A Dash of Darryl

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I am a learner.  They say the best way to learn is to teach!  I have been in education for almost a decade, and I love every minute of it!  I was a happy go lucky middle school science teacher for seven years and slowly transitioned into my current role as a high school media specialist.  As an educator, I begged, borrowed, and stole the latest and greatest pedagogical strategies from the best around me (with their permission of course)! I am always yearnin' for some learnin!  One of my major goals as a media specialist is to encourage  teachers to  join forces with other content areas and to step outside of their comfort zones!

I am certified.  I am a certified kick butt ninja Ed Tech Guru compliments of Lamar University with my M.Ed in Educational Technology Leadership, I have my principal certification,  I am a certified Google for Education Trainer, and a Google for Education Innovator (NYC19)!  I am also a self-proclaimed certified Professional Development party animal!   We're bound to have a great time learning together!

I never say NO to an innovative idea!  And I truly believe, "if there's a will, there is a way!" Grit is what I try to instill in our teachers and students.  Grit through Project Based Learning, passion projects, and S.T.E.A.M. All ideas are worthy and deserve a chance, especially this one! I am one lucky guy embarking on this journey with Flippin' Good Tech and my buddy Elizabeth!   

Sit back, bookmark the site, open that Google Doc, and learn with us.  We have plenty to offer!

