i refer refer to that video so now i'm going to have this you have going i'm


going to have two relationship here i want the t02 c1 which is going which is from notes to contact is that funny it's funny because i come from contact why i don't use this one yes but this one is from the id and there's two this one is selected even this one even this one i cannot select it because i can use i cannot use this one because it's from the idf from so i don't want that this is not what i want i want i'm creating now from that starting point i want to go to contact by the name okay contact name or so it will be full name under under on the under on the contacts okay so that is full name so i'm going from node to contact using full name okay so here i want the contact name to be the full name okay that's the link and i want another one that still go actually i don't need the other one


sorry i don't need only only this one so full name link to the notes okay so i have two levels here now now i want to show here a field i want to show the field here the contact name okay this is the contact name uh contact name right and this is a pop-up menu okay and i want the uh do i have contact names here i have state names new value okay let's create one i want contact name and i want all the contact name here contacts and i want the full names okay so i'm creating my own uh i'm creating my own value list here and let's put that as our drop down okay so i have my contact name here so when i select some somebody here it will be long because i have 80 000 people okay so now i have all my name here okay so let's say i want nick i want nick hunter or something like


that i don't have it okay nick and okay oh sorry i forgot to click on this to complete okay so now i want the oh i want all the nick i want nick hunter for example okay i click outside and now what happened okay so i have my name and now i want this relationship here why i needed this relationship because so far so good i don't need relationship yes but i want to use that relationship to get the notes i want the contact id when i select a name i want the id to come okay so i go there and i say we look up from the one here the t0 to be uh hold on no i'm okay so here i need to explain sorry for that remember remember i come from here and i go to here so i'm coming from the t02c which is the the notes selected is the one here the one i click here this is a this is where i'm


starting from i'm starting from the selected notes i go to contact with the full name and then thanks to this i am getting the id of their account right which is a typical kind of thing you do so i'm going to the note and i say okay i'm starting from t 0 to c this is where i'm starting from remember i told you i'm starting from t 0 to c that's why the naming is extremely important because you know where you are i want to go to c1 so i'm starting from c when you do this look what happened here so when you go you say i want to start from c and then you have c one available and here you said you want the id contact so when you put the name that matches you want the id to come okay okay so now look what happened here let's put some space some room here okay and so i select the name and this would be


the id contact okay uh no here okay here what happened so i'm selecting iron barber i have an id now i'm selecting nick under i have another id right so it works that means so what i want to explain here is what there's no incident in term of performance because i never go from here i never go there i'm going there punctually and only from this to this will be involved i will never do something from here to here yes i'm showing the information from here to here that's okay okay but then it's when i change at the moment i change the name i i want at that moment to to have the the id to change so that kind of relationship has no incidents in term of performance now now if you want to show something from here directly like let's say you want to have a portal okay that shows here so you want for example the full name you want


this it will be slow maybe not because i'm local but it's it will be slow okay it will be it won't see when you click it's not it's not responsive as it was because you are questioning too far you are questioning free level behind okay this is not good at all here as you can see at any moment at any moment i am showing the t2c1 somewhere i'm just using the t2c1 relationship to con when i change the name so i'm ch i'm using the relationship only when i am on c to c1 but i don't have from uh from the tz02 actually you see i don't even saw it so i hope you got it i know it's uh it's kind of a concept that is a little bit complicated but i hope you got it uh so it now it's time to uh for questions here so bill bilbo is wanting to know i'll let you answer this nick why are you using a look up


versus a auto enter calculation because it's perfect for what i want to do here and it would be much faster than the calculation the real lookup are made and built for that you change something you know it it right so it changed the idea so now i love it for me many reasons let's say let's say uh because you know as is let's say i'm doing this i'm doing i'm putting something that doesn't exist huh but i still have the alvarez you know i have the alvarez i put something else right it didn't change it because it doesn't exist so it should put nothing so i love it because he's doing this if you go to the lookup and you say here if no exact match then that by default do not copy i want to use nothing i just say use blank look what happened here now damn it why it's not oh sorry you need to use this uh contact id uh here and you


need to um what's the name you need to uh uncheck this okay uncheck this and check this so now when you put something that doesn't exist it blanks now i put something you have the id something that doesn't exist blanks so i love this uh also it will be faster and also it's much easier anyway both of them you need you need the you need the same uh you need the same can offer um uh you need a relationship whatever you know you need a relationship you use calculation or not but you ask me why i look up look up is because of this it's because you have much more freedom and you understand better what happened here okay uh jack yeah you need to rep yeah jack said i'm going to watch the replay yeah it's uh uh yeah so nick lacks look up yeah so uh scott can't say yeah nick's like look up yeah uh uh yes they are they are misunderstood uh


scott scott said says they are misunderstood yes it is uh because you have to look up and people get confused because of this re-look up fields okay so also um let's say um i am i have notes here um you know and uh i want to have notes you know many notes uh do i have a note um layout no i don't have it all but let's say i want to let's have a note layout um a note no no no okay i got a good one for you when you're ready nick uh yeah go ahead so um greg in youtube wants to know if you have two or more names that are the same will it show all and i'm not positive i think that he might be referring to your use of value list so if there were two nick hunters in there would you be able to see both nick hunters uh no if there's only one okay i know what you mean uh so


let me go back where i should be uh where is my oh here sorry i have so many layers so you mean if you have two uh if you have um if you have two knee counter where uh in the list in the list that's the way that i interpreted it oh okay that mean if you have in the contacts if you have two nick hunter that has two i know you don't see it both you don't see both that's why i wanted to bring it up i think that's a good one for people okay so this is where you have this okay let's play let's play a little bit we have some time we have some minutes here so let's say um i'm doing what uh you know what what you said okay uh i want to i want the list about the table you know uh contact uh contact list okay i have a table here with uh and let's show uh i have the the first i


want to see the first the lasts and the id okay one the first the first one is the id okay first last let's say um i don't see i don't know if i have two times nick hunter but let's say i have two nick under oh i have free please you know but they are they are they are the same so i i need because that is they are duplicates so let me delete this one delete this one there is this one okay so now i want another knee counter with another id so nick hunter okay and i have another one nick under okay so i have a free okay so now if i want to see those three here what i need to do okay go to the value list here and it's no longer this okay this is where this system here is is in is text it takes over i want to see this okay but i want only to see uh so sorry uh


is you show the id first the full name after that so now you will have two of them you select the id will be they are all three different and you have the full name now so when you do this you say okay okay select the id show me the full name and you sort by the second field does that mean here now here here how this works if i go there okay hold on i need to i need to find out which layout has a notes contact please contact that entry again here okay so let me let me go to that the last record here and add many notes here then i can have something to display uh okay so uh i'm going here so now here in that i have three notes okay so now if i want to see um the unique hunters okay so let's say hold on because i have a lot of kind of 80 000 contacts so it doesn't like it okay


so nick prender why it doesn't show ah i don't know i don't show on that oh i cannot do the autocomplete yeah okay so he showed it butter uh he will show it but i cannot do the autocomplete anymore uh so i need to go to nick hunter by uh uh just dragging us you know that the only way i can do that is just clicking here and go to go to nick hunter okay and oops and i uh blah blah blah blah nicole we close and i see and i see k and i see k i don't see them whatsoever that's funny anyway that's the way you do i have too many sorry i have too many uh uh uh what's the name i have too many um record here so it should show i don't know why they don't show uh show up here why why i miss them maybe you scroll to too fast oh nick enter you show me one huh yeah i


was going to comment on that i in my experience even if you have the first value as the id the it will filter out and you can only select the first one and not the second one that's funny wasn't doing that before this why is doing this that's the experience that i've always had with it yeah if we do this that's funny huh that's funny i don't know why okay never mind sorry for that i don't use that too much so uh but you know what we could maybe do nick uh this is an idea is have another session i know that we've done some value list sessions before but maybe we could dive a little bit deeper into some of the options i need to find out what's going on here why i have only unique hunter one when it shouldn't do that at all because i select three times i mean this is an issue by the way this is something i've run into with customers multiple


times i was going to sit by and see if i was wrong but i've had issues with value lists where even if an id is being said if the second value is due duplicate the value yeah now you understand why okay uh i i don't use uh at all of the values for that anymore for long periods of time that's why i'm surprised because i don't to be honest with you i don't use like for example if i need a contact like this okay here i'm going to have a captain link contacts i'm doing right quick right so contacts to contact okay and uh it's a cartesian link so i put cartesian here and i say and this is d see uh d and i say okay uh whatever we don't care we do a cartesian link here okay and i do uh sorry popover okay and paul and full name and i can even put the the state for example and uh


i want the scroll bar okay so now when i selected a full name like this right uh you have this like this and i can go uh okay they're not sorted so here i'm going here and i say okay this i want that to be sorted by name okay and uh and i said okay this is cartesian and salt then you know i'm demonstrating what i'm doing well you know when i'm uh when i do the naming of those things here so now they're sorted okay and uh so i'm going to the f i have a lot of her contacts here however something like uh doesn't like the sorting by the way um uh i'm local and it's still slow it's because i have 80 000 records that's why it doesn't like it so anyway uh that i'm doing so here you show to see there to see the the older all the what's the name all the knick hunters you know but it's super slow


i have a lot of people that's why you know anyway any other question i i don't for you nick we've got a couple where i think we can have future sessions on on a couple different little topic things i think that you've brought up before but feel free to kind of scan uh the discourse i wasn't ready for the values by the way so uh i was i was ready for that i don't you know normally i don't even further you know a list of things like that when you have a lot it's because i'm i'm i'm i'm sorting by the wrong uh uh what's the name it's not optimized at all nothing is optimized here so i'm sorry for that you know if it doesn't if you didn't do the thing if i go to see other free you know oh nick i don't think any apologies are necessary you know this is one of the uh the consequences of doing things live like yeah yeah


everyone comes here they're here see they're free that's why so he didn't like the salt on 80 000 by the way by the way sorry but i'm telling you let me show my face here okay i'm telling you the things you can do when you have two records and things you cannot do when you have 80 000 records this is a good example you can sort on 80 000 records and i got cocked by my own mistakes see even me uh but i'm saying that that'll prove that you cannot do whatever you want even me i cannot do whatever i want you know here i need to find another way to sell them to solder 80 000 records right so that that that's all all good stuff nick and i i i appreciate you going through uh through that with us that's why but i hope i i hope the the anchor buoy and the naming thinking and how to manipulate this and stuff like that and


and how you get how you you can get one or two down very punctual and you need to make sure that you never go to the third level right so um and then you have a super fast solution and you know i i've i've told uh some of my customers as well the as the engineers that i trained that you know for myself anchor bowie i very much like the alphanumeric naming and i tell i tell customers and the new engineers are like if you don't follow anchor buoy even for someone who's experienced like myself or you it can be difficult to try to see what's happening in a solution and so things that should be easy to solve suddenly become much more difficult uh one of our brand new engineers actually today is working on a solution where it is anchor buoy but they weren't using the alphanumeric and he came and he said you know christian it's a lot harder to figure out what to go


to because they don't have the the numbers and the letters next to them and it's it's a great great kind of an example of that um and the last thing i want to bring around i think this is a good example for a conversation we had at the very beginning here um i want to give an example a friend of mine is a realtor and i'm sure that for some of the people out there that's like oh no um and he's got i think he's actually quite good at what he does and he trains newer realtors now who are kind of trying to figure this out and one of the things i thought was interesting when he helped me get my house is he said that he has a trainer himself i don't think he meets with him weekly but there's another real estate agent out there that he pays for courses and i asked him why he does that since he's he's quite good in teaching people


himself and he said because i can still be better um and there's this other person who does things better than i do and i can learn from them and so i think that you know even if you met with nick for one hour of your whole life what you might get in that hour can be can be quite useful that's why i really appreciate the fact that i can call nick up for a little bit less than 150 an hour and ask him a couple questions um right i'm not charging you yet it's okay he sent some bills but i just put him in a pile but i think it really speaks to where that that value can really come in no matter where you are in your experience level having a little direct interaction with somebody who's above you on the food chain and you learn from it calvin who's who's come to many of our streams he and i actually frequently get on the phone together and we


show each other little things um i even had one of the juniors actually teach me a new trick in the script workspace today did you know if you hold the shift key and hit return it'll put a a space above the line that you're on rather than below it no so there's always a neat little trick to be had but nick as always i want to thank you for your time nick thank you again so much thank you to all of our regular subscribers and anyone new out there and until tomorrow this is a christian olson and nick hunter signing off thank you bye enough and the guys just stepped up the whole way calm cool collected the quarterback great read good patience more importantly great job up front protecting this quarterback to give you a chance and that's all you can ask for trying to rally down 10 9 25 to go here in the fourth short motion by amendola from the left brady takes the shot they'll step stands in throws it left ramadan reaches up and snaps a high throw and lands inside the tent with a knife again he makes the ground 

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