What Is Naviance?

Naviance is an online platform where students can explore career interests and colleges. The College and Career Center in collaboration with the English Department assigns 9th-11th grade students various tasks to guide them through the post-secondary planning process. In 12th grade, students use the platform to inform the College and Career Center of colleges they applied to and requests required documents for applications. 

How Do I Log-In?

We have created a Naviance account for all students.

The pdf and video provide instructions on how to log-in

*If you are having trouble with your account, please email the College & Career Center at: flhscollegeandcareer@gmail.com

Naviance Log-In Instructions.pdf

12th Grade Tasks

11th Grade Tasks

Watch this vide for an overview of how to submit 11th grade tasks on Naviance.

The following 3 tasks are required to receive a letter of recommendation:

Note: If time permits, your English teacher will have you complete the Common App Activity list assignment, but this is not required for letters of recommendation.

10th Grade Tasks

9th Grade Tasks