Whenever you get confused, it’s often super helpful to pause and clarify your intentions. Just declare what you actually want in a sentence or two.
Express it aloud or in writing.
Then let it sink in and see how your body, mind, and feelings react to it.
DESIGN THINKING / Flipthinking Have conversations ...
Empathise, conduct interviews, know what people care about.
Define the situation, understand the problem. Know-why.
Focus on the problem-statement and focus on ideas and feedback
Reflect on what you have learned. Connect the dots. Make a prototype.
Test it with actual users. What worked? Apply it. Repeat it. Change it.
is.gd/nextbig / The article is rewritten to a summary by CoachStijn 30-1-25 525 Alkmaar,The Netherlands
Accept reality as it is.
When we flip think, we embrace reality as it is, see problems as opportunities, and don’t focus on what should-be, but on what-could-be.
Turning Problems into Opportunities
A problem is equal to a desire, a wish, an expectation that is trying to create a new reality.
Ask questions, evaluate, observe, know what you can define, use your senses, look for patterns.
Map-out guesses, assumptions or arrogance ...
Stuck-thinking examples come in all shapes and sizes.
Every problem always has two components.
Every problem is always a contradiction between facts and expectations.
What if the problem would be there with an aim, or a purpose?
Take a deep breath and ask yourself:
What if this problem is the intention?
What could I learn from it?
What could it bring me?
What could be the hidden opportunity?
Can a problem be something we desire, or something that serves our goals?
When your solution increases the problem.When solutions don’t work or make the problem worse, stop solving. Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different outcome.
Take reality as-it-is and understand your diametrically opposed expectations.
Know your own biases and errors and understand your own thinking proces.
say yes-and to life.
If you can’t fight it, embrace it and work with it.
Understand when you need to shift with flipthinking between what-should-be and what-is.
it’s our expectations that cause us to experience a fact as a problem.
Fortunately, this strategy often works. You can sometimes fix things, go to a place for asking help from specialists, or take your broken things to a place where other people can replace and fix things. But some problems can’t be solved. Life does not always bend to our will.
Trying to solve unchangeable problems makes problems worse.
Solving is good, flip thinking is often better. The default of our brain is to solve, and we tend to forget that we can choose to bend along with problems.
We can try to change reality, but we can also reframe our expectations.
Learn from the situations.
When You’re Confused, Clarify Your Intentions.
Reality may try to be polite with you, but behind the scenes, consider that your confusion is actually annoying and frustrating reality.
Thank the problems for all the experiences and insights you can learn from and find the awareness and consciousness you can grow into. See there is more to know about it.
“Problems are nothing more and nothing less than frustration that hasn’t found its shape yet.”
By asking ourselves counterintuitive questions, we challenge our brain to find new ways of thinking and seek hidden opportunities.
If you can’t fight flight and freeze ....
understand the 4th dymension and make yourself free from this negative thinking,
Use flip-thinking and embrace it and work with it.
The theory on using FlipThinking as a tool by CoachStijn is based on 3 learning steps.
Learn to think positively. Be a positive thinker. Understand what is good for you. Accept things.
Programm yourself with positive thougths and use NLP ~ Neuro Linguistic Programming to change your mind towards a more positive mindset. Use the right words and set the right intensions to get the right results.
Then understand the flip-thinking proces and accept the things you can't change, find the deeper meaning behind every problem and solve what you can change and better for good.