
The first stage of our project was a comprehensive context analysis, aimed at understanding how flexible learning could support all students, regardless of whether they were campus-based, online or apprenticeship students.

We are excited to announce that the results of this study are now housed in a digital exhibition of flexible learning. This innovative exhibition provides visual examples of good practice, showcasing how flexible learning can benefit all students. Staff and students from various disciplines, modes and levels of study were actively engaged in this project, making it a truly collaborative effort.

The exhibition itself depicts a variety of examples of flexible contact with staff, private study, and remote access to the institution's support facilities. It also highlights how flexible learning can be applied in work-based scenarios.

This project website is dedicated to promoting innovative and effective flexible learning strategies. The project was informed by the QAA 'Questions to inform a toolkit for enhancing quality in a digital environment'.

As part of our commitment to quality assurance and strategic alignment, We are pleased to announce that the results of this study have informed the development of our second resource, a 5 hours MOOC . This MOOC is specifically designed to answer curriculum design questions posed by the QAA (Quality Assurance Agency) regarding enhancing quality in a digital environment.

The MOOC offers a range of self-paced learning content and design-enhancing activities that are sure to inspire and inform. It also includes recommendations and an initial evidence-based guide of further reading, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of how to enhance quality in a digital environment.

This project website is dedicated to providing innovative resources that empower educators and learners alike.