District Opening and Hybrid Flex Day

August 16 - 17, 2021

Two Days of Collaboration and Learning

District Opening Day | Monday August 16, 2021 | 9:00 - 4:15

Hybrid Flex Day (Skyline College) | Tuesday August 17, 2021 | 8:30 - 3:30

Full schedules with registration and zoom links are on the Opening Day Schedule page and Hybrid Flex Day Schedule page.

District Opening 8/16

9:00 - 4:15 A.M.

Hybrid Flex Day 8/17

8:30 - 3:30 P.M.

How to Register

All registration is taking place in the Vision Resource Center (VRC). You will find all of the links you need to register in the District Opening Day page and the Skyline Hybrid Flex Day page. Click below for detailed instructions.

Detailed Registration Instructions

District Opening Day

If you are attending the entire District Opening Day, RSVP for the Chancellor's Opening then select ONE session for the Late Morning Sessions, and ONE for the Early Afternoon Sessions, a total of 3 registrations in the VRC.

Hybrid Flex Day (Skyline College)

If you are attending the entire Hybrid Flex Day, RSVP for the President's Welcome then select ONE session for the Afternoon Workshops, a total of 2 registrations in the VRC. Please register to get credit, even if you are planning on going in person to the morning sessions.

Registration Details:

  1. Register for the Opening Session(s)

  2. Review the list of workshops and select ONE workshop for each time block as desired.

  3. When you have decided on your workshop(s) (1 per block), click the "Register" button next to each workshop you plan to attend.

  4. When you click on the "Register" button, you will be directed to the VRC (you may have to sign on to the SMCCD portal - use the same login as your email).

  5. Once you are in the VRC, it will open the workshop you selected. Choose the red "Request" button.

  6. After you register for each workshop, you should receive a confirmation email from the Vision Resource Center with an Outlook invitation for that time. If you don't see the confirmation in your inbox, check your Junk folder.

  7. If you change your mind and want to select a different workshop, that's totally fine. Just go to your Transcript in the VRC and, next to the workshop you no longer wish to attend, just select "Withdraw."

  8. During the events,, you can find your Zoom links here on the District Opening Day Schedule and the Hybrid Flex Day Schedule.

Never used the Vision Resource Center (VRC)? Here are some detailed instructions.

Great! Let me see the schedules for Opening Day and the Hybrid Flex Day.

We look forward to seeing you there!