Who We Are

Flip the Vote Champlain Valley is a coalition of Democrats, Progressives, and Independents from the Champlain Valley of VT working together to support candidates for Congress and state house races in battleground states. We organized after the 2017 Women's March, and have worked on campaigns ever since.

We are affiliated regionally with Swing Blue Alliance of Greater Boston and nationally with Indivisible, Sister District, Vote Forward, and other resistance groups in the nation focused elections around the country. Our goals are:

Our members write postcards and letters, and phone and send texts to voters with information on registering to vote, encouraging voting by mail, reminding folks why voting is important, and providing information about specific candidates who deserve their votes.

We started by meeting bi-weekly to do our writing, but during COVID we developed a "remote operations" model of safely distributing packets of postcards and letters to pre-registered members for them to complete at home. Our members text and phone from home also.  In 2024 we will do a combination of Write-at-Home and group writing “Pizza and Postcarding” parties.

Together our members have written tens of thousands of postcards and letters connecting with voters in swing states. In 2022, our members donated over $25,000 to the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State, helping win elections to protect voting rights in AZ, CO, MI, and WI.  Among our projects in 2023, wrote to Native voters in AZ to help organize voter registration on Native lands, and to voters in WI to encourage voting in the Supreme Court election, which resulted in a shift in the balance of that court to protect voting and reproductive rights. We wrote to voters in OH to do the same for their special Constitutional election in August, and we wrote thousands of “get out the vote” cards to voters for the November elections.

In 2024 we've again helped the Northern AZ Native Democrats register voters, have written to parents of high school seniors in PA to get them registered, and to voters in GA and AZ to remind them that reproductive rights are on the ballot in every election this year, encouraging them to vote for Democrats.

We have chosen to work on elections outside of Vermont --- there are plenty of other Vermont organizations any of us can work with in-state, and we don’t want to duplicate or detract from their important efforts.

Postcarding may seem like a small thing, but we are a vital part of a national cadre of millions of people like us, who are doing what we can to reinforce the activists on the front-line making Democracy strong in swing states. To join us, sign up HERE to receiving notices of our campaigns and events.