69th Flamingo Guard


  • FGNB Flamingo Guard New Blood
  • FGMR Flamingo Guard Minor
  • FGCP Flamingo Guard Captain
  • FGOF Flamingo Guard Officer
  • FGMJ Flamingo Guard Major
  • FGZL Flamingo Guard Zealot
  • FGHG Flamingo Guard Honor Guard
  • FGIQ Flamingo Guard Inquisitor
  • FGIN Flamingo Guard Inheritor


The 69th Flamingo Guard is responsible for the security in meetings, socials, recruitment, and other important clan activities. The 69th Flamingo Guard is lead by AceRenagade.


  1. Must have Mic
  2. Level 50+
  3. Must be skilled at CQB
  4. Must Have Uniform


  1. Emblem Killer Bee colored Flamingo, Pumpkin, Pepper
  2. Armor Recruit Charred/Achilles
  3. Helmet Mako Cthonic


  1. H2 Battle Rifle
  2. Magnum
  3. Shotgun
  4. Energy Sword
  5. Gravity Hammer
  6. Brute Plasma Rifles


  1. Warthog
  2. Gungoose
  3. Scorpion
  4. Insurgence