49th Sniper Division

About the 49th Sniper Division


  • FFNS Flying Flamingo Novice Sniper
  • FFRS Flying Flamingo Recon Sniper
  • FFSS Flying Flamingo Sharpshooter
  • FFGS Flying Flamingo Ghost Sniper
  • FFAS Flying Flamingo Advanced Sniper
  • FFMS Flying Flamingo Master Sniper
  • FFRL Flying Flamingo Reconnaissance Leader


The 49th Sniper Division are your scouts and snipers. If you are somebody who is good at long range combat this is the Regiment for you. The 49th Sniper Division is for people that want a semi serious clan experience. The leader is AbsoluteDwaf


  1. Level 30+
  2. Must have mic
  3. Be able to follow orders
  4. Must be good at long range combat


  1. Emblem Killer Bee colored Flamingo, Azure, Pepper
  2. Armor Colors Pepper and Flamingo
  3. Helmet Scout
  4. Armor Solder
  5. Visor Midnight


  1. DMR
  2. Sniper Rifle
  3. H5 Battle Rifle
  4. H2 Battle Rifle
  5. Tactical Magnum
  6. H1 Magnum


  1. Mongoose
  2. Warthog
  3. Pelican
  4. Phantom