Ordering Letters and Postcards

Can I pay with cash or a check instead of a credit card?

We do get this request from folks now and then, and we understand. Here's why we can't do checks and cash. 

 If this model doesn't work for you, I think there are two options for you:

In sum, online payment/reimbursement is the only way we can produce this volume of voter contacts, and volume ( = reaching as many voters as possible) is the most important thing this year.  Our model lets us collectively reach 2000 potential new voters each month. 

How do I order?

If you are new to Flip the Vote, please visit our website Home page  to find our next project, and click on the link there to sign up.  If you are already a member, you’ll get an email notice of the project and can follow that link or visit the website.

Can I order more than one packet?  

Each packet must be ordered using a different email address.  To order two packets you’ll need to sign up with two different email addresses.  

How do I know that my order went thru?

You will receive a confirmation email after you have placed your order.  If you do not receive one within 24 hours of pick up, please notify us at info@flipthevote.us.  Also, the day before the Grab and Go pickup, you'll receive a reminder email of your location and Host contact info.

Why is there a fee?

The fee is based on the cost of each mailing- stamps (the largest expense), cards, and envelopes.  For example, just the 20 first class stamps for out letter packets is $11.  Flip the Vote is a small, local group of dedicated individuals and volunteers.  We basically run at cost.  

Can I bring my completed (postcards/letters) to the next Grab and Go pick-up, or do I mail them myself?

EXCEPT when the instructions give you a specific date to mail them yourself, please bring them to our next event, or drop them at one of our Hubs. http://tinyurl.com/fliphubmap

Where are the drop off Hub locations?

Use this link to see the map: http://tinyurl.com/fliphubmap

Picking Up Packets of Letters and Postcards

Where will I pickup the (postcards/letters) I signed up for?

When you sign up, you can choose from one of three locations.   You will receive an email the day before scheduled pickup that will tell you the location you chose at the time.

I’ve ordered (postcards/letters). Can someone else pick them up for me?

Anyone you designate can pick them up, but it must be at the location you selected.

I can’t pick up my (postcards/letters). What should I do?

You may ask someone else to pick them up for you, or text the Hub Host (see contact info on email sent to you the day before pickup) to arrange another pick up time.

I forget to pick up my (postcards/letters). What should I do?

Sorry, if you didn't contact the Host  and make other arrangements ahead of time, your packet will be given to someone on our waiting list. 

Completing Letters and Postcards

How I do these letters and envelopes?

We've prepared an video that shows you exactly how to do the letters. Click on this link to watch it:

What should I write in the Why I Vote blank in the letters? 

Choose from, and edit as you wish, any of the following:

  I want my voice to be heard and voting will give it impact.
… Elections are won by small margins – all of our votes are important.
… my vote is how I tell my government what I want and need.
… voting is how we keep our democracy alive.

How do I do the postcards?

We've prepared a video that shows you exactly how to do the postcards. Click on this link to watch it:

What message do I write on the card? 

Dear (Voter Name)
Voting by mail is the easiest and safest way to make a difference in 2020.  Request your ballot today! 
Thank you!  

(Your First Name, Last Initial)

What To Do With Completed Letters and Postcards

Should I bring my completed (postcards/letters) to the next Grab and Go pick-up, or do I mail them myself?

EXCEPT when the instructions give you a specific date to mail them yourself, please bring them to our next event, or drop them at one of our Hubs. http://tinyurl.com/fliphubmap

Where are the drop off Hub locations?

Use this link to see the map: http://tinyurl.com/mapfliphubs

Talking with Voters in Maine

I'm interested in defeating Susan Collins in Maine. What is Flip the Vote doing? 

We've joined a regional effort with activists in Massachusetts and Maine to contact voters in Maine. We're doing "virtual canvassing" by calling voters and going through a scripted set of interview questions. We'll identify voters who want to support Sara Gideon, vote for Biden, and dump Collins. Then we'll phone them again to remind them to vote by mail and return the ballot, or go to the polls on election day. 

It's a targeted and effective way to communicate safely with voters. Go our our webpage Canvassing Maine and there will be links for signing up for training.   You can email any 'virtual canvassing' to:


Flip the Vote
Mailing List

I don’t always get the Flip the Vote notices. Am I still on your mailing list?  

If you have an email address such as “@msn.com” or “@aol.com”,  a business email address or other private server hosted address, our messages may be going to your spam folder.  Perhaps they are not even getting thru to your email.  It will help guarantee our messages get to you if you add us to your Contacts/Address Book.  Or, contact your email service / business mail administrator.


Contact us if you have other questions not addressed here: 
